As a black guy I wanna know why the fuck do you think black people always bitch about how America is treating them...

As a black guy I wanna know why the fuck do you think black people always bitch about how America is treating them wrong? Every Black performance in major event like the Grammy or Superbowl etc, they always try in put in some Anti-American propaganda on how they're treated poorly. Keep in mind, this is while their performing at a major event mostly filled with mostly black athletes. I understand the black struggle in America during the Malcolm X and MLK days but now it seems like their more akin to modern feminist than to the late black activist. Am I right with this analogy or am I missing something?

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Even when they get rich off of the coonary related to the picture posted they're still bitchin and moaning. Its hard to support my people when they act like this

I haven't met the nigger yet that was grateful to white jeesus for making this black shit possible

>looking for meaningful discussion on Sup Forums
sry dawg we don't play that game here

I feel you, they're always trying to make Jesus black. Its just so fucking childish
I guess you right

They have a permanent victim mentality, enabled and furthered by the left.
We all understand the “glue” of leftism today, right? As in, how do actual leftists look around the disparate groups they've patched together into a political machine and convince themselves, “Yeah, this makes sense”? Give them all a victim mindset and a nice, big, WHITE target to aim for. Otherwise they would have to accept that they are responsible for their own situation and have been for decades. There are no excuses anymore.

Jesus wasn’t white you are just as bad as the nogs claiming he is black. Dude was a semite

Semites were in the dunes of arabia dumbass

They really don’t do themselves any favors. I’d say cut off them as well as everyone else off from state aid and we might see a revival. We don’t have to like each other, but this whole being at each others throats thing is getting pretty old.

Lol no. Arabs were in the dunes of Arabia. Arabs are semites. So are levantines and jews (Jesus was both of those)
Get your facts straight before you start telling me a blonde hair blue eyed jewish man lived in the hot ass deserts of modern day Israel

what bothers me is how they how they think black people should be rewarded for assimilating. i love when I hear them say shit like "he is so well spoken". it's pathetic really.

You need to go back.

>it seems like their more akin to modern feminist

Obama brought it all back, rolled back the clock. This is what they mean when they say he destroyed race relations.

All that stuff was played out by the late 70s.

Arabs are just Semite/Whites mix (like Jews) but with more negro in them, from mixing with their slaves.

Because the people who control them politically tell them that they're victims and do everything they can to keep them from integrating in society.

Without the lie that they are oppressed they are forced to face one of two inconvenient truths. 1: They're problems are of their own making. 2: The people who claim to represent them control them and keep them docile.

"Every Black performance in major event like the Grammy or Superbowl etc, they always try in put in some Anti-American propaganda on how they're treated poorly. Keep in mind, this is while their performing at a major event mostly filled with mostly black athletes"

Think you just answered your own question

Whining is a viable survival strategy. It continues to work, so they continue doing it.

Black Panther is coming out and everyone is acting like it's a ground breaking film because "muh black super hero." Never mind that Wesley Snipes did it first 20 years ago as Blade. The big difference being that back then no one thought it was unusual or even noteworthy to have a black superhero in his own movie. Hell, black action heros were more common than they are now.

Million dollar question user.I honestly wanna know myself.

I think your only real mistake is trying to appeal to mainstream white americans. I'm all for black movies and black banks and black farms, but it's getting co-opted by white baizuo who care more about getting black people on TV than getting black people into firefighting or black people into accounting.

Self-sufficiency is what Americans respect. Not finally earning handouts.

because niggers are jews in black skin. jews' incessant whining and playing the perpetual victim has rubbed off on the blacks, the faggots, and white females because... fucked if i know. why anyone with a shred of self respect would want to choose to play "victim" is beyond me

Facts, forgot to talk on the victim mentality thats plaguing the black community. I was watching the local news early and there was a piece about black children talking about black history and all of them said the same cookie cutter im a victim, world peace, we shouldn't be oppressed, and the imma work to be a black activist speech. Keep in mind these kids at 7 to 9 years old acting like they know what the fuck is going on and what a real struggle was.
I wanted to see if my opinion was agreed upon in a logical way or a discussion among random people who share different opinions. If I just say a bunch of random shit and think its absolute fact to myself, Ill be the same as them.
Growing up, people always said I spoke like a white person because I never use the slang and slurred my words like them. I know they meant well spoken but well spoke equal white to them. It really is pathetic.
That's funny cause I made this thread after my sister told me there was a black graduate group at her college giving $10,000 to a school so the kids can see Black Panther(A movie release on black history month) for free. Nothing is wrong with the action but the motive for it is quite questionable. You know exactly what I mean.

