Were their war crimes simply an ally exaggeration, or were they really as bad as claimed (such as the rape of Nanking)?

Were their war crimes simply an ally exaggeration, or were they really as bad as claimed (such as the rape of Nanking)?

Also, did America make the right choice by not holding emperor Hirohito accountable?

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We let them save face, which is a big deal in Japanese culture. We bought their trust that way after nuking the fuck out of them.

Yes they were really, really fucking bad.
America nuked two of their cities so I think they sent the message.

>Also, did America make the right choice by not holding emperor Hirohito accountable?
MacArthur was smart and the boots on the ground at the time. Truman was wise to let him have his head.

Absolutely, read up on Unit 731, their chemical weapon research site, that shit alone reads more like some deliberately edgy anime than real life.

Japan was arguably the most brutal of the axis powers during the war a mix of imperialism with old fashioned warrior code.
Japan is a really odd nation during WWII. They began to westernize and modernize in 1862 and at that point western ideas revolved around expansion and imperialism two things the resource starved and land limited Japanese could get behind. Japan took to imperialism very quickly and most western nations saw it as no immediate threat at least to themselves.
Even with modernization and westernization japan still held many traditional values such as surrender is shameful which would be a major driving force for japans atrocities.
The Japanese did see the western nations has hippocrates when things like the invasion and brutal occupation of Korea Manchukuo and latter China where condemned by the league of nation with the belief of they where either doing the same or had already done so.

it was the most convenient for U.S. the leadership of the emperor with his people was undeniable and a good relationship with the defeated emperor ensured the obedience of the Japanese people.

Plus... a little bit of guilt.

Japanese emperor visited China in 1992.
China government didn't require apology to him and Japan government.
And Chinese welcomed Japanese emperor, 謝謝

Only koreans have a claim I guess....


Being Emperor of a non-irrelevant country would be pretty neat.

This is the tru tru

koreans are cold souless Insectoids

All asians know in their hearts who their daddy chink is. Japan über alles

They did a lot of human research, vivisected people without anesthetic, infected people with germs and viruses and let them run their course without treatment, did all kinds of inhumane shit. The issue is that every world power government has experimented on human subjects before. Japan is the only one to get really called out for it.
Like it or not their research brought enormous advancement to medicine, and we all benefit from it today.

Running with the whole "muh unit 731, Japan so evil" narrative is ascribing to the black and white fabricated narrative of history. There are no good guys, only who gets caught, and who has power.

Unit 731.
2 nukes wasnt enough.

Yea, truly a Japanese thing.

really depends, like the Nanking and the comfort women are exaggerated in some aspects. majority of historians don't think 300000 Chinese got killed in nanking.

but it's basically all true that happened.

What's wrong with unit 731?

They were so tremendously immoral and evil that after the war we decided to bring the top doctors all to America and make them rich.

Probably about as real and true as the masturbation machines in the lolocaust and the eagle & the bear thunderdome

>be 2 soldiers of superior yamato race in chinese campaign
>make a bet who can cut the heads of 100 chinese with his katana first
yes, they did some gruesome shit

Koreans are just agitated by Japanese leftist. In imperial era, Koreans were patriotic.

Ah, I See You're a Man of Culture As Well.

This picture is Japanese victim of jinan incident. Amerimutts like communist propaganda.

but they were against the chinese so you really cant blame the japanese too much

Look up Unit 731. That's the most spine-chilling shit I've ever read.

japs are fucking insane

Imperial Japan did nothing wrong anyway. You killed chinks and other lesser Asians, as well as killed traitors to the white race. Race traitors because they didn't support Germany.

>all these betas whining about unit 731

I agree with you there

>>Muh Nanking
>>Muh 731
Novels written by Japanese communist party are famous in America because they want to justify themselves and they hate debugging evidences.

Exactly, and the Japanese clearly didn't kill enough because right now there are more Chinese than ever.

This lol.

Hey, you guys did some fucked up shit, but who cares. I sure dont. Teach those lowly chinks who daddy is.

>Were their war crimes simply an ally exaggeration


>or were they really as bad as claimed (such as the rape of Nanking)?

They were worse.

>Also, did America make the right choice by not holding emperor Hirohito accountable?

We don't know. At the time, we thought it was important to portray Hirohito as a powerless figurehead who didn't want war in order to preserve the social cohesion of the Japanese public. If their emperor chose to cooperate with the occupying forces, then his people would have to follow his lead. In exchange for not being tried for war crimes, he was forced to renounce the claim of divinity, that he was a living god on earth (the Japanese thought the emperor was descended from the mythical sun goddess). He did, but only to please us, he never really made a statement to the Japanese renouncing his divinity.

Basically, we allowed him to skip trial so that he would lead by example and show the Japanese that cooperation with us was the only way forward and in exchange for getting off the hook, he had to tell the Japanese people that he wasn't a divine entity.

No historian is certain if we did the right thing. Some think we should have tried him and executed him since he knew what he was doing and was directly responsible for the Japanese war crimes, they were under his orders after all, others think it would have created chaos and rebellion among the Japanese public.

We're just not sure if it was right to let him go.

nice to see the Royal lineage still has their BIG.SAKA.NOSE.

I've always suspected that one could trace the 'guro' subgenre of hentai manga back to psychological and cultural imprinting from Japanese actions during WWII.

The rape of Nanking is the Chinese shoah, the most famous picture of the event was proven to be a Chinese soldier in the '50s impaling a doll for propaganda purposes.

>Unit 731
considering the numbers of victims, it's not that important

the problem is that we couldn't make a consensus about japan's war crimes after the war unlike germany's

so the arguments are full of hates, emotionally conjectures, and generalizations
and it can't be helped but chinese and koreans in diasporas are hard working on wikipedia

You used bio weapons that you stole from japanese in the vietnam war
You have no room to talk mutt


>Amerimutts like communist propaganda.
Only a chink would foster animosity between USA and Japan. Fuck off, chink.

Lol Chinese are notoriously EASY to conquer people.

Just ask the Manchu Turk named Qing: conquered that slave race while being outnumbered 1000:1, then genocided 40 million of them insects and forced them to wear ponytails like little girls hahahahaha

>Did Weimerica make the right choice
Nigger are you serious? We haven't made a single right choice since 1776

> condemn "t3h crime"
> drop nukes on civilians
> reward actual criminals for their great work
Americans, everybody

Why wouldn't there be animosity when we ruined their country and turned them into a consumerist puppet?


It was their punishment for siding with Hitler: get nuked by the kike Eisenhower, get slandered in the history books
>don't mess with the Jews goyim

There are tons of Nanking deniers, just like the holohoax.

Are you fucking kidding.

MacArthur played his cards just right. The nips felt that his rule was just a return to the shogunate, which, combined with MacArthur making him appear in public and on the radio to dispelled his mystic character, made him seem like a weak puppet, paving the way for democracy.

Japan just imitated Western imperialism
Colonial rule was legal in that era