Reaction to Trump-Organic or Forced?

What was the mentality behind this?

Was it an organic reaction or was it controlled? Because there are/were many millions of people around the world whom appeared to honestly believe Trump was anything like Hitler.

Was it a psyop that worked because it synergised with the mentally ill? Was it originally organic but was co-opted? I find the whole spectacle fascinating, lads.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fashinating you mean

Neither. It was (is?) mass hysteria seeded by those with an agenda. People constantly are trying to start such hysterical reactions, but circumstances and demographics and popular politics all happened to coincide in just the right way for it to really take off in this case.


Brute force by the media.

Jews are literally Nazis.

>Jews are literally Nazis.

And George Soros, the ex-SS officer, is funding Anti-Fa

The pics you used are probably examples of both.

The jewesses are clearly using hyerbole to force action of the masses. However, unfortunately for them, the masses are mostly like the dude. They try to use fictional events and consider their reactions should follow the fictional examples. Of course, this dooms thm to failure because they have n actual idea what a resistance looks like, nor does it dawn on them that their lack of motivation to do anything real is a clear indication that thy don't need to.

>George Soros the ex-SS officer

This works everytime. Some kike group has interests that conflict with the interests of other kike group so they hire a bright political figure who will evoke either loathing or admiration. The political figure polarizes given society and divides it into two groups: for and against. Then the kikes lean back and spectate all the mess they’ve created until they realize the said political figure is going after them as well.

Read this:

People have always been easily manipulated, and the best psyops are ones that grow organically. Plant the seed and watch it grow like the cancer it is.

>The pics you used are probably examples of both.
>The jewesses are clearly using hyerbole to force action of the masses
Yeah I should have clarified that. The Jews are up to their own tricks here but, what puzzles me, is they were fucking shit at it.

There's something a bit off about it all. But then I suppose when one looks at the people doing it it makes sense it doesn't feel nice.

It's because they think Trump is racist and his rhetoric about Muslims and Mexicans is equivalent to Hitler talking about Jews. They don't know much about history or what's actually going on other than what a quick glance at the news says.

Here’s the special (You) for the special guy

it annoys me how much jews all look alike. they're like the chinks of caucasians

>ex-SS officer
A Jewish collaborator does not an SS man make

Subversion as they say

That guy's a dumb shit, i've read miles of his writing and it's like the Columbine killers in a way: massive opinions based on fuckin nothing. High intelligence low maturity narrow outlook.
FFS a co-worker made a joke stab at him with a box cutter and he used that anecdote to back up his claim that middle eastern people don't value life. Total garbage.
He sounds like the sort of hurt-fee-fee type that Sup Forums shits on all the time.

Fuck she’s ugly

When did the Trump = Hitler thing come about though? From what I recall it was around even before he actually announced he was running and was certainly around before the wall/Mexicans/Muslims etc.

Of course it’s not natural and organic. Not one person can actually name what he’s done to make them paid him so much. They just say the usual platitudes, but he hasn’t actually done any of it

I played Tie Fighter, I'd fight for the empire
Fucking loser

Either his opening speech about "crime drugs rapists" or being an Obama "birther" (but I don't think that made people call him Hitler but he did get called racist)


>them paid him so much.
Lol ;-)

Don't they know that's not exactly working in their favor

Could be worse

Controlled. Don't underestimate the Jewish lobby. Cocksucking goyim will flock to whatever will grant them the most pats on the back.

>or being an Obama "birther
Oh, of course. Ding ding.

That's it. Trump took a lot of shit for that and is when his image in the media really started to turn.

That looks like her ,but is it really her?


We crossed into the Berenstain universe a few years ago, where everything is slightly off and reality seems fake

Remember when the news anchor gave the kinda a salute/kinda not a salute to Trump?
That sorta thing makes me thing it was controlled but it was done so shit that I think myself out if it.

I can tell she has a flat butt


What does that shit sign mean for people that don't watch jew movies?

It started to turn when he ran for president and won the nomination

what does aids-varg want from me? i cant even tell.

Once upon a time people spent money on Pet Rocks because they were super awesome.

How do you know? Everything is fake now

>and reality seems fake
I've been experiencing yuge dissocatation/depresonalistion for the past year and half, shit hasn't felt right for sometime.

>A Jewish collaborator does not an SS man make

Well, I may have gotten his rank wrong.

His image started to turn during the 'birther saga'.

I had forgotten just how big that was there for a while, Trump was hounded in the media for years and years over it.

I think its just how young people are. If someone was a kid/teen when Obama was elected, they had 8 years of the "perfect president". This was the first time in political history for their narrow lives that they had someone they did not like, so they threw a childish tantrum.

Three oven dodgers. Three really ugly hook-nosed kike bitches.

If you aren't scared of box cutters and the damage they can do then you're retarded.

They are not toys.

Here's an experiment: Slide open a box cutter and drop it on the ground without jumping away or peeing your pants.

Whatevs man. I got a 158 pic album of it

It's because open borders idiots and kidfuckers are scared.

