Jordan Peterson is NOT your friend

Okay "buckos",

I'm going to lay out why JBP is not your friend, and in fact is a snake who is a threat to the west and white causes. I will lay out arguments for JBP and knock them down.

> Peterson is a hardened truth-seeker, he's not afraid to go after the truth no matter what!
He is absolutely no such thing. The clip where he says he "just can't" answer about Jewish influence in the Holodomor is not even the most egregious case.
He refuses to debate white identitarians, instead insulting them and calling them Nazis. And speaking of Nazis, isn't the entire point to tell the truth to put things in their appropriate scale? He goes full "Jew lampshades and soap" and believes it unironically.
That's not truth-telling, that's hysteria, and I will get into why he does this later on.

> Peterson is a fighter for debate and free speech
This was soundly destroyed the moment he had any power to deplatform someone and he deplatform Faith Goldy.

Furthermore, his entire opening premise is that people who oppose his politics are confused people who don't have their lives in order.

> Peterson cares about the west and wants to save it
He has a funny way of showing it. You'll notice that he has embedded in his followers' mind the story of the Nazi, the ridiculously over the top "lampshades and soap" caricature that even most historians don't believe, and then proceeded to link all forms of white identity with this.
This is to destroy all forms of ability for white people to resist the enemies who are in fact tribal and fight as a group. That's why JBP followers tend to be the unironic Kekistan flag-waving "look at this BASED black guy in a MAGA hat! SO BASED!" and ignore that 90% of black people are staunchly Democrat and think almost entirely in racial terms.
/r/the_donald loves Peterson, and this isn't an accident.

> Peterson is anti-tribalist
And yet he's a Zionist and has been invited to speak at Zionist conferences. I guess some tribes are okay.


Other urls found in this thread:


> Peterson is against race realism
But he claims that Jews are ubermensch and their success is entirely due to their inherent superior IQ. You can't be against race realism and believe any race has superior IQ, can you?

> Those who oppose Peterson are anti-capitalist
Probably the most absurd one of all, people aren't upset he makes money, they're annoyed over seeing someone get rich being what we see as a scam artist. We're telling you to stop being scammed by $10 personality tests and $2000 rugs by someone who's less political work is essentially one big deepity covered in a Carl Jung fanfic.

Also, he's Leddit's favorite philosopher apparently. Pic related.

Oh and -

> He's the best we got
If the best we got is someone who declares himself our enemy, then we're done for anyway.

he's a bridge sideways polish boy. you see, no matter if talks the JQ the normies will find their way once the weight of race realism starts to bring them down. they will eventually move to the JQ.

Don't buy the argument. that means you have to get off the train before he wants you to.

Yeah he is a gatekeeper and specifically does not want whites to collectivise, but at least he is waking up normies.
Once a WN always a WN and it is easy to come to where we are once a person has access to all the facts.

First leaf-post that actually made some sense.

Can you explain how you trust that people will get out, and that he's not, as he has gloated, bringing people away from the right into milquetoast boomer cuckservatism?

>He is absolutely no such thing. The clip where he says he "just can't" answer about Jewish influence in the Holodomor is not even the most egregious case.
>He refuses to debate white identitarians, instead insulting them and calling them Nazis
yeah, what a fag



Calling us Sideways Poland is a joke, it's from a polandball comic.

he wasn't calling you sideways poland, he was saying peterson is a bridge sideways, and caling you polish boy

Lefty-pol here, JP is a godsend. He attracts people away from the alt-right into the center. I'm glad he became popular when he did, the alt-right was really gaining ground for a moment.

JBP is moving people away from degeneracy. he was championed by the alt-right for a while. the fuck do you mean?

Well I guess he is halfway there, even just rejecting the relativism of the postmoderists helps us.
We will find out if he is a real enemy if/when he gets cornered on race realism, which is inevitable. If he cuck boomerizes it like he did the JQ then we know that he is more actively against our cause than helping our cause - right now I would put him as 55% helping 45% damaging.

