Why don't Americans think they have a duty to take care of people seeking a better life for themselves?

Why don't Americans think they have a duty to take care of people seeking a better life for themselves?

...because they don't have to.

Why don't you think you have a duty to suck my cock?

get fucked limp-wristed cuck

why is "Americans" a group, but "people" are just people, aren't Americans people too? what are these people are they also not a group or is it a sleuth of individuals that just happen to have come into existence out of nowhere?

Who’s taking care of them? I don’t see any of them panhandling or begging for money.

Fuck off

Fuck off kike.

Why don't you euro-fags take care of them?

Because fuck off, we're full.

I dont. I'm american. I would prefer we helped no one and didn't give a fuck about any shithole nigger country.

Because they're seeking a life of free handouts, which is better for them, but in no way is better for mankind

Dirty jews.

Americans used to think it was their duty to help the less fortunate. But then their Christianity was chased down. Now they think they are helping the less fortunate by sending them a bit of money and driving their Prius or walking up 1 flight of stairs once a week (and not taking the elevator, thereby saving the electricity that would be used so they save the carbon from the coal that would have been burnt to make that power--- yeah, the average American is that big ofa dumb shit).

go back to mexico

You have to go back

Because we a) aren't their parents, b) are not under contract to do so and c) because if we did, they wouldnt learn to do it for themselves.

>illegal immigrants are the worst of the worst that can neither thrive in their home nation nor qualify for legal immigration
>legal immigrants are the best of their best and would be the people that would lead the charge to Make Their Own Nation Great Again, but they leave their shithole ASAP, leaving it to rot
Shithole nation to developed nation illegal immigration is bad for the developed nation
Shithole nation to developed nation legal immigration is bad for the shithole nation

Why should any country let in 3rd world superstitious people who are not capable in thier own countrys come and ruin what our people built?

Its obvious the white working class are going to have to pay for them while they plot and kill and rape and hate us... .AT THIS POINT we should sit the down and refuse to work, let it fall so we can rebuild it.with laws set in stone for our own benefit and not others..Outside is madness,, the others made it so.. Inside is a quiet determination to not be like THEM.

Because they are not americans. Our duty is to family and countrymen

U can not make better people out of them by saving them from the poor decisions making that ruined their own country, because if they don't suffer the consequences of their own decisions then they will never learn and will continue to make those same bad life an government choices that ruined their country here in America, and destroying your way of life. I am a legal American mexican and I legally fled my country for those same reason, because my people are to stupid, and much like the nigger, mexicans also blame Americans for all of their failures.

Vlad the Impaler knew what to do with illegal alien invaders. Deus Vult!

Because we don't.

We're seeking a better life for ourselves by not paying for unskilled law-breakers to do nothing but make our country worse.

American mexican here, legally emigrated to the states and I could not agree more with you.

Let me field this one for you faggot. The United States is a sovereign state and responsible to its own citizens. We have no obligation to help anyone other than Americans just because these people are nominally human. Them sharing my species is irrelevant. Now fuck off you SJW cuck. It's time for these scum to leave.