Why do russians enjoy living in poverty?, is it because of their politicians?

Why do russians enjoy living in poverty?, is it because of their politicians?

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Why do shills from Isreal like you keep posting crap around here?

Putinbots actually believe Russia is anti-israel



vodka was not even invented by russia

What is the point you're trying to prove with this picture? Do you want Putin to bring a mobile gas-van next time he meets an israeli official?

God, some of you shills are so fucking braindead it's a wonder you know how to even post here.


that russia bans holocaust deniers and arrests far right teenagers like you


shut the fuck up mexico, you're no one to talk

If you defend it so much why dont you move there

Why would a mexican care about russians being poor?
Shouldn't you like care more about your own shithole?

slavish mentality. people think that they will be saved by the tsar, but in fact they are simply robbed again.

Same thing could be said about Mexico.

>Shouldn't you like care more about your own shithole
I do
Are you trying to say that russians can't rule themselves

They don’t enjoy it but when the mafia state kleptocrats plunder your national wealth there’s little to no options.

Russia should be ruled by Germany. I'm Russian and I'm making big money in Germany because here thinks just werk

You have to stay in Mexico btw.

And yeah, it's not about some putin. If you actually learned some history, you would know that jews hate russian people. Slavs in general actually. They are partly the reason why is Russia so shit today.
Or are you going to deny that kike bolshevik/soviet atrocities? Or that jewish oligarchy are sucking the modern Russia dry? And putin is an accomplice.

Same thing could be said about mexico.


Russians patriots won't accept that

Russians don't care about money. During the tsarist times, they were too stupid to care. During soviet times, complaining meant the state makes you go away.
In modern Russia (and in Russian diaspora in eastern europe/central asia), russians either hasnt learned how money works or they don't care.
My former gf was Russian. She told a story about how during the late 90s or early 2000s, her familys one-room apartment was robbed and they lost everything. What did they decide to do? The very same night they go to the fanciest restaurant, eat and drink like crazy.

You know nothing Vitaly

>The very same night they go to the fanciest restaurant, eat and drink like crazy.
But they are not like the rotten west!!!!!

Why do Mexicans enjoy living in poverty?, is it because of their politicians?

The rus was ruled by swedish princes
The romanov were germans (von Oldenburg)
Ussr was ruled by jews
And putin is finno-ugric.
The fact is, Russia was never ruled by russians.

Because Russia is not a welfare state, which is not a bad thing.

There are 43 mln of pensioners (retirees) in Russia. Apparently, pensions are small. Your pic have old people on it, which is true. If you are lonely pensioner - you are screwed.

If you are not contributing member of society - you are fucked in Russia and poverty is your destiny.

If you worth a damn, it's easy to live well in Russia.

Nothing wrong with not having gibs.

Russians don't have a political tradition, if you just think about it, it's just a 25 yr old republic with heavy dysfunctional institutions. Russians have to develop a political background if they want to get something that resembles a democracy. But maybe they just don't care.

>Are you trying to say that russians can't rule themselves
Yes. All institutions of power are permeated with corruption. Huge bureaucracy, reluctance to make long-term projects. People try to snatch something more quickly, without thinking about the future. Therefore, the country sells natural resources, not products from them. Complete opaty and hopelessness. Because of small salaries, a large number of drug addicts and alcoholics. I do not understand why the anons in Sup Forums idolize Russia and putin is a garbage dump and no more.

How do you feel when you see right wing teenagers praising Russia for being a paradise for white people

Why be ruled by krauts when it can be a symbiosis like in tsarist Russia where government officials and people of arts and crafts were mostly German in capitals and had schools and universities to teach Russian apprentices. To be fair Germany only thrives and flourishes because of its industrial sector which was built long time ago, devastated during WWII and then rebuilt with American gibs.

weird how all these russians on different proxies are jumping to russia's defense


Your point Pedro?

So maybe it's not Putins fault but the people's? It's not like putin calls a newely appointed chairman or any other official and instructs them on how quick and how much they should steal. And oh btw Russia is not the only country where government officials steal and send the money to offshores. China and US are the leaders. Who would have thought, heh?

Russians always talk about how rotten the western countries are, when Russia has drunktards and HIV

Its because russia is a depressing shithole. once you get them out of russia they become a productive citizens.

