Why do southerners whine about Yankees?

They all claim"Yankees cause nigger problem." Yet it's the Southerners who imported the niggers to America.

Sherman should have murdered both the white and nigger Southerners on his March to the Sea.

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I wouldn't assume the handful of memers on this board represent the actual discussions had by most Southerners.

Southerners all whine about Yankees. Read occidentaldissent for the ultimate Southern whining.

Because they got BTFO and now they have to live with all those niggers

>Yet it's the Southerners who imported the niggers to America.


hi shlomo

Lemme get a footlong Italian BMT on Italian herbs and cheese, pajeet

It's not whining, just more a genuine disgust towards them.

They come down here with their faggy accents talking about how great the state they come from is. Well if it's so great why don't you go back where you came from?

I've lived in Alabama all my life, I really don't think I need any reading material.

The slave traders wouldn't have brought niggers over if the slave owners hadn't been asking for them.

cost of living and family are probably leading reasons.

Southeners brought the niggers here, but them being here was never the problem and still isn't.


We ain't whining. We just don't like you Yankee faggots very much. You're as obnoxious now as u were centuries ago.

where do you go if you want redneck culture + midwest demographics?

also the last slave ship (past when it was legal) came from and returned to which city? Mobile Alabama. that's why there was a thriving "Africatown" in Mobile.

The original colonies all had slaves, but the states with rich (((merchants))) were able to get rid of their slaves, many of which were white. The South exported tobacco and we're dependant on slaves. There was, as today, animosity between the coastal cities and the agrarian states.

Slavery was an issue because it was a way to cripple the agrarian states.

Hah, I get it, because the guy before me said "THIS GUY WORKS AT SUBWAY"! Oh my God, you're so God damn funny! Jesus man, you were just here at the perfect time, and you took the shot and nailed it! Go to Hollywood, man, go to L.A., make tv funny again. Please. Do it.

Southerners don't whine about yankees. Yankees whine about southerners.

why do Yankees whine about Southerns yet they move to the South to escape urban crime, high taxes and cold weather.

thing is that country/blues, "southern cooking", banjos, etc are due in large part to blacks, that's why these things came from the South.

case in point: this thread

Slavery was legal both north and south. Infact it was legal under the union far longer than it was under the confederacy.

Why do yankees want southerners to be apart of their shitty states? Obsessed with us much?

>be pre-civil rights south
>slaves are useful tools for a growing economy
>fast forward to civil rights movement
>now they can vote
>democrat party is now the nignog party
>how can we use the niggers as political currency
>tfw your political experiment gets out of control
>tfw we're too far gone
>too many niggers
>ZOMG country is so racially divided
niggers are the root of all problems, there is no real democrat and republican, only those who lie to niggers and those who are truthful with niggers.

>implying Northerners don’t live among niggers

Do we? I tend to see way more Southern hate threads than vice versa?

southerners get attacked alot more with prejudices based on false accusations from liberals, more than they shit on nigs,
notice southerners treat black people with less social stigma than libs, it's another thing libs forgot about, it's called southern hospitality.

yankee here too.
surrounded by liz warrens, brianna wus, and joe kennedys, and pelosis, and sometimes hill and bill, shits scary. save us.

Northerners rarely do, far more segreagted than the south, biggest hypocrites you will ever meet.

No northern faggot federal government fucks should have simply let the south leave.

Slavery was abolished in basically every Northern state by the outbreak of the war, either via gradual or immediate manumission.

Actually no southerners did NOT import the slaves. Northerners controlled all the shipping companies and sold slaves to the plantation owners who needed workers and the population in the south was low. Northern states could not produce many of the crops southern states could but the southern states had to supply the large populations of the northern states. Since northerners refused to move to southern states the southern plantation owners had to get labor somewhere. Slaves were expensive to purchase as well. But the root problem was the black leaders who sold their own people into slavery for resources from the northern and European sailors.

Everyone fucking hates the south but those same people would not allow them to leave.
It makes no sense.

>thing is that country/blues, "southern cooking", banjos, etc are due in large part to blacks,
I think you mean the Scots-Irish.

Why do you think Southerners and the Scots love deep fried food and boiled greens?

Blacks contributing Southern culture is a meme.

Yes that was after exploiting slaves for over a hundred years.

The slave owners wouldn't have needed slaves if they had a larger population in the south and didn't have to supply southern only crops to the far larger northern populations.

They don’t usually. They complain about how racist the South is while fleeing the second they see an actual nigger in real life, hence white flight

>notice southerners treat black people with less social stigma than libs
not true tho

wise man once said
>In the North they don't care how tall blacks get, so long as they don't get too close. In the South they don't care how close blacks get, so long as they don't get too tall.

