50% income tax

Why don’t we just omit taxes from everyone who makes under $100k and put a 50% tax on $1M and up?

Honestly you can’t argue against this without serving your Jewish overlords.
Admit it, with this system all of the woes of society would go away.

>what if we removed taxes for me and heavily taxes those more successful than me?

you're either stupid or selfish, which one is it

Even the amount you get from a 50% income tax on people making over 1mil wouldn't be able to cover the amount we need to fund all of the useless bloat in the budget

Only an unmotivated, selfish, lazy piece of shit would consider something like that a good idea. Up until 5 years ago i never came close to 100k a year. Then i got married, got motivated, found what i wanted to do.....just made 150k last year and im projecting 200k this year.

Fuck you for trying to steal from me. Remember, this isnt Soviet Russia, the people with the money buy the fucking guns. If you pathetic commie fucks try anything you ll be killed before you attempt a revolution

>Sup Forums
>not shilling for the rich

you came to the wrong neighborhood, OP

/pol is brainwashed to doom their family to social Darwinist extinction if it means brown people will stay out of their gated communities

>a libertard hating selfishness
are u politically confused, my dear user?

im very selfish, but if we are going to be taxed it should be done in an equal manner.

You sound like a nigger. In a perfect world that type of nonsense exists but we have croney capitalism and jews, that shit doesnt work.

>taking 200$ from a 2k/months family it's the same as 200mil from a 2 bil venture capitalist
yep execpt in the first case the family needs to cut dental and in the second the billionaire can buy it's 10th island. truly equal


Id just stick to making 999k

>all hail our Jewish overlords
Whew, lad

Because then I don't have any incentive to try and earn more than 98k. Society would bottle neck and stagnate as no one would want the punishment that comes with applied effort.

First off all thisAlso. Most earning that much have many possibilities to circumvent taxes..move the income to other countries. Especially, if its not income as an employee

How about only the virtue signalling libtard cunts have to pay higher tax? They can lead by example for once. Why stop at 50%? They can demonstrate their smug superiority by giving 100℅ back to the state.


what about a 100% tax rate over 1bil?
after that you get monopoly money so you can still brag about your wealth with others billionaires.
realistically what desire you can't fulfill with 1bil? how many generation can just life off it?

what if all 1st world countries implement it? and then ban them if they wont submit? and then pressure the other decent countries into it?
Is bezos going to life in Somalia?

Why don't we just let people spend the money they've earned through voluntary exchange?

All of you guys are fucking stupid
How does OP’s post not work
This isn’t a fucking game where you get points that are money
Besides, with this the government would have way more money than they do now. And I assume OP means 100k to 1M moves incrementally from 1% to 50% over time, so literally all of you would have your taxes cut in half or more.

The right is even more brainwashed by the Jew as evidenced by this. Don’t you realize that the people who fought the commies were the Jewish overlords that rule your life?
How the fuck much of a numbskull do you have to be to cheerlead for them against your own damn interests?

cuz they earned it throught predatory tactics that created millions of unemployed and destabilized nations?

Why don’t we just omit taxes from everyone?

hyeh hyeh

why don’t we tax 90% on everyone who doesn’t make enough and no taxes on the rich

incentive goy

>what is market failure
>what is information asymmetry
>what is monopoly
>what is monopsony
>what is adverse selection
>what is econ 101

>Heavily tax all rich people
>Rich people either go bankrupt or move out
>now barely any rich people to support the new system
>it either collapses or you have to start taxing poorer and poorer people to sustain it

Wow really makes me think

communism doesnt work

Obvious slide post
>most of the revenues ofincome tax comes from middle class
Numbers might help your argument.

Ignoring American taxation is based on citizenship.
There’s a reason Soros is still American.

Super Bowl False Flag Threads

Progressive taxation is socialism. Fuck YOU pinko. Just because you are too stupid to make 100k a year doesn't make it a good idea.

Get the fuck off my board.

>Whew, lad
gtfo faggot
>in all fields

All taxation is theft, but for as long as it must exist, the best idea i've heard is a Financial transaction tax. Fixed 1% on every single transaction made from a pint of milk to a million in stocks. It's fair and it would be more than enough.

Because there'd be no incentive to work more difficult, higher paying jobs.

All of them? What predatory tactics? And you're going to have to elaborate on that enormous claim. Please don't give me something bullshit like capitalist worker-relations being a "predatory tactic".
Are you listing your notes from your lesson in economics? How the fuck does any of these analytical concepts relate to taxation? Are you implying that these are problems that need fixing and that taxes does so?

Even better, as long as Israel's fav merc Army, the Pentagon is waging wars, then a surtax of 15% on ALL incomes over 250K.
Then watch how soon these wars end.

targeting ads using data mined from social network/phones sold to you by the providers of tìsaid sn/phone is totally ok.
exploiting tax loopholes (uber/airbnb) is totally ok
lobbying politicians for competitve advantage is totally ok
udercutting millions of small business thanks to economies of scale and tax avoidance is totally ok
reping the profits while making the tax payers sustain the business risk is totally ok.
using insiders info tho speculate while wrecking nations is totally ok
I could go on and on but i hope you got my point. hope you like bezos kosher cock in your mouth because you're going to slurp it a lot more in the next decade

>the people with the money buy the fucking guns
>what are black people

>make 999 999$
>can spend 999 999$
>make 1 000 000$
>can spend 500 000$

We could just eliminate nearly all of the useless people that earn $0 and be a lot closer to the Utopia that you dream of.