>Obama brought it all back, rolled back the clock.
could you expand on what he did to help racial shit overflow?
not being apologetic at all towards that nog faggot: I do realize wewuz and feminisom indeed exploded under kangz obongo, but am genuinely interested in details

No, you're totally right. Now go back and pick cotton.

The jewish hegemony selects blacks who say things like this to win Grammy's, to get the spotlight in the Superbowls and elsewhere.

It is akin to Modern Feminism in that it is part of broader effort by jews to take ore and mor epower from whites. MLK was part of this too.

If you want to learn truth about Black America, youtube Farrakhan, read his book, study what he says about Jews.

>"The Scret Relationship between Blacks and Jews"

A lot of the old blacks can remember actual systemic racism, segregation, Jim crow. Because of this they have a victim mentality. Since the civil rights movement blacks have had all the same opportunities as whites, but have failed to acquire the same success, in general, as whites. This has perpetuated the victim mentality.

Why have they failed to prosper even with such things as afermative action in their favor? Is the problem still racism? Why do Arabs and Indians come to America and own businesses in less then one generation? Why do other races have no problem assimilating and prospering if whites are so racist?

I can only come up with a couple of reasons.

1: Black culture is the most degenerate mind set on this planet. Virtually no morals, and openly celebrates the worst human behavior. If a black person isn't degenerate enough other blacks will berate him and call him an uncle tom. They also could care less about a nuclear family.

2: They lack the mental ability to capitalize on opportunity. Look at Africa, a country with enormous natural resources, yet the black man failed to utilize any of it. They now live in a country who gives them everything the need to prosper, but they still struggle to have a decent quality of life.

Both of these reasons are impossible for them to see. They cannot come to grips with the fact that they are their own worst enemy. So, they blame others because it is easier to do than coming to terms with their own failures.

>As a black guy...


I never thought about it thats way. I already knew the Jews was forcing interracial couple in all media. For all I seen im a little disappointing in myself for now seeing this obvious side to it. Ill check out what Farrakhan has to say.
That got a little chuckle out of me
100% Facts. You cant support these people, they have to learn the hard way. The one's who are begging for handout now will still be begging for handout in the future. Basically "Don't feed the dog unless your willing to take care of the dog"

How smart of you to ask this question in a board filled with people that detest black people. I am sure you will get a neutral and calm response - without a pinch of bias!

>detest black people
sigh. you're an idiot

Plebbit is down the hall to the left, nigger.

We're actually being rather nice, for a change. Contrary to popular belief if you pose an articulate question to Sup Forums you can get good answers if you look past the JIDF shills.

A lot of it has to do with the cultural marxist oppressor/oppressed dichotomy that was left over after bourgeoisie and proletariat didn't fit anymore

Is this a new pasta

I'm here to post memes

I think that people are laughing about black panther because the premise of the movie is that a super advanced tribe of Africans is developing amazing technology in secret.

Start with this


why are you letting yourself be used by Satan like fucking tools ?!

Unironic Black Nationalist here,

None of what OP pointed out matters until you realize the white man will never accept you no matter how you behave or what you accomplish. Even if your accomplishment is a benefit to humanity like Dr. Ben Carson mapping out the procedure for separating conjoined twins. Or if you produce a creative work that isn't Afrocentric and inclusive of the white man like F. Gary Gray's movie, "The Italian Job"

They will always find a reason to diminish your accomplishment by claiming your excellence is a result of their charity. Always and without fail.

You will never get props from them because even if they like your work, they fear being labeled as a "virtue signaler" by their peers for doing so.

Stop seeking approval from these people, they will never view you as equal.

you dont feel accepted faggot well go back to Sierra Leon fucking tool

He constantly pushed identity politics as a narrative and what really acted as the catalyst was the media, who portrayed any criticism of obama as an attack on blacks, and the two worked together to make every black kid shot national news and a testemant to how real racism still is. Ffs, they painted Martinez out to be white, even going so far as to lighten his skin in some photos.

