Admit it I'm Right!!!

Seriously, I tried to do debate you dumb fucks no matter how I hard I tried that communism had never been tried, you idiots you keep denying evidence and I always say
>Ukraine back then with communism worked will
>Paris commonism
No you fucks keep denying this yet support national socialism, what is so special about it and why do you keep saying that jews were behind communism, since you didn't know, Marxist is a self hating jew! You illiterate uneducated moran infuriate me.
>B-but communism killed 100 million
No it didn't it was already debunked and over exaggerated mean while hiter killed 6 million people and more! I bet you fucks could hardly debunk any of mine information, mean while I bet you cocksuckers cannot defend national socialism I like to see you try!

Other urls found in this thread:

Also I came from lefty pol just to debate you morons which is a place where I got most of my facts.

Nice bait


Communism killed 100 million people and has failed every time it has been tried

I predicted this.

Where is your evidence.

I'm still waiting...
I will post mine while were at

Communism doesn't work because most of the people don't like how it works, hereby capitalism wins.

Also, right now it couldn't be applied to society. Humans are used to live with the concept of money, and as far as I know, in communism money doesn't exist...

Top down collectivist ideology imposed on society and the people always leads to chaos and death. That is why every variant of Marxism has failed.

Communism has not been tried.
Dumb faggot.

>Top down collectivist ideology imposed on society and the people always leads to chaos and death. That is why every variant of Marxism has failed.
>Being this brainwashed
>Hasn't even read the book.

And I didn't say so, you fucking rettard. Learn to read first before replying

Where are you sources?
Suck a dick..

You class cucks cannot even back it up
>Still cannot defend national socialism.
This was expected.

Are you serious comparing Marx to the fucking Cuban government?

You should read and study more philosophy instead of spreading your fucking retarded concept of communism here

>inb4 wasn't rea
Oh you beat me to it OP. Btw, have you ever thought all that for the proletariat memery is just the carrot on the stick leading you to either eventual starvation or eventually dying in a gulag for wrongthink? But then again, you will probably say it wasn't real communism either. Also pic related.

Listen here you cunt, ask a Polish person who was under the Warsaw Pact that was neutralized in late 20th century.

Sorry, but its a bunch of made-up fart wank that will never work.

It isn't real communism btw I am on my phone so is different id and for that reason is because of one thing it in order to be communism country it needs to be stateless which is not and it shouldn't authentorian also because the u.s and other countries keep attacking so communism didn't manage to prosper you dumb fuck please go read karl marx and prove to me that jews were behind communism and yet again fail to defend national socialism you nazies and alt righters are all the same.

Ummm.... Wut
Get btfo'd.

If you were unsatisfied with the deliberation on this subject in your previous thread, why did you start another one? Based on the overall tone of your replies in your initial post (and this I might add), you're not interested in being "proven wrong," and no amount of proof is going to change your mind. It's crystal-fucking clear that you're dug-in on your position. Nobody is going to admit to shit, what the fuck is your objective here?

Get fucked you alt right idiot.

Socialism (state capitalism) is a necessary step on the way to communism. EVERY attempt has stranded there, in a bloody fashion. The fact that getting to communism is impossible, renders any discussion of its merits moot. While you are technically correct that there has never been a fully communist country, there have been multiple attempts to establish one and all have failed to make the 'necessary step' from state capitalism to communism. This should tell you something.

On a completely separate note, communism is a retarded ideology and should never be tried.

To prove the communism has not been tried and all these myth"s about and to convert some Sup Forumsacks again like my last post with two links of proof shows you brainlets how utterly wrong you guys are I have not seen anyone defend national socialism which was the biggest threat for europe and we saved you from it by defeating hitler but your not thanking us you're thanking him! How can you people be so god damn fucking preversed! /leftypol/ Can meme and we have more people with common sense than class cucks and autists on here.

OP you're not a communist, you're just a radical liberal.

What is that image suppose to prove? That you are uneducated about commuism?

Stop lurking with that flag you're not one of us. Also those nazies deserve it.