Also - I am not too worried. Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come. The white race will awaken and we will rescue our real father and we will arise.


Malta-boy at it again
I sleep

you know he is doing something very right when shils keep attacking him everyday

>he was championed by the alt-right for a while.
until he made it very clear that he
1. celebrates jew tribalism
2. Demonizes and pathologizes white tribalism.
The alt right is essentially white tribalism thus he is not on our side m8.

please stop purity spiraling. at the very least he avoids punching right. we don't need everybody to be pilled on everything to win. help him attack the marxists or stfu, his motivations are unimportant.

Anyone who thinks a celebrity is going to come right out and discuss the JQ is a naive child who has no fucking clue how the world works. Fucking neets man, they really think Sup Forums and YouTube are all they need to understand the world.

>not taking what is usefull and disregarding what is useless

>makes thread and blathers on about a Reddit Philosopher

>avoids punching right
He punches right more than left nowadays you cuck
Look at these utter lack of arguments
And this guy who responded to the arguments in his mind
You can't do that with a person
He's important to talk about because a lot of people here support him too.

ayo dune boy, imma let you finish, but your still suit should cover all your skin, for maximal efficiency

you are so dumb. they are all ASSUMPTIONS that fit into your narrative. you are a joke.

> Here are things he's said
Come on. Can't you JBP fanboys do better?

i enjoyed this one.

I responded to his very first claim. Nice try though.

>demonizes and pathologizes white tribalism
tribalism is shit. just support your fellow white man instead

>tl;dr Jews Jews Jews - he won't go full 1488 - Jews Jews Jews
In case you're not a D&C still, BABY STEPS, you little shit.

He's only useful if you actually care about fighting a pointless culture war against "teh libtard SJWs and their trigger warning safe space snowflaeks!!!1 leftist cringe you gaise xD!!!!"

If you actually want to fight for the White race, then Richard Spencer is the best we've got. He's the new Goebbels if you ask me.

Yeah I like Herbert and I like Lynch.
Wat ya gonna do about it meme flag faggot?

well its true isnt it? i bet my life that you hven't even listened to much of what he has to say.
what have you done to save western civ today? let me guess.. you havent even cleaned your room yet.

>tribalism is shit. just support your fellow white man instead
That is white tribalism you dumb cunt

>please denounce him, have you denounced him yet?
>How many threads do we need to make? DENOUNCE HIM. He's an enemy!!!
whatever fag

The only reason I consider him a good guy is how much hate I see against him here

Plus everything he says is solid

Imma can't see where you prived me wrong, stryan fuck

Which part of "That is not the most egregious"? I specifically said that's not my argument or that important to me.

> So what if he's a proud Zionist and pathologises white identity as all being Nazis? He can't go full 1488 you retard!
Why are JP fans so weak at arguing?
Look at this flailing by his fanboys.

nah RS is just one of many. We should keep being decentralised. We rally behind and support ideas and polices that support us and we create propaganda.

OP is ideologically possessed, all he says is predictable because it is not original

Stop being the personification of your ideology and start being an individual

He has done no such thing as to call White identitarians nazi's or even supremacists, stop being a Cathy Newman by putting words in his mouth

The reason for Goldy had nothing to do with trying to silence a person because of An interview with the daily stormer that was so weak and unprovocative it couldve been CNN Interviewing Clinton during the election race, those people cannot defend freedom of speech because they do not act it out

His arguement for Hitler being evil had nothing to do with urban legend Lampshades and everything with the fact that Hitler did not surrender for the sake of his people but instead allowed for Berlin to be destroyed after he came to his conclusion of the german people having betrayed him near the end

tribalism is about removing the individual and replacing that with the tribe. helping each other out is not tribalism. go fuck your wallaby Australicunt

ayo imma imma imma
lmfao weak cunt
Gotta go to shitposting school ahy

JBP is like a gateway drug

I don't see him as enemy, more like an old nerd who doesn't like fighting and violence. He means well, but at this stage in the game the "talking out it out" to the left is over

you're just a contrarian fag. once someone gets popular your jerk reaction is hate.
bet you're too cool for school aren't you?
reminds me of those cunts that wont listen to certain music because its too mainstream. you are so that guy.

