Amazon and Netflix

They have 12 summer season shows between them. How does this affect us?

Normalfags won

Stop spamming with threads, we've already had 2. Fuck off.

Amazon: Nothing except expect delays for Sentai ones.

Netflix: Enjoy your at least half a year late subs unless someone or a group willing to subs it.

Thankfully I'm not an idiot streamer who now has to buy multiple subscriptions to various garbage streaming services, so this doesn't affect me in any way.

How does one defeat normalfags?

God I fucking hate summer.

If normies want to support anime industry why can't they import things from japan?

Except this.

Thank goodness Amazon are killing shit companies like CRshit and Funishit. They are also saving anime by spending millions of dollars to purchase streaming rights while also murdering their competition.

>watching seasonal garbage

How do we save anime lads?

Amazon's shows will be delayed, but that's all. Nothing to worry about there. Those shows will be subbed during release and distributed to the community one way or another.

Netflix is a shitstain, though.

Amazon doesn't matter. We still get their rips. Netflix on the other hand can go straight to hell with their retarded binge-watching model.

[gg] will save fansubbing again.

Asenshi died for our sins.

>T point barrier

Why the fuck does Amazon like ugly yellow subs?

This. Amazon is nothing to worry about. Someone will rip it from them.

>How does this affect us?
It doesn't.

It doesn't effect us. Fuck off already.

>binge-watching model.
Like seriously, why aren't they just releasing their anime as a really long movie instead of episodes, it seems like that's what they're going for here.

Blame normies that just discovered what we've called "marathoning" for decades

It's not even just the model, either. Have you seen their LWA subs? They're semi-nonsensical word-for-word translations that somehow look even uglier than yellow DVD subtitles. It's so much worse a service than what ANY other platform provides that it's ludicrous.

>Implying the vast majority of good anime wasn't seasonal at some point


You would know.

All of the good stuff this season is locked behind a paywall, that's the issue

Netflix subs are atrocious.
They localize things to a ridiculous extent, and often have just flat out wrong translations in order to fit better with a separate overly localized line.
Netflix is the Commie of official subs.

Now that's an insult to Commie.


Didn't know Fyurie stopped fansubing because of drama, I guess fansubbbers are having a rough time with everything happening this year too.
Then again, Fyurie seemed to care about "reviving" the fansub scene much more than other subbers, so it was only a matter of time until he went crazy.