What exactly is that link supposed to refute?

Is embarrasing that I am the only one posting any valuable evidence, /leftpol/ manage to invade this board successfully and yet not one of you can eve refute it.

Communism is a meme. Oh sure it works great on paper, but people don't behave that way in real life.

lol are you retarded

>valuable evidence
Where? I haven't seen any
Again you cannot refute communism mean while they are many evidences that can refute national socialism.

Your statement is false. Communism HAS been tried, it just hasn't been "successfully" implemented because it is a retarded ideology. By successful i mean the textbook definition of it, the people who planned it however designed it to work exactly it as intended: A small oligarchy ruled over an impoverished populace, there was no equality in "attempted" communism and there never will be a stateless society.

Most Russians. A FUCKING RT MEDIA; RUSSIAN CONTROLLED MEDIA A RUSSIAN THINK TANK YOU STUPID FUCK!, what the fuck it does not mean that Russia's whole ex-protectorates want the U.S.S.R. back. Ask a polish jew for fucks sake, he will tell you how shit it was, you fucking Nazi Ask a fucking German who was stuck during the soviet regime. Even Karl Marx may have despised the Russians. Russia was a peasantry place with uncultured people everywhere while the west had already developed by it's industries. If the Russians had not been stuck in medieval times, maybe communism would of have prevailed, yet it is a utopian de facto. Fucking ignorant cocksucker go back to and study history.

The links you fucking retard are you blind!


Statism has never worked.

sage faggots


OP please just stop. You're making us all look bad and reinforcing the idea that communists are drooling retards, which you clearly all.
Honestly, even I have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about.

>durr we must create a state to institute a stateless society
>we communists are so smart!
I can understand uneducated peasants in the early 1900s falling for that garbage, but idiots like OP... OP should probably just kill himself at this point.

Again sources can you refute the other link.
We were the saviours of europe hitler tried to destroy it!

communism becomes consolidation, where e the elite rule the resource; less power to the people in order to equalize wealth. not true freedom, no power to the people, just pure censorship against other intellectuals. you fucking two face shit.

>This thread
>/leftypol/ invading successfully

You are so bad at baiting its not even worth it

When your dumbass cannot come up with any arguments.

If you use Cuba as an example of successful communism, you need to take a long pause at how fucking retarded you really are. And, It has been proven repeatedly that Communism killed more people than Hitler ever dreamed.

okay.... that is enough Sup Forums for me tonight...

I'm not fucking baiting you dumb fuck I am actually serious about this kind of fucking shit.

Go move to a communist country then. And you can suck all the vodka you want out of Stalin's dick.

>communism has never been tried
Okay then, you have to rationalize why it should be tried.

because it's been debunked. worst of all you referred to RT, a Russian Think Tank that internally promotes Russia as methods for domination.

>niggers and communists

Is that op in the mask?


>Commies are the saviors of Europe
Yeah, you were definitely up for preserving the mother continent.

the cliche is true

Sorry. People work. Communism collect their money and their property and give it to ( them ). It is scam. We have it here. It makes you poor. Trust in Jedi and force. It is more based in reality than communism.

No it didn't!
Wrong again!


You arent even trying anymore op. Take your wifes boyfriends dick out your ass you cant bait

Because it would allow people to own property and is moneyless stateless and everything but no some fucks just misinterpeted marxist's word.
Debunked once again dumbass it's seriously not funny anymore.


The Kübler-Ross model, otherwise known as the five stages of grief, postulates a series of emotions experienced by terminally ill patients prior to death, or people presented by the loss of a loved one, wherein the five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

Fuck off communeet.

>HURR DURR IS A Suamthaeng Ia disaegree with
Yet you cannot debunk it.

Yet I see threads of you dumbasses saying white woman sucks, why being hypocrital righty?

Yeah fuck that, seriously don't care if it works or not FUCK NO!