OH and read a fucking book in your travel back ... tool

I have no idea bruh. I want to hope that it’s just the nig equivalent of SJW/Antifa that even suggests there’s a problem. The real blacks don’t gaf and are just out trying to get theirs.

I think black people should have their own country, be it a balkanized USA or you just going back to the continent you are most adapted to. You should do this since we both will benefit greatly. No more white racism, no more black subjugation! Back to Africa, to freedom, to separation!

Does it really matter ?
2000 year old kike folklore. Forge forward white man.

Everything is about pity points these days. It's not about if it's true, it's about if it makes you feel good to believe that it is true.
No shit.

>mixing with slaves
Unlike the white man, the Arabs had the sense to castrate most of their slaves.

Because it helps galvanize them to vote for the left despite being socially conservative and hurt the most by mass immigration and the welfare state. And anything that undermines the White Christian hegemony is a win for the left

This nog needs to hear the truth but thank you for proving my point leaf

This will be the greatest way to wake people up to closed borders and ethnonationalism. I can't wait for leftists to denounce le ebil alt right for ruining black panther

Is this stat suppose to be surprising? Like no shit they are murdered by someone that's super fucking close to them. I'm more blown away that it's only 30%

I don't get why they complain neither.
>le police shoot dequan after he tried to shoot the officer clearly the cop had no reason

pic related

Because you're not equal?

This is what did it, especially egregious when you actually learn about what happened the night Trayvon died. That piece of shit was an Alinskyite commuity organizer, and he wasn't even a true black American just the mutt spawn from a white woman and Kenyan

He has Argentinian

One of the few things I generally agree with whites on is this.

Stop falling prey to the suicidal cultural identity the jews pushed on blacks in the 60s and 70s. You self segregated.

Jews have always worked for civil rights for their own reasons

Hush now clown tool .. dont you have books to read other then aleister crowley book of lies I mean .. get the fuk out of here little wayne

I don't hate blacks, or any race. I only hate white leftists and anybody aligned with them

It's simple really

1. Government doesn't step in to regulate black neighborhoods and reduce the crime rate, currently the best solution they're offering is to push those with the "nigger" mentality elsewhere while keeping the ones that are able bodied and can afford in

2. Government doesn't regulate television and radio by banning thug rap from being played which encourages newer generations to become thugs

3. School teachers not encouraging blacks students to stay in school, they're either encouraged to leave or they leave on their own accord

4. Evidence of employers turning down black employment because they don't look attractive and ebonics as a result of the above makes them hard to communicate with which is important in most businesses

5. The media ultimately shapes their portrayal with most people which is why they're often treated like crap. Modern civilization forms their opinions of races based on what they see on television and the internet which is why the majority of whites born into upper classes or isolated neighborhoods as well as the Chinese are heavily racist towards them

Case and point, blacks ultimately have the responsibility of taking care of each other as barely anyone else gives a fuck about them. Problem is however that their communities are huge shitholes which makes it difficult for them to get ahead in life and the lack of outside help makes it difficult for them to help each other, however they often refuse help out of pride.

You're right user. I don't want to accept your kind anymore than you want to accept mine. We need to separate the races. (((Diversity))) harms both of us.

>and anybody aligned with them
So you hate blacks, is what you are saying.

Honestly - the Jews are doing this to your people and to America.

Heil Malcolm X!

You sound like you would rather I return to the DNC plantation. Not gonna happen.

terrible trigger discipline


>They will always find a reason to diminish your accomplishment by claiming your excellence is a result of their charity. Always and without fail.
Because affirmative action has undermined all black achievement since it'll always be seen as ill-gotten. Maybe read what Clarence Thomas, a black man who has succeeded entirely on his own merits, has to say about it.

Don't like to be a charity case? Stop supporting charity from the state, it's tax dollars from whites anyway

We already have machines to pick cotton. You are needed back in mother africa insttead.

If you think all blacks are just pawns of kike leftists then yes, but I don't have as low an opinion of blacks as you do

Funny I posted a picture of Malcolm X, yet didn't heed his warning about Jews.