Because flee from their sinking rat shitholes until they flip our politics blue and implement the same policies that destroyed their countries.

At the peak of slavery less than 1.4 mother fucking Americans owned slaves and when they were freed they all immediately sat there asses down on the ground and never moved.

Then they call us racist backwards retards every waking moment of the day for being forced to live around the insufferable beasts our entire lives.

From the absolute most sincere place in my heart: Fuck you.

you dumb faggot, just because someone makes a thread claiming it doesn't mean its true.

It depends on how you define “rare” and “Northern”.


>Yet it's the Southerners who imported the niggers to America.

False. Southerners bought the damn niggers from predominantly Jewish slave traders out of Jew York.

>took off and landed in Mobile, AL

Wow, it's almost like ships embark and disembark in the same port where they deliver their cargo.

Who were the investors who owned/sponsored those ships?

They weren't a PROBLEM until yankucks broke their chains and unleashed them into America

hey stop bringing facts into the yankee circlejerk :(

Yo can I get a footlong on white with turkey , provolone , lettuce , tomatoes and mayo?

I don’t get it either, I even point out and ask that and they insist Lincoln merely wanted to deport all the slaves to Africa so the South should have just trusted this promise.
It gets even funnier because they then insult all my ancestors by saying they were redneck trash who fucked negreos and I get to tell them all my family came from the north 60 years ago: I simply think Southern Culture is objectly better having seen both North and South.

Too late man, somebody already won the Grammy by telling that joke.

>Sherman should have murdered both the white and nigger Southerners on his March to the Sea.

Sherman should have said to Lincoln, "What the fuck are you doing. Leave the South alone and let them go in peace."

He couldn't do that because the Underground Railroad would have ended in Illinois and Ohio instead of Canada and who the hell wants niggers around.

Nah, I mean blacks. Scots Irish didn't invent the banjo, it's based on an African instrument. Popular music styles like country/blues are due to the mixture of African and European traditions. Okra? African. Face jug pottery? African.

Success breeds jealousy

i'm talking more about driving a raptor with a confederate flag on the bed, while shooting an AR and listening alan jackson on the radio.

Emmy, fuck.

Hint hint: How often do you see a "Yankee General Thread"? How often do you see a "Southern/Dixie General Thread"? The answers are never, and sometimes.

>Timothy Meaher, a wealthy Mobile shipyard owner and steamboat captain

I'm not even a southerner but this. Especially the New Englanders, fuck those assholes and their cities. All they do is act all smug about living in Boston or New York and how your country bumpkin ass should be worshipping the ground they walk on because of it.

Are you blaming capitalism for their decision to bring slaves? No moral issues?

Gee, I wonder if it’s the good ol’ northerners who fought the CSA to free all the niggers, who gave niggers the right to vote.


fucking made up bullshit for the most part

that's just rural America, not particular to the South at all

>ask who are the sponsors/owners of slave ships
>come back with shipyard owner, steamboat captain

You're fired.

more like stop them from destroying their own homeland first before they completely sell out to mr shekelstein

can I get an italian, plus one of those cookies. make sure the cookie is hot. no drink though.

Your map correlates with exactly what I said. The north doesnt live among them like we do.

Also my map shows maryland as a northern state, although it was southern and a pro slave colony. The yankees enacted martial law, killed civilians and took it by force. Mason dixon line runs across its northern border.

They're sore losers.

Don't you put me and my fellow New Jersey men in the same category as New Yawk hicks. Fuck that city and everything it stands for.

Because we own you, Efrum.

Why are you here you boomer retard? Go post this to your Goybook wall and leave us alone

Yankees are the true dividers. Southerners got along just fine with niggers until y'all had to put your nose in our business

There is no nigger shortage in the Chicago metro area, that's for damn sure.

They tend to congeal in poo-butt apartments, so it's not like they are actual neighbors.

You seem them in passing.

Is that how you really talk? You sound like a fucking woman if that's how you order at Subway.

when growing up I used to live in upper middle class all white neighborhood in a suburb of Cincinnati. Cincy is a pretty brown city so all the whites move to the suburbs.

When we moved we sold our house to a black family. This was an in-tact black family with a college professor dad yet the neighbors flipped out and called us nigger lovers.

Yankee racism is real

Capitalism itself is not at fault for how people themselves deal with supply and demand issues.

The cause of today's nigger gibmedats problem is the abolition of slavery.
They were better off slaves, AKA when they had a purpose.
The problem was always nigger loving yanks with their equality faggotry who refused to accept slavery and deporting niggers in exchange for freeing them.

