Do you still remember Sup Forums?

Do you still remember Sup Forums?

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Nice TTGL Reference

Time to sleep, Kamina.

Sad part is I can guess about 10% of people who watched TTGL even realized this was a reference at all.

Hey Joe, I remember Joe.

How could I ever forget Joe?

fuck you 2, really fuck you.

People always say do you remember joe but I imagine that most people watched the TV series which didn't even have that song in it. Weird.

Yes, we do.

never watched the series

Is this a Joejoe reference?

Probably from some old anime like Rose of Versailles or Space Adventure Cobra, can't really tell tho.

some of us remember



But Joe didn't die

[citation fucking needed]

He didn't fall to the ground, no one said "he's dead, Jim", no funeral. Stop being autistic

>Hurr Durr don't be autistic
No need to be an asshat.
Fine. It's apparently up for debate, I suppose, seeing as the author is a cheeky fuck and basically said "I don't know". But his actions before the scene seem to suggest he may be dead. It's up to the fans now, seeing as the mangaka's dead now, and hasn't left any word that would end the debate.

>Joe's defeat
>slumping in the chair, facing toward the left
>facing into the future, in spite of the manga reaching its conclusion
>burning into dust yet still leaving something behind
I saw the original last page at an exhibit in Ginza a few years back, and I nearly cried from emotional faggotry. Powerful stuff.

How come in the episodes I downloaded, the final song that plays over that scene isn't "Joe, I remember"? Did you fags lie to me?

>No need to be an asshat
True. I take it back senpai

Can you clarify where that song even plays? Because from my understanding, the movies don't cover that section either. I recently got the tv series and found out that what you said is true, that this song doesn't even play in the that either. So where does it play? Why do anons circle jerk over it like they've all experienced it? Are they all pretending?
at around 3:00

Yeah, I've seen this video, and I asssume that's what ever user has seen and is referencing. But where is that video from? It's not the TV series, I have that on my computer. And I looked up information on the movies, and they don't seem to cover the ending arc, so It doesn't seem to be from them either. My only theory is that there was a change in song on a rebroadcast or rerelease.
still feels like "fans" who spread this phrase are only outing themselves as not having watched it


It's from the movie, not the tv show. The tv show ends with "Midnight Blues" or something like that.

It's from the compilation movie.

Google says it's from the second movie

You guys won't let me forget, how can I not remember Joe

I mean, I believe you if you've seen it, but the dates are weird:
>Second series
>1980-10-13 to 1981-08-31
>Second film
That means the compilation would have come out first, which is odd.

I never forgot.