/REDSTICK/ general SALT edition

This is a real life operation from 2015 that we are BRINGING BACK now that it has had some success (see SALT images below)

Here's how it works:

>1.Load up cheap USBs with easily digestible "hate facts" and leave them in public places. (mega.nz/#!1jImmAhC!3ERhAJ6R-ZMwVhejWd2TP2FvArrmxFj5-GEDN3Cv2GY)

>2.Normies can't help themselves and plug them in (45-98% success rate according to zakird.com/papers/usb.pdf)

>3.Normies eat the pills or reeeeee and spread them.

Other urls found in this thread:


in case you missed the link to the redstick.zip:




more salt.

there is a giant 8ch thread going right now, i'll drop some tidbits from there too

kek this is genius

extra salty salt from the reddit thread.

here's what the front page looks like. i've already fixed the "plane" typo

pills are sorted into 5 categories


thanks for the bump. here is the start of the LGBTQ page

you forgot the jew pill?


>Wanting to 'red pill' anyone stupid enough to load an unknown USB drive into their machines.

They're a lost cause, serkku.

i think it's too much power level for an entry level redpill, but we have some people who want to add a JQ section. i think it should only be hinted.

>to return it

some of /ourguys/ had the idea to leave the USB sticks near public computers like at the library or university, computers normies wouldn't care about.

also, the success rate on USBs is very high, as high as 98% when left in the right areas. Normies can't into computer security

I'm on mobile so can't look at the zip. what's inside it?

Also came here to plug libraryofhate.com

Jews are the only people who type on all caps, faggot.

>giving niggers free USBs

Bro they'll just delete the hateful stuff and use the flash drives for themselves

besides who would just open up a random flash drive they found? it could have CP on it, normies won't do that

third jews will scatter to collect them, not for the facts but because they'll just repackaged and sell the USBs


it's just a tiny website, i've posted a good deal of it already. Everything is very well sourced.

digging for sweet nudes*

Use one of these to launch them into inaccessible places

>plane sight

Surprisingly enough, just about everyone who isn't knowledgable about computer security i.e. 95% of people. Success rates seem to be higher around schools because every guy who finds one hopes there will be tits on them.

Also, fucking checked

bottom of the immigration page

>Bro they'll just delete the hateful stuff and use the flash drives for themselves

that's the idea. but the seed will be planted.

the USBs are the cheapest ones you can find, so they won't be super useful anyway but they can keep the free gift.

That made me lol too

Color of Crime is not a good source for normies you mong. How about using the sources CoC relies on.

Crime page.

gender page. this one contains a really important case study, and the topic is very relevant for the university target demographic

You could have J with "coming soon" as the name so that if they are curious, they might end up trying to find the source and stumble upon it themselves

unlike /mbmc/ and /iotbw/ - we are not coordinating a specific date, feel free to start dropping redsticks today if you some free SD or USB drives to contribute to the cause.

>they can keep the free gift.
So, go out and buy a batch of 100-120 drives so you can give them the gift

And this goes without saying but don't mention that it is to do with the JQ, instead just have them guessing. Maybe leave a bit of something to hint them towards it being to do with redstick.

good discussion so far austists

more redstick art

quick rundown on the 8ch thread if anyone is interested in helping further the stick:

>Quick summary:

Distribution of RedStick: essentially a redpill primer. Not hard redpills, just enough to get people thinking.

>Method of distribution:

CD: dirt cheap, can be hidden in books, given away at music venues as "free music", people may not be as afraid to put it in their computer as random usb drives.

USB: more pricey ($1.50ish each), easy to leave on campus.

PirateBox: a 10,000 miliamp hour battery will last at least 18 hours. Portable. total cost around $50. Use on subways, airports, sporting events, any large gathering. Impossible to get caught if you keep it on your person.

>Thing that need to get done:

Better sourced info on redstick. There were a few items that did not have good sources. More redpills would be good. Add category for "hate crimes".

There has been talk about a holocaust section, no consensus yet. If it is included my opinion is to focus on why we cant question it, not on questioning it.

Just put a virus in them in case they wanna use the flashdrive for free

Support from ur allies.

terrible idea. nobody do this shit. clearly this is a shill idea.

>virus gets detected
>they immediately refuse to open anything on the stick
Bravo user, what a genius idea.


You guys REALLY need to get fucking lives lol

I just uploaded my personal redpill folder i have created over the years. Everything on Sup Forums that helped redpill me is in that archive. Feel free to use it.


a few guys in the salt thread are already breaking the conditioning reddit.com/r/IndianaUniversity/comments/7rkpvu/stay_away_from_these_usb_drives_warning/?sort=new

if any of you wants to dive deep, there is an ENTIRE 8ch board for this project: /redstick/

this is also the project /irlposting/ is doing at the moment, now that /mbmc/ is wrapping up.

Literally the most important thing any of us can do is spread the value of white identity.

