I understand that many here are not in favor of soy, as well as I, but I have begun questioning this belief...

I understand that many here are not in favor of soy, as well as I, but I have begun questioning this belief. I'm never going to drink soy myself, but surely, after such studies that have heavy evidence in support of soy causing NO difference in test, why do we keep saying that it does? Most studies support this conclusion, and the usual studies against it are outdated, or performed on animals and not humans as most studies show in support that soy does nothing to T.

I'm all for the red pill, but the red pill supports facts, and the truth. While studies do not establish "fact", they give an idea of what to look towards. As it stands, the studies show against what Sup Forums would consider the "red pill" on soy.

Here is the study in question, a meta-analysis of over 30 different studies all in support that soy does not lower T:

Of course, I'm not going to drink soy anytime soon. It sounds disgusting to the taste and I have no reason to drink it. But I will not sit idly by and take in stuff that says that "soy reduces T" when clinical scientific studies are heavily against it.

It's just a meme, retard. Cucks tend to like soy because it's a trendy and progressive and whatever thing among these faggots, similar how most vegans are left leaning cucks, that's it.

I understand that it is a meme, but many anons actually believe that soy effects your hormones.



My deal is that I don't eat tofu or edamame. But I will never stop using dukes mayonnaise or dipping my wings in ranch and I will never abandon a proper aioli.
Mayonnaise is a culinary staple and I don't give a shit if it's full of soybean oil.

I eat my wife’s cunt every night
Can literally smell the estrogen
That’s why I inject testosterone cum inside of it
So I can make her pussy manly

I read it does increase estrogen but it’s not that simple, there are two types, estraridol which makes you into a woman/faggot, and normal which basically just regulates vital functions and it’s the second it affects.

may you Rest in Soy

Like anything soy is good for you in moderation. Just like how food and alcohol is fine in moderation.

can someone please murder this guy already?

>Fucking something manly

>implying we can reach his powerlevel

Did you check your carbon dioxide levels in your home? Me thinks thats not how it works.


I‘m a 34yo guy and i have no problem with soy. If its healthy why not.

It's just a meme you triggered concern-trolling cuck. Soy isn't bad for you if it's been fermented first to get the xenoestrogens out of it. So like Tempeh, miso and soya sauce. Don't know what else

Soy is consumed by cucks, numales and leftists. I don’t want to ven associated with those crowds

The studies are done in Asia where it is consumes after fermentation. This kills the estrogen effects. Derp.

Why does everyone with your flag justify some form of poison?

>after such studies that have heavy evidence in support of soy causing NO difference in test, why do we keep saying that it does?
Because it's funny, it annoys people and you're on Sup Forums.

I don't know that cuck in your pic. But I have the urge to beat the ever loving fuck out of his ass.

lolwut soy is not a meme, but sola dosis facit venenum (the dose makes the poison)
Go easy on the soy, seriously
