French Revolution

Redpill me on the French Revolution. I hear alt-righters criticise it. Surely it was positive overall?

When Napoleon was imprisoned he said:

"The nature of Christ’s existence is mysterious, I admit; but this mystery meets the wants of man. Reject it and the world is an explicable riddle; believe it, and the history of our race is satisfactorily explained.
I know men, and I tell you that Jesus is not a man. Superficial minds see a resemblance between Christ and the founders of empires, and the gods of other religions, that resemblance does not exist. There is between Christianity and other religions, the distance of infinity.
I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between Him and every person in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded His empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him."

He regret fighting the Church.

you're wasting you time creating new red pill threads, you can't hide from god.

The (((French Revolution))) was the beginning of (((egalitarianism))).

Don't know how I feel about that considering I'm a Prod.
What are you talking about? This is the first thread I've made in months.

>What are you talking about? This is the first thread I've made in months.
no real person talks like you bot




The proof is in the pudding, and yours reeks of autism.

no comrade, you're going to hell.

No because I've taken the faith alone pill.

>considering I'm a Prod.

It's okay, conflict of feelings about being a prots is the first step towards redpill. You guys just existed to attack the Church, you were the liberals of that time. You simplify everything even Churches to simplicity like modern art, you are always safe against the muslim invasions from the east back then so you have to backstab the Catholics when they are busy defending Europe, your sola scriptura, fide, etc. is the very evidence of your hate against tradition. You hated tradition, you were born confuse Christians due to your own different interpretations of the bible. How many but about 40,000 sects you have created. Confusion is the devil's tool. You are the false prophets that the bible speaks of, you are the gateway to communism, I hate you with all of my heart.

I don't blindly follow what the Pope says, especially considering past Popes have declared themselves as gods (sometimes Jesus specifically) and the current one says all kinds of heresies. Judging from the Bible, simple practices of the Church are clearly against God's word.
The original churches were splintered independent gatherings of Christians like modern independent protestant churches. The litmus test for heresy is the Bible.
Sorry, but Catholicism is just too pray-to-saints-and-Mary-and-pay-to-go-to-heaven-and-get-burnt-at-the-stake-if-you-read-the-Bible for me.




you are god.

France tried to liberty and fucked it up because they're continentals. They've still got some shitty holdovers from this, like their retarded concept of what secular means.

No it wasn't you mong, the equality over liberty crowd existed before that.

No and the frogs need to bring back the monarchy.

>Surely it was positive overall?
Nope, not at all. The French revolution officially put the (((merchant))) bourgeois class at the top of the pyramid.
>b-but at least the burgoise are be-
Nope. The difference between this new upper class and the aristocracy is that the aristocracy had standards and rules to follow, the new upper class is extremely hedonist and results in the kind of society we have today where you can see an 18 year old European girl getting fucked by 3 African dicks within a few clicks.

Read this.

The American Reign of Terror will begin soon after they assass*nate the lawfully elected president

Freemasons and merchants killed the king, every religious and noble men. They created the godless democratic republic we live in today.

But France was religious and conservative up until the mid 20th Century, was it not?

>french revolution

Except it's not, what we have is a (((capitalist))) society where wealth inequality keep increasing and people public services keep disappearing or are parasited by insurances or private interests.

Egalitarianism (lgbt, migant etc) is only a scapegoat.

Colonial wars, waves of docile immigrants worker have been the wish of the wealthy, increasing crime and diversity to keep the (white) working man away from solidarity, away from the will to join the union or to fight for his own interests.

Destruction of the traditional family values throughs women empowerment and feminism is also the wish of the wealthy. Family being the last true cradle of inter-personal solidarity resisting atomisation and individualism.

Jews always hated our public re-destribution system because there's is no intermediate parasite able to make profit involved and they want to destroy it through supra national demands and european harmonisation arguments.

France is the last guardian of some pieces of the true socialism.

Inb4 commie, are you socialist or not Sup Forums?
Pick a side.

It was bad, because they destroyed a centuries old system with a mild state which was based on the trust in Providence establishing the ruling dynasty of France. They destroyed this as "irrational" and in the name of rationalism established a system which was also pretty irrational in which people still argue about rationalism

Louis de Bonald predicted it, namely that in the name of rationalistic state, people will endlessly argue about what is rational. In the old France, pointless debates about rationalism were replaced by trust in Providence and its grace which chose kings for France

You guys need to stop bashing egalitarianism.
It's an atrociously vague and imprecise concept.