How can you know if it works if it hasn't been tried..
God damn you sure are brainlets that jack off to porn and wasting their time on praising hitler like he is your god despite being very evil and killing 6 million innocents.

communism is indeed very political incorrect. and i do respect the fact that you stand for something. but you came to the wrong place comrade. you will never find followers here....ever. we hate commies with a passion. communism has never fully reached it's "potential" only because humanity is very corruptible. every attempt failed because there will always be someone who think he is entitled to more than his fellow man.

TLDR: communism is unnatural to humankind

None of you defended national socialism nor prove the jews were behind communism or that they were evil nor refuted non of my evidence with other evidence. I think is safe to say I won again because let's be honest most of you dumb fucks are just plain wrong!

You're not a radical liberal, you're a Jewish apologist.

How is it unnatural? Explain your self you fucking dipshit, you know im right capitalism causes greed hunger and the poverty keeps growing look at how many you killed in africa vy making them starve! You're twisted I kept practicing my debating skills and look at me go! Yet no matter how hard I present facts none of you admit im right or even convert! What type of hellish shithole is this!

Every communist is a fucking retard, never saw one post by a commie that was remotely intelligent

How am I a jewish apologitc? What is so evil about them you fucking retard they're people to! I hate liberals as much as the next guy /leftypol/ hate liberals stop stereotyping you dumb fucking faggot.

1st niggers live better than they ever lived due to the colonization
2nd no one here cares about muh poor niggers in muh africa, go live there if you love them so much

>How is it unnatural? Explain your self you fucking dipshit
i did in my post.
>I kept practicing my debating skills and look at me go!
practice more. we are done with abiding to name calling. and if you could read properly you would see that i was reaching is that for debate skills.

>A fucking retard.

Mean while this channel single handedly debunked all of your arguments combined.

Gtfo you fucking racist. No wonder you dumb fucks support hitler is all about that white supremacy?

>It isn't real communism
This shit makes me laugh every time.
Communism can't be "Real" because when it's implemented, it turns into radical fascism because of human nature.
Why do you espouse a non-achievable political ideology that has literally been tried a thousand times and been immediately corrupted a thousand times?
Please, go on, enlighten me.
Also, just avoid the ad hominem bullshit, stop being a triggered cuck.

I'm happy to hear you admit you're wrong. Glad you are finally seeing reason.

I didn't name call a few threads back but my patience had run out on this fucking shithole.
Meanwhile capitalism is legalized theft.

Doubt that, go back to your shithole leftypol and stop shitting up our pol

I didn't say I was wrong you fucking blind motherfucker!!


Have you watched any of his videos?

if you can't stand the heat don't step into a fire. you must know that you are the one trying to convince us of how communism is good. it is not our fault that talking back, or questioning you down to the very last detail. is making you angry. debates are about facts. not feelings
Everyday you people are getting proven wrong every day by these youtube channels.

Fuck off you stupid waste off oxygen. Communism?Never again!

That's not an answer, it's a deflection and a whattaboutism. Don't answer a legitimate criticism with "But what about...", it's a fallacy.
How do you defend/believe in an ideology that has universally been proven to immediately fail due to human corruption?
Communism has been tried a thousand times and failed a thousand times, as it becomes "Not real communism (per your definition) within moments of seizing power.
Do you have a solution to this tried and failed experiment that has disproven the functionality of "Communism" so thoroughly?
Or is all you have attacks on "other" ideologies?
I'm not here to "Defend Capitalism", I'm here to see if you actually have anything behind your shitposting in defense of the indefensible shortcomings of "Communism".

In the end of the day, Communism won't work because human beings are corrupt, selfish apes at their cores, and this truth will manifest in the macrocosm of any system we create. Therefore, incentivizing is critical, and pretending that all human beings can somehow mystically become beneficent, benign creatures and embrace collective kindness is a fucking hoax perpertrated by Jews (This is the reality we've seen over and over).
How do you overcome this undeniable, observable reality?

I given you facts and everything and answered every god damn facts on the book but no you keep denying it!

We never had communism. We had something called communism which wasn't...

Stop making this shit again and educate yourself


Next time Comrade, next time.