Pew crunched the numbers about the Muslim immigration to Europe.

Europe today is 4.9% Muslim.

If ALL immigration stopped today, Europe would be 7.4% Muslim in 2050.

If there was a moderate amount of Muslim immigration into Europe, Europe would be 11.2% Muslim.

If there was a high amount of Muslim immigration into Europe, Europe would be 14% Muslim.

Today, Sweden is 8% Muslim.

If Sweden took no more Muslims from now until 2050, Sweden would be 11% Muslim in 2050.

If Sweden took a moderate amount of Muslim immigrants, Sweden would be 20% Muslim in 2050.

If Sweden took a high amount of immigration, Sweden would be 30% Muslim in 2050.

It's very, very important to keep in mind that this is only Muslim immigrants. This doesn't count Africans, Asians, or Hispanics in these statistics.

Attached is the percentages if there was a high immigration policy. What do you guys think?


It's also important to keep in mind that this is only 30 years from now, a very very short time period away in the future. 1980 was 40 years ago.

Germany is 20% muslim. I knew it, i knew that the 6% figure was just bullshit.

>in 2050
wow, again, bullshit. You see, 2nd generation turks have a german pass, and they don't count them as muslims. I live in bavaria where it's supposed to be a ''not any muslims here yet''-area. Which is true if compared to Frankfurt or other north-west regions. And yet, the porblem is getting out of hand very quickly.

>If ALL immigration stopped today, Europe would be 7.4% Muslim in 2050.

This is one of the biggest leap's of imagination going.

It's assuming Muslim families only have Muslim children. Europe has one of the highest rates in the world for children abandoning their parent's religion.

I'd say a big reason for ethnic Muslims leaving their home countries is for the relaxed attitudes to religion and religious freedom.

I know plenty of India, Pakistani and African kids who grew up in pretty strict, Muslim, Hindu and Christian homes, none of them are religious at all.

Well, it's impossible to get accurate statics if the German government counts Muslims as non-Muslims or German.

Sorry, when i say one of the highest, i mean the highest for any continent.

I think Israel is one of the only places in the world with a secular population growing faster than many places in Europe.

Except we've seen 2nd and 3rd generation Muslim children that have become MORE radicalized and religious even though they lived exclusively in a Western country their entire lives.

Bump nigga

>Except we've seen 2nd and 3rd generation Muslim children that have become MORE radicalized and religious even though they lived exclusively in a Western country their entire lives.

We have seen them, and they are far, far, far from the majority. Sup Forums being Sup Forums can't see past that though, they fixate on that as act like it's the norm.

I was on a night out a couple months ago and our group bumped into a group of ethnically muslim men, who we knew vaugely. ended up doing lines in the toilets with them and had a great night.

Sup Forums doesn't consider it possible for ethnic muslim's to become secular for some reason.

Okay, but the point isn't that they are Muslim, the point is that they are not white, they are not the same ethnicity. You sound like a civic nationalist. That's nice that you know Muslim guys and sucked each others cocks in a men's bathroom but the point is that these are statistics of the demographics of each country, of Europe as a whole, and of the future. These statistics show that most Western European countries will be majority non-white by 2050. Remember, this is ONLY Muslim immigration statistics, not including African or Asian immigration.

> has a serious discussion with a muslim about muslim immigration

Makes you think

But the most of immigrants are AFRICAN CHRISTIANS you ignorant soyim

No, they count them as muslims. Just not as roaches.

>ended up doing lines in the toilets with them
Pathetic and probably some more things happened in the toilets.


Yeah, and these statistics DONT include them. So that tells you how bad it is.

I know we are doomed but the Germans have 80M you can't replace that so easly it's the same for the US you can't replace this amount of white so easly im wrong ?

The 80 mil of Germany only includes like 70million Germans, most foreigners are still EU citizens though. There are also millions of German expats in other countries.
In the short and middle term, I am concerned the most for small peoples like the swedes, they are only a few million, with that amount of immigration they may be wiped out in a very short time.

This is absolutely fake for Hungary. Pic related is from the 2011 census. 0,1%.

So we have the same vision even if German are older they can't be replaced so easly , For us and UK we will have the same course since we have the same population and PIB but our shitskin are really more vulnerable than the brit because they are ALL in welfare whereas in UK they work . So it seems SWEDE and BELGIUM will fall first

Not sure if christian niggers better than mudslims

What is the current Muslim population of Hungary? Pew says it's .4%. That statistic if from 2016. OP's image is about what it would be in 2050 if there was a high amount of Muslim immigration.

Well, France and GB have the disatvantage that your migrant populations have been there for longer than in Germany, Austria or Italy. They are more established and many are even in your police and political system.

Most of these radicalized muslims are just pawns of the system who trigger the gun thinking that it's for Allah, and it's just for the system/new order/jews/whatever you prefer to call.
Muslims are just the enemy the world needs.

You guys should pay attention to 17 August 2017 Barcelona attack.It was a false flag attack, and it is pretty well documented. Spaniards and CNI are much more sloppy than USA and FBI, but things work the same way in almost any state.

And army don't forget the army ! But as for us it's over . Germany also have long migrant ( turk ) but they are good i think .

Well, the turks did come in th 80s and only in the west, so not that long ago. I wouldn't call them "good" by any stretch, but they are certainly better than the arabs and blacks that came through the refugee crisis. That is not saying much though.

4-5% is very unlikely even in 30 years time. People are very anti-islam and the goverment aswell. And since the gov. party is extremely strong I can't even imagine this policy changing in decades.
And since the muslim population is 30-50.000 people (sc:, but I think it's heavily biased upwards but lets take it as a maximum) so we don't have any mosques here it doesn't look like we would be an attractive destination for muslims.
Also, the muslims that are actually here are mostly rich.

I think we have to seperate per country the migration problem the turk in Germany are the less annoying in UK the migrant are working in France they are in welfare and since our economic situation is already pretty shitty with the new afflux and the loss of many french white worker who flee the country ( the young generation don't want to pay ) soon the system will not be able to pay for them and it will burst that how i see it for us . How is AUSTRIA doing and are you fire up for the JO in SOUTH KOREA

>muh 2050

ahhh yes.
totally NOTHING is going to happen between now and then......

Nothing has happened yet, even with terror attacks. And now that terror attacks are dying down, people are caring less.