It's ok to bash societal egalitarianism if you are criticising homosexuality for example, or woman empowerment and traditional family and gender role destruction but if that make you call anything actually socialist "commie" then you are a capitalist, there is no other logical way out.

Capitalism is (((them))), it is ecological disaster, it is multiculturalism and rainbows, it is economical parasitism, it is the bank, it is money, it is (((them))). DRPK or cuba are more right than any american corporate - libertarian - entrepreneur insanity.

So get yourself an healthcare and stop talking shit about our socialist heritage while larping as natsoc while using tinder, uber, facebook and netflix whining for less taxes and libertarian roads.

Trump is the ultimate trojan horse, using data mining to tell you what you want to hear and pretending to address societal issue on twitter while he in fact protect the bank and everything that create all these problems in the first place.

Socialism makes you subject to bureaucratic tyranny and an alliance between law interpreting bureaucrats and corporate media. Add to that leftist academics and wicked actors, and you have multiculturalism ready and national dispossession

Employers are the one wanting less taxes, not you, they want public services private, they want to be the intermediate middle man leeching people money making profit on things that should belong to the people like education, health, real estate and infrastructures. Taxe money benefit people directly when it's used correctly and when compagnies actually pay there taxes instead of dodging them.
Employers are the one wanting mass immigration and multiculturalism to weaken unions and the worker ability to fight, go on strike and demands better working conditions and protection. you don't ask the master for anything when you're from a shithole country devastated by western powers with very low wages, when you don't have the culture or the good skin color, you just obey and lay low and you reproduce massively while supporting your non assimilated community.

Bullshit, it's like saying that socialism bring corruption when in fact profit bring corruption.
Socialist can be modern and avoid bureaucracy completely, it can also avoid oligarchy by limiting the corruption of it's rulers. Fascism should control the media and protect itself against foreign media interference the way any good socialist regime does. Ideology, strong leaders and even personality cult are always better than compagny investor owned MSM with coca-cola telling you what to think.

He also believed the spear of longinus gave him magical sex powers.

Grow up.

You can call socialism monarchy if you want to, it's exactly the same without the "going back in time" and the "spiritual political order" part. Point is it's the opposite of usury, investment banking and anglo-judeo-protestant capitalism. Monarchy is the former name and socialism or even communism is the modern version with no religious order and a global world view which is the opposite of the jewish and yankee imperialist pig degenerate world view.

Most of the West was still somewhat religious afterwards, so I guess the French would be no exception.

Conservatism emerged more as a philosophical defence against the excesses of radicalism, though. So it's more of an attitude of maintaining order in a bourgeois world than an aristocratic outlook.

The French had periods of relative order when they had decent leaders to be fair, but as a people they tend to be quite chaotic. They're more of an artistic people, or even courageous on the battlefield, than political organisers. They seem to have gone through quite a few empires and republics even after the days of Talleyrand. The Paris Commune appears to have been particularly radical. Compare with the Pax Britannica and the more purely practical business-like (piratical, kek) outlook of the British or even other Anglos. Whereas the French are usually viewed, again, as more artistic. Think of their obsession with food and wine, even.

Overall I think the more Spanish-style absolute monarchy suppressed the anarchic tendencies and elevated the better gifts of the French, empowering them to greatness. This can be seen quite well under Louis XIV. Even his less worthy successors had a strong tradition around them, the revolution itself notwithstanding. Obviously there are fairly well-known powerful figures like Napoleon or de Gaulle who came later.


The only flaws in true socialism is being assimilated to Bolshevism or nazism by the jews to enforce political correctness. The only two demonized ideologies of the modern world each being half of the solution.

>led to WW1
>led to WW2
>Endless revolution cycles until mob rule

Religion have always been the enemy of secular (((laic))) secret societies and merchants because like family it cause problem with usury, individualism, egocentrism and consumerism.

The major difference between religion and family is that family actually is useful to something. Religion isn't required to have moral and discipline or to fight degeneracy. Accepting transcendence and refusing to worship yourself like a capricious consumerist manchild doesn't require a jew in the sky. Every historical attempt at socialism was always against jew money, secret societies and merchant and for a return to nature and transcendence.