Exactly 10 years on...time for a rewatch

Exactly 10 years on...time for a rewatch.

Is this the one where he gets brutally murdered at the end?

No, what are you talking about?
He gets the loli in the end.

Yes, but he deserved it.


Every man deserves to fuck all the bitches in his school. He did nothing wrong.

I'm pretty sure he impregnated his mom.

He should have got with the cute Trap.

What's so special about him, anyway?

He can make all girls magically want his dick. It's like the High Jump or the Tohno Gland.

Is there anything he can't do? He even made girls lust for themselves.

What? He can turn girls to classical Narcisissm?


He's the son of the most alpha man in the history of japanese fiction

nice boat

Never understood how this family tree shit worked.

Do all people on this have a true appearance in multiple shows, manga's and VN?

Like his dad for example? thought it was just school days and some manga's like summer days. Never read them tho so Don't know the connection

Same universe

With such catastrophic inbreeding, how is everyone not terribly deformed or mutated?

For the same reason you're not deformed or mutated.

Have you tried the manga though?

Nice one, but i am.

It's another underage retard commenting on a field he knows nothing about episode, I see.

Nice boat.


Inbreeding only increases the chances for complications that are already present, but unrepresented. If you have GODLY PREFECT GENES like him you will have no problem.