Why does ICE place more emphasis on undocumented workers than literal Nazis?

Again, literal Nazis.


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Ex-Nazis did more than any Mexicans ever did.

the Nazis gave us a lot of good shit

I don't understand the question.

>not doing something 50 years ago means we shouldn't do it now either

Yes, yes we did. There were manhunts for nazi's. we're talking door to door block by block searches. Many were even executed not just put in internment camps.

Jared McBride needs his skull fucked for spreading lies.

are there a lot of undocumented workers on the fucking space program

kneck youself libshit

because the nazis were the good guys

Maybe because it's Immigration and Customs Enforcement, not political witch hunt squad

Oh baby look at those quads


Nazis helped build our space and nuke programs. They didn't come here to commit crimes and leech welfare.

I don't get it, don't they imprison 90 year olds all the time?


We are breaking the conditioning

Aren't there stories every year of so-and-so Nazi prison camp guard convicted of crimes from +70 years ago? What is that guy even talking about?

umm, yeah they did, then they put them on trial & executed them.

because nazi's are people too. you fucking racist.

Yeah, strange...

The Nazis were the good guys. I sincerely don't understand your argument.

Fucking Fact.

If by execute you mean give a job at NASA then yeah we executed them all.

Same reason they don't go after Sequoia trees, ice is for illegal immigrants not citizens

that article is a bunch of fee fee bs. it gave me a boner though

Nazis were cuter?



>Nazi era war criminals

You mean like George Soros?

Many sanctuary cities have organizations that aid and abet illegal immigrants. By having rapid response teams that alert illegals and act on tips of impending ICE and Customs and Border Patrol raids, they encourage and promote criminal activity.

This ‘icing’ operation is intended to disrupt if not outright stop their ability to spread their subversion. This will be done through wasting their resources. This also has the potential to shut them down entirely if they overstep and commit a crime themselves such as obstruction of justice.
>False raid reports will make these organizations waste time, manpower, and money chasing nothing.
>There is no way for any of these organizations to know the veracity of the tips.
>Creates a panic in the illegal communities.
>The loss of feeling safe might be enough to send the illegal immigrants packing on their own.

In addition to this, the news could be gold. The leftists who are beyond reasoning with will see it as white supremacy in action, racism, blah blah blah who cares, but anyone on the fence will see the stuff like posting security (as if they can or will do anything about it) as absurd. Robbing them of yet another subversive tool is the best way to put them down.

Add to the hotline list in pic related if you have new numbers.

Proof of concept: >missionlocal.org/2018/01/ice-raid-false-alarms-throw-sf-mission-community-into-panic/

no u

Use your knowledge of your area for target selection. Report places where illegals are likely to gather such as hispanic churches, certain schools, suspect businesses, advocacy group meetings, protests, etc. Note that many of these places are not ones that ICE or CBP is legally able to enter, but they do wait outside and surveil sites. It is best if you know for a fact that there are illegals there. Make it believable and name one of the agencies involved in enforcement of immigration law (ICE or CBP) in your tip. As in "I heard a guy at school say his dad reported some of my undocumented classmates to Customs" or that "an associate who is a cop mentioned knowledge of a impending ICE raid on February whatever after church". The less time they have to act, the more likely they are to rush in and make mistakes. Whatever story you want to back it with, just make it reasonably believable.

Save any correspondence or record if able to catch them in any potential illegal activity. Feel free to report the organizations themselves to law enforcement if you come up with any evidence. God speed anons.

Himmler should've executed the Rothschild, the second he had the chance.

>Employment opportunity's opening up near you..

its a win win for the non-illegals, note non-illegals...

Understandable have nice day

yes, yes we are.

that disingenuous kike author ignores the fact that most of the countries those war criminals should’ve been deported to were behind the iron curtain.its not like the us was in such good terms with the soviets that they’d want to be handing over Nazi war criminals anyway. Better to use them as leverage. mexicans are useless and can’t be used as leverage, that’s the difference the author ignores.

Meanwhile in Zulustan.


Made Jews salty


>Sup Forums blatant ignorance again.

Internment camps in the USA ?


But the redpill is : The revolution of 1918 in Germany , where 2 million Jews attmepted to take Germany and instill a communist Jewish state.

Jews failed , but destroyed the shit out of Germany, Germany then uses Jews as slaves to rebuild.

Jews call foul and cry havoc.

//End of Redpill

How was a rocket scientist a 'war criminal' ?



nazis created science


apparently this board is where good ideas come to die, maybe this needs it's own thread?

I think this article is an example of that "whataboutism" thing that liberals are always yammering about

Those were specifically scientist grabbed up by operation paperclip(it was a race against russians targetting the same people, both nations space programs were built on their backs). We absolutely did put on trial and kill many germans during and after the war. "War stories with oliver north" just aired an episode about this last night.

Oy Vey, always with the Nazis

Interviewed germans who survived the manhunts, you know, people who LIVED through it, described the door to door searches, FBI in plain clothe sweeping blocks, the works.

maybe in murrica, but it was a post war bloodbath in europe.

Because they have to go back.