Sup Forums Will this happen and who is this person?

>In the future theres a place on the web called grandjest. It's where old Sup Forumsacks / chan users go to die.

Sup Forums doesn't survive, it goes through one more owner, a company you all know and love and then goes nobody knows why.

Heres the news, you won. you think it's going to last for just 8 years you're wrong. the swing right starts now and lasts not 8 years, not 30 years as some have predicted but to this point it's lasted and stayed strong for 70 years.

There are movies made about you, they're positive. Hollywood is Sup Forums positive. Trump went down as the greatest leader the world has ever known and future governments have been modelled after his.

the media of this age has reformed totally thanks to trump and the success of the administrations that follow in his image. Every movie made about this age is pro trump anti-media.

celebrate Sup Forums, it's better than you think.

for aussies, we eventually become a republic and our political system totally changes. there are dramas about how corrupt the politicians of this age are too.

screencap for later guys.
And here is the link from this thread
will this become reality pol? Will we finally defeat the nwo/jwo and the jews, the gloablist and successfully save the white race? Has it been prophesied?
Will we go out like a bad just like this?
(music ending)
Sup Forumsacks I want you to find who this person is and any signs like small of this actually becoming true or is the future we are heading!
Godspeed anons!

Other urls found in this thread:

Forgot to put green text on it sorry folks

and going out like a badass* fix.

That is a dream come true.
It's still hard to believe, seeing how brainwashed everyone is. I can't imagine any of that coming about without a hot civil war.

True, how ever I do wonder if this guy does come from the future and end the jewery, I am just thinking to my self and how things are going I do believe we are going to win this war, after reading that thread it had given me hope for the future generations to come.

Go hop back in your Nazi Time Travel Bell John Titor, literally a Kangaroo - i guess we all know who you are now

I think you are mistaking me for someone else
is this guy from this thread.

>for aussies, we eventually become a republic and our political system totally changes.
Sounds like a horrible future

Care to elaborate?

I mean austraila is slowly becoming cucked from what I have heard from this board.

He's probably a royalist who want's to see us go the way of the UK.

Holy shit, I know that shill... he used to work for the CIA, but then they left them for dead because he knew too much.

>slowly becoming cucked
It's already cucked. Melbourne's been completely taken over by the mind parasite.

Wow really lol? I just put old sad old man in the google search engine, because Sup Forums going away in the future.

OP is trying to virus your computers anons.

Why would I?

impossible. too much jews arround trump. there won't be a remotely good future with them arround.

But a man can dream can't he?

We have won already though. That's the thing with time travel, we still need to gas the kikes to cause the mandela effect in the future.

Good point, but the question when will that be?

Idk, why do people make posts pretending to be from the future?

I didn't, go read it carefully I got it from another threat it is an old thread from a year ago.

Is basically the reason if this is true and wanting you guys to help me investigate if this so called future is even possible.

They want you to gibs dem your IBM 5100 for spare parts, don't fall for it user.

the sooner the better?

Hmm how sooner are we talking about a year later?

count to 77, praise kek and ask for a date and then ask for date when kikes be gased

Let's be realistic. This isn't going to happen unless Cold War 2.0 comes about with Russia since the increased distrust of them "working with DNC to rig the elections".

Agreed - no one who has the ability to make it happen has proposed a system that's an improvement over the current arrangement to move to. Every single politically viable proposal has involved granting more unchecked power to the leader of the majority party in the lower house, and entrenches the party system (when parties aren't even officially a part of our constitutional system at present)

Funnily enough, there is a "back door" way to get a "republic". You change the laws on succession to the "Queen/King of Australia" title to require someone australian born selected by public election and who preemptively agrees to abdicate after a set term. You can also change the royal styles and titles to "President" if you want to be thorough. And to do those two things - no referendum needed :)

I dont want to go to some gay place called grandjest to die among you faggots. Id rather spend my last years with my white family and children