Time is running out

check 'em

Tick tock shareblue shill tick tock

BONUS SALT: heavily annotated IMGUR album of all the redditor's pictures


I think this would be more effective if instead of being just 10 MB of data (mostly images I'm guessing) it was augmented with gigabytes of supplementary info: books, papers, etc. would make the drives more expensive though obv

Memes are nice but they aren't very productive if only you can get the message

comments from the imgur album ( imgur.com/gallery/gvT3B )

I included another folder in the archive with more detailed messages, not just memes.

Deadly assault weapon banned in california.


keeps getting stuck at 19%

>one half calling him an idiot for assuming it is fake simply because he disagrees with it
>the other half calling him a retard for falling for the oldest trick in the book for distributing viruses

Seems to be fine. Thank you. Also, your digits appear to be a hate fact.


I know plenty of people in college would try to be good citizens and load up the USB drive to see if there's a "If Found Please Return To..." txt file on it. Many college professors encourage you to do this on your drives. Want to create even more havoc? Do this at a high school. 99% of the people there would stick the USB in a computer.

>Many college professors encourage you to do this on your drives.
If professors in computer science also do that then all hope is lost

To create even more havoc nondescriptly set the metadata somewhere on the drive to suggest that the owner actually is a well known campus leftist.

we have 2 people already who have said they are doing this at high schools.

schools are not the only places to drop these! Here are a few ideas for alternate groups to target with the pill

a great one to add: laundromats

I'm out of college so I don't have much access to a campus anymore but I could do this at liberal hipster hotspot coffee shops and bars.

Oh great, the fucking retard LEAF is back at it again trying to order Sup Forums around. Your MBMC campaign was a failure, now you are trying to convince us to buy and waste a bunch of USB sticks that can be traced back to us? Fuck off you leaf faggot.

different leaf actually, and the MBMC campaign was by all measures a success. Nice shilling though faggot.

This is all fine and good, but what fucking retard is going to plug in a random USB drive into their computer?

fuckin tons of people, according to science: zakird.com/papers/usb.pdf

also one idea was to leave them by public computers so normies can plug them into there to keep their personal computers "safe"

normies cant into INFOSEC anyway

Fair enough, carry on lad.

Very professional and slick presentation, I love it. But

>mfw plane site

Fix that shit jesus.

did she mean to say ostracize instead of "ostrich"? like holy fuck this is a uni student

no, you're the same autistic loser leaf that made those threads. Not a single national news story and the majority of those are from blogs or twitter posts. It was an utter failure.

holy shit praise kek for that get

found the jew



>tell no one
that's a mistake i think? We want them to tell people.

just to encourage them to be safe? It's pulling teeth to get anyone to read stuff like this with an oopen mind. A preample's main focus should be gettign the person ocmfortable enough to actually read.

Play up more how you're not a criminal or a bad person for reading this stuff.

Actually it would be funnier to load them with a bunch of cuck/sissy feminizer videos.

bump. But the stick needs to contain way more info. Like JQ, crime rate of immigrants,adolf hitler, etc.

"Hate Facts"

this is possibly the worst branding I've ever seen. kiss of death for the contents.

you fucking retards, don't brand something with a name that will make people dislike it before they even see it.


Good point user. How would you reword that?

and why bother making it look proffesional. It will just come across as a planted usb. It would just be better with a folder called "open if found" and a bunch of redpills in there

great work on the design tho. It definitly looks proffesional

>leaving facts on a USB drive is a "hate crime"

Don't call it Jewish. Call it Israel. Target audience probably already is anti-Israel so just use that as a lead in...

>Yet police to hesitate longer

This is a hilarious idea.

OP you stupid nigger

where is the pedogate redpill? that is the one thing that will piss everyone off mroe than anything knowing the worlds most powerful are fucking satanic pedokikes

Bumping with a redpill about negroes

>hidden from plane site
hidden from plain sight
>either a web traffic is being monitored or a censorship mechanism...
either web traffic is being monitored or a censorship mechanism...

I fucking love you guys

I hate to just shit on this and run because it's a great idea. But it feels unfinished. You'd expect THE CACHE to contain more than two points about any given thing. It'd be wise also have some people "red teaming" these things to not waste limited attention on points that can be trivially countered with shitlib ideology. 19x more likely to be in a gang? Poverty, lack of opportunities, dey needs more gibs. Out of wedlock children? Millennials don't give a shit frankly, pure boomer talking point. Gays have HIV? Literally everyone knows this, they have broadway shows about it.
No race category at all. Literally nothing about heritability, racial differences in IQ and other psychometric variables. "Hate facts" should be facts that make you look upon the multicultural project and despair that you ever supported such a stupid thing. As it is, it's leaf tier.

>truth bombs
>eye openers
>uncomfortable truths
>red pills
>uncensored facts

Yes, call it something like "Forbidden Facts" or "Scary Facts" or "Eye opening truths". Something totally click bait like.

No, no, no. Use Bernie language. "facts the corporations don't want you to know.."

Remember, you have an entire USB stick and they probably don't even come with less than 256 MB of flash anymore. And anonymous actors generally don't need to respect copyright. You can throw Metokur's entire POZitivity video on there if you want to fucking gross people out.