'white genocide' does not exist...

'white genocide' does not exist. if you want people to take your complaints about anti-white sentiment in our culture you should make hyperbolic comparisons to genocide. No one is stopping whites from living long healthy lives and from reproducing, you are not being victims of genocide. If it weren't so plausable the stupidity of racists invented the term you would think some liberals invented it to make you look like incredible bafoons.

Other urls found in this thread:


>you should make
should be should not

Whites are K-Selected. Niggers are r-selected. When you mix them and outlaw murder the r-selected will outbreed the K-Selected.

Q predicted this

being out breeded is not being genocided

Jamal is on line 2 for you. He mentioned something about "pushing your shit in" whatever that means.

Great to see Peterson and his drones are being useful idiots once again.


This x1000
>b-but stupid fucking whores won't sleep with me, ITS GENOCIDE

Kys today myman

idiotic leaf

Fuck color politics. The best of American blacks are stronger and smarter than Africans. White Americans are better and stronger than British, Afrikaans , Australians and sub human leafs

'OTHER_RACE genocide' does not exist. if you want people to take your complaints about anti-OTHER_RACE sentiment in our culture you should make hyperbolic comparisons to genocide. No one is stopping OTHER_RACE from living long healthy lives and from reproducing, you are not being victims of genocide. If it weren't so plausable the stupidity of racists invented the term you would think some liberals invented it to make you look like incredible bafoons.

The destruction of white culture through demographic change and outbreeding is genocide. Google the definition you faggot

We'll call it whatever we like you dumb faggot. Anybody crying about the term is too brainwashed to be worth reaching anyway

What measures have been imposed to prevent you from breeding?

Sub human leafs. Manifest destiny when?

>what are birth control policies
I'm going to give you the option to stop now before you are completely humiliated in this thread.

Promotion of family planning/abortions, disenfranchisement of men in family courts, encouragement of (mainly white) women to have births later in life when it's more risky and less likely to succeed, or not at all.

Did you even know what word "genocide" means?

Oh excuse me
Under the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted in 1948,
genocide was defined in Article 2 as:
…any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or
religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in
whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.[1]
>what is importing large numbers of other race and ethnicity into majority white nation?

really gets the noggin joggin

neither of those things are happening. letting you live your life and die peacefully of old age is not inflicting conditions to bring your physical destruction and no one is stopping you from breeding.

OP on suicide watch.

Is that seriously the only grammatical or spelling error you saw in your post, soycuck?
Jesus, you're not even a virgin nerd, you're just a virgin.

>'white genocide' does not exist.

Except they are user especially in Africa where there is now physical destruction of whites.

Thanks for playing please try again.

here it is

>haha white genocide isn't real, whites are just making choices
>nevermind that we engineered not only your choices but the options presented to you in the first place
it's all so tiresome

If you don't see it you haven't looked or are too brainwashed to see. No other options.


that just makes it doubly revolting that you guys belittle thier plight by refering to it as white genocide when you see a black star wars character or a race mixed couple on tv

Article 2
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.



Oh user good luck with shifting the goal posts.
>White Genocide isn't happening
>it is happening but you are belittling their plight
You should quit before i humiliate you even more.

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

Any effort to destroy a culture, by any means, is genocide

To make the claim that something does not exist with no further amendments to such things as when, how, or why and then to not check to see if it has ever existed within the possible parameters that are left is an error on your part.

That is just a suggestion, not actual change.

>posts article proven to be written by alt right as evidence of ‘white genocide’

its not about black star wars characters or race mixing on tv

it is about the importation of millions upon millions of people into what was once a relatively homogenous nation (and nationality is a protected class under Un convention)

it is genocide
in fact mass immigration is the OLDEST form of genocide

no one is trying to destroy your culture

i'm not aware of the genocide happening to whites in africa so i conceded that. It doesnt change the fact my thread was about the use of white genocide as a term to describe precived anti-white sentiments in the culture that are objectively not genocide.

>You should quit before i humiliate you even more.
fedora, please

>commits a genetic fallacy
Down Syndrome.

>cops are killing and imprisoning black fathers in mass

If you admit that there is a white Genocide then why are you still here arguing.

lmfao nice try rabbi.

>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

The change in the demographics of a nation over time due to migration, immigration, and emigration are not the same thing as systematically and deliberately exterminating a group of people in a somewhat organized fashion. These demographic changes do not even come close to meeting any of the definitions above. (See link here:debunkingdenialism.com/2014/01/11/white-genocide-eurabia-and-other-white-supremacist-nonsense/)

“Conditions to bring about your physical destruction” include ecological conditions.