Fucking this
Keep in mind lads when I shit on the north I really am shitting on New England and the beltway from DC to Jew York; I don’t have anything against you lads in the rust belt

that's who financed the journey you fucking retard, just google the Clotilda and stop flailing.

and this is bad because....

The North all had slavery until after the Revolution. The slave trade was banned in 1808 yet a bunch of yanks kept smuggling them anyway clear up to the war.

>Dat Subway employee angst.
Just make the fucking sandwich you filthy piece of shit

Only old Yankees move to the South. It's because they don't like cold weather. Not because they like anything about Southern people.

These guys make a pretty good case against the Yankee
>Tfw they got dropped by the stormer and now have the cringe as fuck radio Arian intro

Slug?? How did you get into the states?!

I just did.

From Wikipedia, for what it's worth:

Captain Foster was working for Timothy Meaher, a wealthy Mobile shipyard owner and steamboat captain, who had built Clotilda in 1856 for use in the lumber trade.[6] Meaher was said to have bet some "Northern gentlemen" based in New England, who most likely provided the financing for the illegal venture, that he could successfully smuggle slaves to the US from Africa despite the 1807 Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves.

Slaves were rarely brought in after 1808. The last shipment was only brought in around 1860 because somebody wanted to prove they could circumvent the ban and bring slaves in without getting punished.

My family was just coming from Germany to Ohio at the time, but a relative lived in the South and had about 20 slaves. When they were freed, they had nowhere to go. So the owner adopted them all as his children and they took his last name.

They should have been sent back, not just told they were "free." This isn't really a South vs North issue, it's always been a city vs country issue.

Tough guy. Get the tough guy his little cookie and a sandwich.

Its because they despise you, the yankee history and have the finances to do something about it.

Didn't you guys start the war by attacking a Union Fort?

What I tend to despise about Northern Culture is many people are racist by themselves, but will virtue signal supper hard in public to look good.
Meanwhile in the South if your racist your racist: You might not go out of your way to show it, at the same you aren’t going to go out of your way to virtue signal either.

That was a confederate fort on souther soil. Enemy combatants occupied it and then refused multiple times to leave. The only person who died there was from yankee friendly fire.

>While there are no exact figures known, historians estimate that up to 50,000 slaves were illegally imported into the United States after 1808, mostly through Spanish Florida and Texas, before those states were admitted to the Union
>In addition, after the 1808 abolition of the slave trade to the United States, many Americans continued to engage in the slave trade by transporting Africans to Cuba. from 1808-1860, almost one-third of all slave ships were either owned by American merchants, or were built and outfitted in American ports. It is possible that U.S. citizens "may have transported twice as many Africans to other countries such as Cuba and Brazil as they did to their own ports"

Don’t forget the poor horse who got btfo

I know, at least Northern has less black communities or race-mixing communities.

wiki is just citing an al.com article that mentions what a bet that many consider legend, hardly authoritative. Who was this "northern gentleman"?

I have lived in the south, and while i think southerns get a bad wrap in many ways, i must admit the "yankee obsession" is a real thing.

Like constantly compairing themselves to the northerns in silly ways.

Like a southerner will order a turkey sandwich, take a bite, and exclaim that northerns dont know about real turkey samdwiches.

Not only do they do this with a whole host of southen only (or mostly) products but it also bleeds over to things that are in no way southern. I heard a southerner going on about keibasa and how yankees will never know how good it is . The package said it was made in Milwaukee. I pointed it out and it did not seem do dislodge his idea that sausages are the exclusive domain of the southern united states. This is just an example, but i would routinely hear this kind of theory applied to every mundane thing you could imagine.

I also commonly heard evidence that they beleived that everyone in the north was similarly obsessed. Its true that northerns ascribe negative sterotyoes , often unfairly, to southerns but i have never once heard someone in the north wax poetic about how our version of some product or service is specifically suoerior to a similar southern version. No one up here cares.

South friends, im not breaking balls here. I have great reapect for southern culture and miss living there. But there is a weird social obsession with a kind of imagined group of people and its kind of silly.

their is no reason someone should support the south today when all they tried to do back then was replace white people with blacks and try to set back american with funding from (((them)))

Well, in any case, it was primarily Southerners who were illegally importing the niggers.

Probably you, for all I know.

ah. It's been awhile since I've had to read on it. I'm what you'd call a Yankee, full name Yankee Doodle Dandy.

it's not helping that you people have turned "yankee" into first world white and that you should be proud of the fact that you are drags on american society