Why do so many asian women have giant jaws?

why do so many asian women have giant jaws?

Because racial differences manifest in physical traits

I've never seen this, literally ever. They usually have tiny chins

She is mixed nigger half white.

great for blow jobs

they don't, its just that the rest of their face is small

Better to crack your nuts with.

not politics

Mongoloid facial structure

bogdanoff babies

gee idk, i also don't know why africans would have beneficial dark skin in africa


Take off the meme flag, Canada.

Asian women sometimes have squarer jaws than wh*toids because they aren't fat enough to have their own gravitational orbit, if you go to some farming village in Switzerland people will look about the same.

We're excluding Koreans because they call go to the same plastic surgeons at age 13.

For white dicks
>What is politically incorrect humor for 800?


OP is right, in Korea especially, jaws are massive. Usually corrected with plastic surgery which is so prevalent. Hence why you never see them, especially if all you know is what you see in the media.

that's the south korean plastic surgery jaw, not a naturally occurring feature.

Would u?

East Asian women are superior on all accounts

panface syndrome from inbreeding

*teleports behind you*

Egyptian girls > everything else

>but, but they're beautiful....

wait, do they have surgery done to fix manjaws, or do they want the manjaws? confoos

They fix it. White women will keep the man jaw.

that girl is super sexy, and she's barely asian. you're a looney tune op


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