No. there's no such thing as a "grassroots" or "organic" movement like this. the lesson of history is that the only organic movement peasants are capable of is food revolts, and even those require mass starvation at a national scale. "Reactions" like this are invariably funded. It's not that every single person is paid, as that isn't necessary, just informed and coordinated agents in specific positions to motivate more coordinated action. it's sort of like having water beyond boiling point in smooth container, and then introducing nucleation sites to cause explosive boiling.

that is the hope, anyway. if the water isn't hot enough, then it won't boil, no matter what you introduce, which is what the idiots organizing this sort of shit are learning now.

Incidentally, Sup Forums is probably in a similar situation. would be interesting to see who funds what. probably some funding for each comes from common parties.

Doesn't explain all the older people doing this shit and it's not just boomers either.

Also the young voters now grew up during Bush and the most shit he recieved was a Dixie Chick not wanting to sing for him.

I want it

The reaction that people have towards Trump, whether they love or hate him, has been co-opted since the beginning.

One side paints him as a dangerous fascist and the other a rebel against the establishment. It gives people something to either fight against or rally behind and make people think their vote matters.

Democrats and Republicans are both slaves to the military-industrial complex and globalist interests that seek to feed the perpetual cycle of consumerism in the developed world and the exploitation of the third world. They just pretend to hide behind progress or tradition, but both will be sacrifice at the alter of greed and violence that rules this world.

Antifa isn't nearly as powerful or influential as the right believes it to be and it isn't a centralized group that could receive funding.

There might be individual cells that took money from Soros, but I think he's smart enough to realize that a largely anarchist organization isn't the best tool at his disposal to fight for globalism...

And almost every anarchist organization these days knows that you can't trust left-wing authoritarians, since they got to the gulags just like anyone else.

Those are such nice tits

Is that Abi Shapiro?

>Doesn't remember 'That's My Bush'


It was definitely an organized brainwashing of some kind. If you can handle listening to Maxine Waters just count how many names she calls Trump. Every single Democrat cannot help but throw in an insulting name when talking about Trump. They say these names over and over and over and eventually becomes true in some people's minds.

>Be me
>Election night, out at a bar.
>Very, very, very Liberal bar. CNN is on.
>Reporters can't seem to admit Trump is winning.
>I can't stop smiling watching the life leave the patron's faces.
>One girl was blackout drunk by about 10 pm (Pacific time.)
>I go out to smoke a cig and the drunk chick is out there. Friends are consoling her about Hillary losing.
>"It was her turn! She was supposed to win! We are all dead!"
>Try not to laugh at her too loudly.
>I tell her that everything will be ok. The world isn't over. It's a new beginning.
>"You're a fucking white male! OF COURSE, THINGS ARE FINE FOR YOU! I AM LOSING MY RIGHTS!"
>Lol, u wot m8?
>Can't believe I am talking to a walking meme.

This girl was beyond wasted, but her reaction was real. It really seemed like the world to her because Trump (Hitler) just beat the most crooked politician to ever be in American politics. Women seemed to take this election personally for whatever reason. They both overwhelmingly love and hate him. I have a hard time understanding WHY these people are so mad. Their anger seems so misplaced and unwarranted. When Bush was in office I was in high school and college and was a libtard. I'd sit there and think Bush was dumb, but it was never from a place of hate. Then when Obungo showed up I ate up his hope and change bull shit. When Obungo was elected to his second term something just seemed very wrong and untrustworthy about him. Trump was the best thing to happen to this country in a long time.

I feel the exact same, and a lot of people that I've spoken to in real life feel the same. My post was obviously a joke but I genuinely think that something we can't really explain is going on. Trust me, it's not just you.

Look at her bitchy cunty jew face I want to hatefuck it while dressed like an SS officer and make her say GIVE ME YOUR LOAD MEIN FUHRER while I shoot thick ropes of cum all over her rat kike face

He says that they were only his opinions and may one day prove to be wrong. They are proving more right every day though.

...because they are stupid, brainwashed child aborters, or kidfucking rapists. This isn't difficult to understand.

Empire is a little too liberal, THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!

>was it organic or controlled?

Why not both? It really is all relative. I'm quite sure that old guy felt like it was organic. I'm also quite sure though that The Powers That Be were controlling it all along by controlling the flow of information. If you force someone to believe something that isn't true and they act on that belief in a way, is it an organic act or is it controlled? You didn't FORCE them to do it, you convinced them to believe a thing, and then this belief convinced them.

I'm gonna do a dump or megaupload tomorrow.


this asian fucker is betraying the white race right in front of our eyes

Thank you for your thoughtful post user.


> If you ever said Voldemort did literally nothing wrong
> if you know you would win against the Mockingjay
> if you would exterminate the rebel scum
Now is the time. For the empire.


The AMERICAN Empire.

Well, I think it's controlled due to the fact that Trump is a relative outsider. If anything, he should represent the resistance to current establishment (not saying he is optimal). The fact media makes such a damn stink every time Trump so much as farts makes it seem controlled to the core. I didn't even vote for him (didn't vote Hillary either), but I cannot go a day without seeing some bullshit, like how you said, implying Trump is Hitler incarnate.

Fuck those gola jews, Trump is the next bloody messiah