He doesnt claim Jews are the smartest, he simply states that there is evidence that suggests that

Also the Idea that all who oppose him are anticapitalist is rediculous, something JBP would agree with you on

So stop putting words in his mouth Cathy

What you have a 2 digit IQ m8?
Not my problem.

You can't be a redpillfag without shitting on feminism. He tries to motivate but ultimately it all boils down to the blue pill. He can confirm all the issues men have but what he offers as the solution all boils down to sucking it up, both figuratively and literally (anti-depressant are the literal blue pill) and do what women want. That is why a lot of people find him jarring.

Id like someone to ask him how being an individual In a country that imports massive amounts of people from collectivist societies could possibly be a long term winning strategy if it makes it so the Playing field is no longer individualistally based. Example would be the head of the NDP being a shiek who had the entire shiek community vote for him. If i wanted to be head of NDP its no longer me vs him may the best man win its me vs him and his whole community. Yet white people shouldn't work collectivly as a result. Just lose and accept it. Another would be trying to operate in China owned Vancouver, if you are not chinese and speak mandarin you are pushed out and have no chance, it will be that way in every none white community that forms an enclave that works collectively to represent its people's best interests 100% percent of the time and practices nepotism. But if whites do that as a counter measure to ensure their right to self determination in countries they fucking built thats somehow a bad thing. Fuck that I will never vote for anyone that isnt white and given a choice will choose to buy from, sell too, and hire whites. Whites must collectively work together for our interests because otherwise we will lose every single time because that is what the Playing field has been turned into as the country is no longer an individualistic society. The rules have changed be he wants us to pretend otherwise. Fuck him. Why is he afraid of white people winning when that is how the jews do it who he has so much praise for. Like you say some tribe seem to be acceptable to him unless they are white tribes, than it is be a good goy and be an I individual and clean your room Instead of actually waking the fuck up to the fact your descendants will be on the endangered species list.

People here hate him cause they're a bunch of resentful cunts lving in the basement and dreaming of white supremacy XD Peterson is too fucking reasonable and diplomatic for those venomous fuckers

He explains jewish success by their being more intelligent. You can't claim to be anti-race-realist while espousing race realist views.

As for the other one, that is not something he says, that's something his fans say. That's why I specified these are all defenses of Peterson I'm shooting down.

cry harder. it amuses me

Yup Spencer's based, I don't get why everyone hates on him. He took a picture with a 1st Lady, who gives a fuck?

he's a leftie and a CIA plant to discredit the right

>t. retard thinks a rising star will turn on the most dangerous group in the world without a plan just because

Is Sup Forums really your friend?

Hitler talked about the jewish question and white identity. Look where it got him, Look where it got Europe and look where it got White People.
Obviously that full frontal approach didn't work out so well. The fact that Peterson is not willing to be tricked into that same approach again shows he's a lot smarter than OP.
Every NeoNazi group is run by a (((larp)))
To lure whites into an ambush as (((they))) know it will be easy prey for them.

He is right you dumb fuck.
Supporting people based on the color of their skin and not their merit as a human being is Tribalism, just on a larger scale than the literal definition.

THe worst part about him is his inability to admit that HE'S NOT CHRISTIAN in an attempt to pander to his right-wing audience. Devon tracey rekt him about that.



>turn on
He was never on your side.
>He still thinks this is about Neonazism

>Why don't leaders go full 1488 and call themselves jew hating nazis, causing them to be ostracized from any media and called crazy?
>They must be shills guys

For being followers of individualists and intellectualists, these arguments are serious weaksauce.

I specifically make arguments that avoid any "but muh 1488" reference, pointing out how the problem is that he demonizes all white identity as NeoNazism, and the responses are all "LOL YOU JUST WANNA GO 1488 HEIL HITLER LOSER THAT WON'T WORK"

It's like they're pre-programmed with their arguments, and use them in times here the argument clearly isn't that at all. Such individualism. Much intellectual. Very dragon much chaos.