>data mining
I agree that it is scetchy, but it is completely voluntary on the part of the consumer, the vast majority of which obviously doesn't give a shit. You can just not consume products that is used to spy on you, and if people cared the business that did would go die out. I don't see the conflict, and I think it will stabilize into something more sane as this is a fairly recent phenomena where most people don't even realize it.
>tax loopholes
Obviously not, where did I imply that?
You're attacking a symptom of the state's overgrown authority. Corruption is not caused by rich people paying for favours, it is caused by somebody having the authority to hand them out by force against the will of the people.
>wrecking nations through speculation
The only argument you've made that doesn't miss the point, good on you.
I said through voluntary exchange, most of your points ignore that. I'm not defending the crooked retards that exploit people against their will, I'm defending the rich people you have a vendetta against and want to punish simply by virtue of being rich.

hur hur dur dur, you're the epitome of selfish fuck, you're worse than a boomer because you know what is wrong yet you still choose to do it just to hurt those bellow you. I MADE IT TO THAT LEVEL, LOOK HOW I HAD TO STRUGGLE< WHY SHOULD ANYONE ELSE BE ABLE TO GET HERE WITHOUT SAME STRUGGLE AS ME?!!? HUR HUR DUR DUR. We'll see where you'll be when your retarded projection will be just that and you're back to being a paycheck to paycheck moron and your wife is fucking your neighbor while your kids hate your guts!

All taxation is theft. This is not my opinion. This is a mathematical fact.

capitalism inerently advantages sociopaths and psychopaths.
ask yourself why both types are thrice (going off memory could be twice) more likely to be one of those neurotye.
ask yourself why powerful me wouldn't exercize all their power and influence to become even more powerful

>but it is completely voluntary on the part of the consumer
because a boomer retard can read a fucking eula. nice meme my friend

>is a fairly recent phenomena where most people don't even realize it.
20 y/o understand this and yet are completely addicted to it. go figure

>Corruption is not caused by rich people paying for favours
pffffft. btw both US presidential candidates spend a 2.5 billion total. if i recall correctly trump got 300 mill and clinton 500mill off rich and powerful donors. if they didn't accept their money the other would've auto-win. and now bilionaires are cashing in thx to trump's tax cut. don't worry tho, hillary would've done something similar. muh capitalism based democracy

>Obviously not, where did I imply that?
did you know that the reason uber and airbnb can undercut their competitors is because they are "it companies" thus paying lower taxes on top of giving no social benefit to their dron..i mean workers?

>said through voluntary exchange
the point is, my dear billioners cocksucker, that a mommy after working a 9-17 shift isn't going to do an informed decision in the supermarket island.
your kind think that
a)consumer can spend even a fraction of their time and/or money that big corps spend to trick him into buy shit he doesnt need to make an informed decision
b)that human are rational economical agents

Thats the stupidest thing I've ever read

Who would invest in new products and services?

Has society progressed enough for your liking?

Is OP a fucking retard?

>no taxes for anyone under $100k
>50% taxes for $101k and up

Make 99k with no taxes what so ever OR make $101k and keep 50k

Fucking kill yourself you massive uneducated faggot

>humans literally can't do anything without a bunch of psychos lining their pocket
keep waiting for memon musk to help you reach mars you dumb faggot, he's just 1 year of subsidies away from it

Because we're not in soviet russia.

SpaceX doesn't get any subsidies.
Providing a service and getting paid for it is not a subsidy you communist retard.

Are you a nigger?
I heard niggers can’t read.

Well for starters, that's a statistically insignificant portion of the population. You know where the annual income is for the (((1%))) in the US? Roughly 308k household income. And 2% of the population? 192k household income. Not individual, household.

The US doesn't have a tax revenue issue, it has a government spending issue.

>Tesla didn't receive subsidies
>Elon Musk doesn't own both Tesla and SpaceX

imagine being this retarded
Musk got nearly 5 bln in subsidies. what if that 5 bln when to the NASA?
even a crazier idea: what if we cut the middle man and we use the subsidies+what we'll have to pay when the middle man goes bust (it WILL happen cryses are inevitable in a free market) and do it for ourself? we know we need clean energy why do we need to someone to speculate on it?

also why a memecap is defending this guy starting businesses using tax payers dollars?

also how the fuck is ethical to use govt cash to kickstart your business thus eliminating the business risk (aka the only reason it could maybe justify the billion your reaping)?

the billionare is more likely to invest in the economy. even if he buys an extra vacation house, his selfish actions, the endless desire to create more wealth for himself also endlessly (until he dies or retires) create more taxable income.

anyone interested in subsisting on the minimum possible income is a dead end for economic growth.

and this is why US debt/gdp spiked from 60% to 100% after the market crashed.
guess it was worth it since some guy speculated his 1st (or 10th) billion and jpmorgan achieved a dominant position in the banking sector

No thanks, I already pay more than my share.