Introducing foreign bodies, without limit, to an ecosystem will cause deaths of indigenous wild life unintentionally.

It doesn’t have to be a direct assault, simply facilitate the conditions for the eventual eradication of a species.

Someone posted the Tibetan situation, which is precisely applicable to this. While some may scoff at the idea of whites dying out, the conditions are ripe for their decline. Populous wise.

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

both of these things are in fact occuring

and considering the disproportionate levels of criminal activity and murders
argueably (a) and (b) are also occuring

and as far as his white man is concerned, every minority in Europe is engaged in this act and has conspired to commit these acts, there lives are forfeit, as well as thier enablers
hang them by the neck until dead (no deportations, kill them, for thier crime against humanity)

you have made yourself a part of this crime, and you are sentenced to death, it is only a matter of time before your sentence will be carried out

>Demographic replacement is okay when it is being done to whites
There are right now majority non white cities in their native lands. Ergo whites are minorities in their own homelands within a single generation.

Another low IQ liberal argument defeated.

just admit you're not white

white culture can never be destroyed faggot no matter how hard they try

No one is murdering white people
No one is FORCING white people to breed with niggers
White genocide doesn't exist

Thank you sirs. OP is a retard brainlet.

because the point of this thread wasnt that white genocide isnt happening it was that the term is being used incorrectly, which it is.

Let me put it this way, do you live in africa? the white genocide isnt happening to you.

cultural genocide is happening

blacks portreying white historical figures in movies cos of some sick liberal ideology
blacks trying to revert history and claim they were egyptians
white states being forced to take in 3rd worlders again cos of some sick liberal ideology
i could go on for days
these are real things happening
people are concerned
hence the rise in right wing politics

you are guilty of genocide, the most despicable act imaginable in the human character

we sentence you to death, by hanging
DOTR is coming

Hey dumbass did you read the link I sent you?

>promotion of abortions
you still can breed
>disenfranchisement of men in family courts
you still can breed
>encouragement of (mainly white) women to have births later in life
you still can breed
this is pretty weak

You might have assumed I didn't read your post. You'd be correct. Sry.

In diplomacy they talk a lot about "soft power" (as opposed to "hard power" which is presumably military).

Likewise, there is no "hard genocide" of whites. There is a "soft genocide" that is done on a spiritual level by a cult that permeated media/academia and recently government.

>No one is murdering white people
bzzzzzt wrong try again Peterson brainlet

Why do i need to read a shit argument to know it is wrong. There are Majority Non white cities in White European homelands, they have been demographically replaced within a generation.
You are wrong.
The End.

>reading shareblue level horseshit

You're pretty much the resident EU flag cuck, m8. We've seen you plenty before.

>no one is trying to destroy your culture
yes by importing 3rd worlders who dont want to integrate into the society but want to impose their customs and tradition
is basically an attempt to destroy eu culture
look up muslim movements sharia for (insert random country)
i could go on for days

>blacks in movies
no one cares is they do white things is white culture or your problems are with who takes credit for the culture?
>black egyptians
only niggermurricans take this srsly
shitty but not culturally significant
>go on for days
you should cos its pretty weak

So white Genocide is happening in Africa then just no where else on the planet. Correct?


>movements for sharia
it will never happen we all know it

>why do I need to know your argument to know it’s wrong
I’m asking this out of concern are underage or do you have some sort of severe brain damage and or intellectual disability?

Ignore this thread. Ignore shills.

If i am brain damaged then you have been btfo by a retard which makes your position even worse.

>No one is stopping whites from living long healthy lives and from reproducing, you are not being victims of genocide.

Slight correction, nobody is CAPABLE of stopping us. That doesn't mean they aren't trying.

>'white genocide' does not exist
Fucking first line of your thread, you imbecile.

The real issue is between illegal immigration (migrant crisis 2015, Obama era law enforcement) and legal immigration from foreign bodies flooding European (or other) nations and displacing their indigenous peoples in such a short time frame.

This is precisely why it only took a few generations to make them minorities in their home cities. A person can argue that it’s not happening, but if you flood an aggressive species of animal into the habitat of another species, it will invariably impinge on their living situation.