The absolute state of Peterson cultists. They lost their ability to read because of their cult. Let's have a moment of silence for these retards.

I was literally typing this as it happened:

How long have you been listening to his speeches? Be honest.

you stupid fuck

He's very clearly not Christian. Nobody would waffle so much around the question if they were.

Jim's video laughed at him for that to. "Define, 'fire'"

>He explains jewish success by their being more intelligent.

He said they have the highest VERBAL intelligence, That's why they are successful in Media, law and politics.

But he also states that Whites have the highest CREATIVE intelligence that's why whites are successful on innovation, science, technology, arts.
And he states that Asians have the highest spatial intelligence that's why asians are good in Origami.

Those are literally race realist arguments, though.

If you get your movement filled with fat fucks flying nazi flags and calling for the extermination of jews, you will become a 'nazi leader' and ostracized from any media. If you tell the crazies to piss off then you can still operate fine and gain influence.

I'm not even a JB Peterson fan, I'm not sad enough to follow these celebs but I know they have to play a sly game, no-matter how redpilled they are.

Look at this person, still unable to read. Still unable to comprehend a simple argument.

Still hasn't read my OP post which specifically excludes any arguments that argue in favor of anything resembling Nazism.

My post that specifically says that his avoiding the JQ is not my problem at all.


anti JP shills went into overdrive mode after his enormously successful European tour. who do you think you are fooling, you guys are terrified, its beautiful.

Today he is posting on facebook about Rotherham and the #120db keeping on his red pilling crusade. stay mad.

>reddit's new favorite philosopher

They still don't know the difference between Sup Forums and reddit, cute.

Yes, you're right, we're terrified that an SJW wolf in sheep's clothing is convincing all of you to lay down your weapons in the face of mass immigration and just care about yourself.

Kinda alarming tee bee eich

(Notice how not a single point has been refuted)

Clearly they know it better than you, cultfag.

That's a nice strawman, in a world where women can lie rape and have men fired on a whim.

I've been saying since day one Peterson is controlled opposition to mislead the current generation of angry white youths in the first world.
Anyone who gives personal solutions to systemic problems and preaches instrospection is.

>Autism Is Unstoppable

>dont oppose open borders clean your room instead!
f-fuckin base

Good maybe not miss can get red pilled rather than being on suicide watch all the time.

Exactly. The problems the west face are massive but boil down to the one very thing that JP is trying to keep on happening - a divided, individualistic, self absorbed white collective nurtured on the toxic foundation myth of original white sin.

>white causes.

>Peterson cares about the west and wants to save it
He's NEVER said this. Source. Source.

once again, a Peterson cultist comes in with an insult and non-arguments. Learning from the best, judging from who you worship
These are arguments of his fans, the ones going around screaming how he is saving western civilisations...

It would be particularly funny if the moment that is debunked the argument becomes

> he never really cared about the west anyway
So why do you faggots keep calling him the saviour of the west?

I love these threads, the fear is palpable from shills that people are starting to thinking critically about themselves and the world around them. Great proxy kike, keep it up, you gotta get those PayPal shekel deposits somehow. Don't even bother replying I'm just here to laugh at you, tell you to fuck yourself and then close the thread lmao.

you have to remember that 90% of normies are so deeply indoctrinated by holocaust education and propaganda ON TOP OF the fact that I honestly think a lot of normies don't even know what a "Jew" is or what "Jew" refers to because they've never actually seen one in public for more than 3 seconds

those things combined together with Jews never being mentioned on TV, during sportsball, or by Justin Bieber or Rihanna means that your average normie doesn't just have Holocaust shit in his head... he literally just doesn't know anything about the subject at all and his go to automatic reaction is "ME CONFUSED! ME SCARED! ME ANGRY! ME BOO!!!!" whenever anyone even brings up the subject

Peterson is just a tool

lol a cry and run

Did you even read my arguments? I specifically avoided anything that sounds like criticising him for the JQ and SPECIFICALLY said his dodging the JQ is not even close to the biggest problem.