"Two Decades On, Wave of Russian Immigration to Israel Is an Outstanding Success"

>do not understand why the anons in Sup Forums idolize Russia and putin is a garbage dump and no more.
I think they just do not understand what they're talking about. Especially when people from successful countries like America, Canada or wealthy countries of Europe do it. These people have all the roads open, just need to show diligence. In Russia, social elevators do not work at all. If you do not have acquaintances or relatives, you will never rise up the career ladder. Of course there are exceptions, but these are rather isolated cases.

In what way is Israel not depressing?

In what way isreal is depressing?

The reason must be that they watch too much RT

>In Russia, social elevators do not work at all.
This is bullshit and only lazy fucks think so.

Living in relative poverty was a standard before industrial era, that followed the WW1 and after WW1 Russia was occupied by colonial anglo forces. It is a fucking banana republic with full blown apartheid.


>russians can't rule themselves
'Our land is great and rich, but there’s no order in it'


> norman theory is made up and popularized by algno administration
> no direct river from normans to the south
Drag your ship from here, fag.


Fucking Lol. Best Advertising for mcdonalds.

Propaganda is very strong. Firstly, 90% of the media belongs to the state directly or indirectly through loyal businessmen / oligarchs. Secondly, every evening on these channels I launch political talk shows, where they talk about the problems of Europe, its neighbors, the United States and the world, but not Russia. about Russia in general always remain silent. Yesterday we shot down our next plane in Syria, and that's all about it.In the media do not raise the topic of drug addiction, alcoholism, child pornography, children's gangs (AУE), low salaries and so on. All about how badly abroad and how Putin once again did something (played hockey, swept an airplane, laid flowers at the monument). And so every day. The brain burner is at full capacity.

>It is fair to say that Russia has struggled to define itself throughout its history, but the 19th century in particular saw a slew of attempts to define what Russia was and could be. Ever since Peter I’s reign the Russian people had been split between those in favor of Westernization and those who wished to return to pre-Petrine customs. As the 18th century dawned, Slavophilia was gaining support, in spite of (or in response to) the progressive reforms of rulers such as Catherine II and Alexander I
>Many Russians feared the pollutive effects of Industrialization that they saw in the West and wished to retain a Russian identity apart from the rest of Europe. Inspired by such sentiments and in an attempt to strengthen Russia as a world power, Emperor Nicholas I instituted (by way of his minister of education Count Uvarov) the policy of “Official Nationality.” The policy comprised three components - Orthodoxy, autocracy, and nationality - and in short it emphasized the uniqueness of Russia

Or America too. If you didn't have the electoral college you'd be run by Hillary just because people wanted a woman in charge

How can the evil degenerated americans even compete

Alcoholism and not caring. Some people reach a point where they truly don't give a fuck about anything, even suffering. That is what you are seeing. Not sadness.

>children's gangs (AУE)
? B Bикипeдии нeт cтaтьи c тaким нaзвaниeм.

Also the far-right glorification of Russia will be their downfall, it's like the cosmopolitan view towards the west that swoops eastern europe at first, at least Baltics for sure, West is brilliant, so is USA, ignoring any drawbacks. Not being conscious of both sides is a massive fault

Also I am able to answer any questions about Latvia

remember who won the cold war bitches

Havent you got a wall to scale?

Putinbots """"jokes""" everyone



switch to Russian, there is more information
>Also I am able to answer any questions about Latvia
I have friends who emigrated from Daugavpils and Liepaja in Ireland. I know them for about fifteen years, all in unison say what shit is like in Russia. Only with gypsies and non-citizens.

They would rather live in poverty than let any of their fellow Russians escape it.

> starts with state of russophobes owning media
> repeats all the bullshit from the media

>Implying there aren't no poor people in the USA
what are hobos? welfare niggas?


>Also I am able to answer any questions about Latvia
I bet that would all be buttmad retarded screeching about how Russians are guilty of your grandfather achievements.