>terrorist attack
LMAO. Are you even old enough to remember what a real genocide looks like? I remember when the yugoslavian atrocities were all over the news. And guess what: We italians took their refugees too since we were their neighbors and NO ONE got replaced in here. They just integrated into society. Crazy I know

holly shit gay lefties with signs and graffiti?
this is genocide you are right

we are done with your propanganda
you are a war criminal, your sentence is to hang by the neck until dead

you are far worse and more insidious then anything Hitler ever did

feel free to carry out your sentence at any time

Yeah, say that to the America natives who bred with white men so much they don't exist anymore.

No, you didn’t even respond to the point, dumbass, congrats you’re the worst shitposter I’ve seen in months

You argued that no one was killing whites.
I showed a terror attack that has killed European whites.
Ergo you are wrong. Have a nice day.

instead of crying you should make better arguments.

this is my whole point, all those thing are legitimate things you could be complaining about, but by calling them genocide you guarantee no one will take you serious because they aren't genocide. Except of course other racists will believe you which you deluded morons think is going to be enough to make a change.

there will be problems bc they are culturally backwards low iq many inbred etc
they will still most likely not breed with the majority of the local population nor impose their culture over the local one
as any culture clash their shitty customs will eventually be forgotten and the good ones will be assimilated

>but by calling them genocide you guarantee no one will take you serious because they aren't genocide.
this is just an appeal to emotion.

Id suggest you go back to your lands while you still can

A terrorist attack is not genocide. Genocide is systemic not sporadic. Are you still in high school or something?

the terror attacks are systemic

You never said Genocide, you asked if whites were being killed. I warned you shit tier liberals at the start of the thread. Dont get mad because your shit arguments get btfo.

why do you keep trying to create some gottcha? why are you not addressing the actual
point of this thread which ive articulated so many times now im not gonna bother doing it again?

it's not an appeal to emotion. If it weren't true then you wouldn't have comedians joking about white genocide as retarded and people getting offended by it. it's common sense, why would you deliberately choose a offencive, inaccurate name for this phenomena just to shoot your cause in the foot?

nice ad hominem

>and people getting offended by it.
i mean people getting offended at the term being used, they laugh at the comedians and agree

>providing evidence is a gotcha.
Stop moving goal posts you butt hurt liberal.

just saw today a movie or serie about a historical figure a joanne de arc with black leading actress
which is just blatantly false depiction of french history
keep in mind it's not the only example
>refugees shitty but not culturally significant
how is it not cultural genocide being forced to take in milions on refugees who dont want to integrate into society, force their culture(language, "fashion", honor killings etc etc) religion
>sharia won't happen
it's just a matter of time when muslims become a large enough % of the population to start demanding stuff like that

i dont think i need to prove cultural genocide happening
there is enough videos on the internet about no go zones in western countries
statistics about rape killing and crime in general made by immigrants
whole countries are adjusting to the crime raise
women/children can't walk alone at night
have to be careful what they wear
etc etc

prove it isn't happening

well im not pol
i try to think for my own
cultural genocide is happening
take sweden for example

>you never said genocide
But we were talking about white genocide in the first place LMAO you mad as fuck

like ive said a thousand times now, the point of this thread was not that white genocide doesnt exist it's that the term is widely used to describe things that arent it, that's why your gotcha doesnt change a damn thing dumbass

"sometimes, things are true but never happened"

Jihad is genocidal. Look at all the Islamic nations and over history their culture and demographics are irreparably changed, with the exception of Spain where it still took 700 years to drive the Muslims out

Jihad of the sword is only the face. The Sharia is in our textbooks, law and media.

You aren't even bothering to make arguments now. Glad to help you understand that White Genocide is happening in the modern world.

>Demographic change over time due to population migration is not the same as the intentional physical extermination of entire groups of people.
Ok, there's a nice thesis statement.
>However, this does not actually fall under the definition of genocide.
I suppose you'll be mentioning how and/or why the definition as you're presenting it is flawless? Fair warning, if you say it's ok to do and it actually is genocide, you'll be permitting future genocides through an incorrect definition. For instance...
>intended to prevent births
could be changed to...
>intended to prevent or "significantly decrease" births
I used quotes because the wording is ambiguous and would lead to problems as-is.

Oh, let me do some more wordplay with two parts here.
>…inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part? No.
>…a way to prevent births within a national, ethnical, racial or religious group? No.
Changed to
>... inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about prevent(ED) births within a national, ethnical, racial or religious group?

There's also
>…a way to forcibly transform children?
Genetic manipulation is just around the corner, you know?

Your definition isn't complete by any stretch and was created by people who did not have any need to answer certain questions. Standing by such a flimsy thing is dangerous and can cause dissonance.