I call bullshit

id befriend a black person who is nationalist purely because he is red pilled,i could care less what his color is as long as they're against zog

blacks and whites unite!

its like in wow,we need to unite and defeat the great jew (sargeras)

once thats we can focus on each other

You can kiss the ass of Sowell all you want, majority of blacks are bulling the lever for democrats every time.

How the fuck did you get that from my post? Do blacks just itch for any opportunity to get outraged? Jews really got you conditioned.

You haven't figured it out yet? Look at the people who fund them.

Virtually every nigger with any power money or influence is propped up financially by a Jew.

Jews creative division on both sides and while left vs right fight each other, they're fleecing the country.

Want to be a woke nigga? Stop looking at white people vs black people, conservative vs degenerates. Start paying attention to the guy behind the curtain. Geopolitics and international banking is the end game.

I'm well aware. But this way I can justify it's not race related if I'm ever pressed on it. Not my fault most nonwhites just want gibs though

Yes you're right, and the reason is because division in society is far more useful to the government than unity, division means there will be less chance of rebellion and niggers vote in block for democrats due to welfare demand (instead of sorting your community out) and they desperately want to keep it that way.

Sadly, I agree with you on this too. Our two peoples have a lot of bad history though and the present doesn't look all that rosy too.

since 1666 .. ask Sabbatha Zevi

>being too cowardly to admit its race related.
This is why american conservativism has been such a failure, and your nation is now 52%. The moment you shy away from race, your enemy will use that as an avenue of attack, and you will be forced to adopt niggerbabies just to prove that you are not racist.

(((they))) ripped you off your religion and call you BETA you bow to them since then stupid fucking tools

They don't realize this (pic related) but hell neither does hardly anyone the retarded SJW white people think the same thing people are retarded what can you say


Mr. Farrakhan is the most unfairly represented and lied about black gentleman in the USA. He is an oppressed man, because he speaks the truth.

I think he may be the greatest black man to have lived - excluding those who served in the SS.

You know what's horrible, OP? Here you are having a civilised, intellectual discussion with Nazis and we vet persecuted for allegedly hating your people, and, you too will be persecuted for this ludicrous charge.

OP, please always remember that they will always persecute the righteous who fight the Satanic Jewish power. Jesus, Hitler, Farrakhan, all lied about, all hounded till they die.

May your race too, free itself from the shakels of Jewry.

Seig Heil!

Let's make it happen. Oh wait...

the jews greatest trick is misdirection here is a pro tip for life always follow the fucking money. The elites only give a shit about one color green they leave all the "isms" to the plebs to fight over scraps

The condition of blacks today versus before the 1960s is inextricably linked to the jew

what happen ... ignorance and stupidity that what happened

Oh fuck off, I've got a life to think about. I just explained that niggers are dependent on gibs but without white leftists enabling them they aren't a problem. I understand English isn't your first language, but it's obvious they can't comprehend Western values on a large scale

And don't give me that bullshit that I shy away from race, I'm telling you truth. I don't hate blacks like I hate leftists. I just don't want to live with them. I have no problem calling out anybody. Not everybody here is a gas the kikes 1488 edgelord

>I feel you, they're always trying to make Jesus black. Its just so fucking childish
like it isn't childish for the white nigger faggots that do the same thing all christcucks are niggers

And the jew hides behind other minorities. IF you cant even admit that there might be something wrong or different about a group of rampaging negroes, what the fucking hope you have of pinning down kikes who "look huwhite to me!" for most normies?

Fucking Cromwell ruined this world

Adopt niggerbabies? Oh crap, I thought we were supposed to cook them.

they waking up bruh

>As a black guy

I'd like you to meet my wife and daughter.

>As a black guy I wanna know why the fuck do you think black people always bitch about h
stopped reading there because it was bitching bout something

Also honestly I think black people are more woke on the JQ than whites for real

>And the jew hides behind other minorities. IF you cant even admit that there might be something wrong or different about a group of rampaging negroes, what the fucking hope you have of pinning down kikes who "look huwhite to me!" for most normies?
Never said they were equal, said I didn't hate them. Get it right finland

My discussion point wasn't not about being accept by white people at all. I didn't even mention white people. Did you even read it?

Its honestly easier to convince blacks about marxism and jews than whites who immediately clutch at their pearls.