'we' are terrified of JP indeed, you are simply not the 'we' you are pretending to be, you dont represent anyone here.

Your points are not worth addressing, they are repeated ad nauseum everyday in the spammed antiJP threads.

JP is an extremely valuable asset for the current culture war, hence your denigrating attempts.

from the countless obsessive threads on JP i see over there, there are only insults, fear, and hope for some leftyJP to appear, which would be impossible because JP tells the truth, a leftyJP is an oxymoron.

Have a nice day guys, remember not to fall for the shilling.

> You're scared!
> No, I'm not going to respond to any of your points
> He's important to the culture war, even though he's giving the messages of white identity being inherently evil
> You're the ones who are shilling! You're the ones who have no arguments, except for the arguments that I'm going to now ignore! Goodbye!
And another one bites the dust. Next. Can someone debate any of the points? ANYONE?

oh. well, I think that's the biggest problem. and you seem to agree. every single one of your points has to do with the fact that Jordan is an explicit or implicit shabbos goy

>doesn't REALLY go after truth
only when it comes to Jews does he betray his search for the truth and speak lies
>doesn't REALLY fight for free speech
only when it comes to Jews and Faith Goldy does he betray his principles
>doesn't REALLY about the west
only when it comes to actually naming the source of cultural Marxism destroying and attacking every single level of Western Europe and their people throughout the world: Jews
>isn't REALLY individualist
only when it comes to Jews and THEIR collectivism does Peterson keep his mouth shut
>isn't REALLY for race realism
only when it comes to Jews being superior to everyone explaining why they're so great and Israel is the best place in the world

You know what, fuck Peterson. He's a fucking coward and a cocksucker.

That said, he IS kind of red-pilling people. I mean despite knowing all this, I just don't have any fucking answers. Jews have this shit locked down man.

Not quite.

If he wanted, he could still be pro-Jew and try to lead people towards a non-antisemitic white identity. But he doesn't do so, instead he declares that white identity is inherently pretty much Nazis.

Healthy white identity is more important to me than anything relating to Jews , and that's where he drove me away.

>Jordan Peterson? Oh yeah, that guy's fucking BASED!
>Richard Spencer, someone with actual hard line right wing convictions?
>lefty plant
>dont trust him goy
>m-makes us look bad

If anything he reveals a fact.

Being pro-white and pro-Jew at the same time must in some way be considered impossible by the Jews handling him.

In other words, saying "we need to have a healthy white identity" explicitly is, to a Jew, the same thing as saying "gas the kikes." There's no other explanation.

I honestly think Jews perceive both of those statements identically. They hear both of them as a threat to their existence, and therefor anyone saying either of them is placed in an equal position on their infamous SPLC shit-list.

Being pro-white is axiomatically identical to being anti-Jewish in the eyes of the Jews.

Peterson is nothing more than a shabbos goy.

Nah m8.
As OP states it is still deeper than that.
You can't blame the jews for everything, though they are a big big source of our problems.

The death of the west comes straight from the rewriting of the foundation myth post world war 2. The new poisoned foundation myth is so deep now that most cant see it and it looks as if JP cant even see it.
The jews were a big part in rewriting our new poisoned foundation myth, but the problem will not be fixed by pointing that out.

>anyone who isn't full-on 14/88 is our enemy
fuck off shill

like clockwork
self awareness is painfull at first poland, but from your basement the attic awaits

Is being unable to read a symptom of being a Peterson cultist?

>the problem will not be fixed by pointing that out

I don't understand these people who say, "we should just let him do it he's gaining us allies!"

I mean everyone said the same thing about MILO but ultimately he fell. And I think Peterson is walking a fine line toward the same fate if he keeps lying and mistreating people like Faith Goldy.

I'm looking forward to it.