Detroit a city of niggers, looks much better and cleaner than 90% of Russia

>"...Oн быcтpo cбeжaл, a aвтo и пoлицeйcких oкpyжили вoceмь пoдpocткoв. Oни пopeзaли ceбe вeны нa pyкaх cтeклaми и зaбpызгaли кpoвью мaшинy ГИБДД"

>B Кaзaни, в paйoнe Юдинa, пo yтвepждeнию «Hoвoй гaзeты», 16-лeтниe члeны AУE вмecтe c coвepшeннoлeтними yгoлoвникaми тpeбoвaли дeньги c oднoгo пapня. Oн пpишёл нa вcтpeчy c ними вмecтe co cвoим oтцoм, бaндиты yбили и eгo, и oтцa, взяли y них ключи oт квapтиpы, зaшли в этy квapтиpy, yбили в нeй мaть, пocлe чeгo oбoкpaли квapтиpy. Пoзжe cлeдcтвиe cвязaлo этy бaндy c двyмя пpeдыдyщими yбийcтвaми тaкcиcтoв в гopoдe

>B Бypятии бaндиты зa кpaжy бaнaнa пocaдили в мeшoк мaльчикa, нa нoчь oтнecли в лec, пoтoм пpинecли, пepeoдeли в жeнcкyю oдeждy и избили. Пo cooбщeниям мecтных CMИ, дeвoчкaм, кoтopыe зaщищaли дpyгoгo мaльчикa, нaливaли гopячий cyп в pyки и зacтaвляли ecть, дeтям пpижигaли pyки yтюгaми и пoдвeшивaли их вниз гoлoвoй

what the fuck, this shit needs to be stomped out with great zeal.

It's not much different in the west.

>Mexican telling us about poverty
Lmao. Maybe Russia isn't paradise in the world, but at least I'm not afraid of some drug dealer will behead me or my daughter, lol.

Hmm I'd say it were around 300 jews that took over one of the biggest empires in the world, but sure, I'd rather like to see you screech on the 16th of March

>I'm not afraid of some drug dealer will behead me or my daughter

> anal masturbators.txt

>but at least I'm not afraid of some drug dealer will behead me or my daughter, lol.

> muh downfall of the right
> muh losers parade]
Seems like I won that bet.

Seems like you did not, your country is still controlled by the very people that took over in revolution, and it's working out well isn't it, goy?


Well there is no more traitor-slav meme-priebalt proxy, so we made some progress.

I don't understand Russians. I thought you were a country of hard men and women who would never let yourselves be pushed around, yet you let a tiny corrupt elite dominate and control all wealth and resources in your economy with no positives for the people at all who live in an eternal quagmire of poverty, drugs, and depression. It's makes me sad. Is this what happens to a people after generations of serfdom?

Fucking latshits could live in the world leader of Empire, but chose this and are trying hard to justify it.

>Well there is no more traitor-slav meme-priebalt proxy
lmao what, why don't you answer my question? Only progress is that now you have shabbos goy Putin instead of Пoлитбюpo ЦК КПCC

mmm, good goy

When every second person was jailed in the country or his relatives were jaled, it was inevitable.This is a reality that is not shown on TV, the reality of which is not told in the Sup Forums. Children in orphanages are trafficked into sexual slavery or organs. In church shelters, children are also raped or mocked. There are thousands of such cases all over the country and do not care about anyone. Spirituality!

I'm surprised how advanced Russia's military is despite their country being a massive shithole. Do they spend all their money on their military?

Lets give all the EU-shitskins guns, allow them to kill anyone on spot for anti-rebolutionism, fund them with biggest american banks and see how you will deal with it.

>both have heads full of hair at that age
Miring desu.

You even Poland!!

What do you mean? What are you talking about? What does anything about the EU have to do with making life better and not depressing as hell for normal Russians?

I just answered your question, slav, traitor.
You are not a part of local intellectual elite any more. And that fact alone allows us to have mcdonald's's. Which is something you could not achieve for 70 years.

You doublespeaking fucks can screw off to the furthest reaches of your empire of dirt.

I'll die before I have to live under your rule.

> b-but the goys a-and jews

Still dodging like a bitch, eh?

Daily reminder that the jews still control all your major institutions, government, foreign policy, economics, 300 of them was enough to bring down your whole empire, and still you kvetch like a good goy about trivialities, isn't that sad?

But watch out for talking about it, I heard you can land in Russian jail for up to 5 years for talking out like BAD goy

Russians cant even understand themselves. They are very patient (only Belarusians can surpass them)

That's a normal thing. At least he didn't start talking about Syria or Ukraine.

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

What is the best city to visit in Russia as a tourist?

Obviously Saint Petersburg

Medicine in Russia. The nurses took the bloodied man out of the hospital on a gurney and threw them behind the garages. The moment taken on the camera from the second minute.
Muh free medicine!

Jewish terrorists defeated us. Better learn from our mistakes.

Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Golden Ring.