Give me one reason why I should give a shit about my country, my people or my race. Go on, I'll wait

Give me one reason why I should give a shit about my country, my people or my race. Go on, I'll wait.

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You don't. You can kill yourself anytime faggot. We have enough human garbage in the modern world that are too afraid to fight for everything. You'd just be another statistic. This isn't for everybody.

That's not a reason at all.
>We have enough human garbage in the modern world that are too afraid to fight for everything.
I would love to fight for a good cause. But the thing is that fighting for people that couldn't give less of a shit about me isn't a good cause.

If it's not obvious to you why you shouldn't want white people to die off then there's no sense in trying to convince you.

I'm genuinely curious. Why should I fight for the survival of people who wouldn't return the favour?

Return what favor? You already said you aren't doing anyone a favor and need to be convinced of it by Sup Forumsacks. I can't convince you to love your people, that's not how it works.

Fair enough. I just don't understand the line of thinking. I have never seen even the tiniest speck of camaraderie on a national/racial basis.

people are social, hierarchical primates. you do care about these things enough to make a post about them. when you hear a loud boom, you jump reflexively. when you see a person that looks or acts differently, you become suspicious. people with slave morality will try to flagellate themselves for this behavior. they will go so far as to deny their humanity, making up moral excuses like "unconscious racism". i thought only commies were capable of this level of self-deception.

What does this have to do with my post? I genuinely don't understand.

Nobody else matters. Self-actualization is found within. You alone can become the Ubermensch.

That's more of an awareness problem. How do you think your nation's laws, civility, infrastructure, educational system, and basically every other communal effort works user? If you had kids or more of a stake in your society these things would be more apparent to you but for now it's like water is to a fish.

Also it's a lot more apparent when your country is being flooded with brown people. Things stop flowing as smoothly as they did before and you realize just how vulnerable individuals are when they aren't organized as a collective. If you don't value your culture, heritage, anything whites have invented, etc, you should at least care about this.

If you want the true answer to your post, it's after a long rimjob given by the best white you can find.

It's something to do if your life is already kind of boring. I guess if you're a millionaire or have an exciting life, there's no real reason on the short term.

If you care about your race, religion, or nationality, you can be enlisted to fight for causes which convince you that those things matter.

White Christian Americans: vote Trump 2020ยก

Or, more usually, the destitute and dumb that that never accomplished anything in life and need to cling to their tribe of choice to delude themselves into feeling like they did anything.

That isn't how motivation works.

No motivation is 100% "rational". Rationalization is a tool to get what we want. What we want in the first place, though, is more instinctive and emotional.

tl;dr you're a faggot who reasons backwards. I don't care what you care about.

>using white Christian Americans derogatorily
Spotted the Jew.

And what did you do buckaroo ;)

This is pretty much my line of thought, too.
>How do you think your nation's laws, civility, infrastructure, educational system, and basically every other communal effort works user?
They barely do. Things are far from great around here.
I'm not fighting for some dumb whore, user.
>you can be enlisted to fight for causes which convince you that those things matter.
For example?
So what do I do if I don't instinctively or emotionally feel the need to fight for my people?

Don't. Your country is shit. Care about Sup Forums, your international family of friends. Friend, We are your family. Won't you Meme with us and help us gas the Jews?

This picture stresses me out

think about all the fucking leeches in that pond that are probably latching on that motherfucker

Only if you stop telling me I'm not white.

here is an example of social engineers attempting to "fix" human nature. notice how it is an entirely moral argument--basically a rip off of original sin

Question is,

"Do you want your life to get worse?"

"Would you like to live in Venezula or N Korea?"

I genuinely don't feel any preference to one race over another. Could just be because I live in an area that is 99.9% white.
And what exactly is your point? If those things are going to happen, I sure as hell won't be able to stop them.

>This is pretty much my line of thought, too.
I lost a lot of friends but the ones I have now are something more than friends. Something more akin to brothers and sisters. Look, it isn't an easy path to take but it's a necessary one because we are the future. I wish you well and good fortune.

Thanks man. Best of luck to you too.

No one cares. If you need convincing you aren't worth the effort

Your Kebab-removing prowess.

I think the same thing. Why should I give a fuck? White people have never treated me like a fellow white person and Ive done things for this place and my community. Everyone is out for themselves in the long run anyways and i refuse to be a stooge for the left or the right.

Serbians are white.

You're like that brainlet femanon bitch last night.

A Mexican, an Ethiopian, and a guy from Portugal (typical IT dept, looks like the fucking cantina scene from Star Wars) asked me as an American who we would least like to fight against in a real shooting war. Serbs made the top 3. Behind the Chechens but ahead of the Sikhs.

there's no real should or shouldn't in nature and history.
Simple fact is, if you don't, you're making a decision to be the kind of person that your people, country or race would be better off without.

If you don't, (((people))) that care about your race can take power. And they will not care whether you identify with it, or not, rather they will deeply care whether you are x or not.
Besides, even if they were not hostile to you, they would bring more misery. Because more diversity = more tensions = more violence = more possibility of you getting killed and less prosperity for you, to commit to your selfish urges.

I hope people realize you are just paroding shills

Nema razloga. Ja sam to davno naucio kada sam putovao i zivio u aziji.
Mi smo na balkanu malo zaostali, slicno kao i ovi redneck americke seljacine. Normalan i napredan svijet shvata naciju i porijeklo poput horoskopa.
Kada se pomiris sa tom cinjenicom zivot postane laksi.

Mi jos uvjek imamo mentalitet 17 vijeka, da je teritorija, vjera, porodica, nacija-grupa put do zivotnog uspjeha. Da je svijet zero-sum game.
Na zalost istina je da u danasnjem svijetu biti lojalan naciji je apsolutna glupost.
Pogotovo posto su nase vlade korumpirane go kosti. Zasto voljeti zemlju koja tebe ne voli. Samo zato sto si se tu rodio?

Kada se rijesis tog bremena svijet postane otvoreniji i bolji.