Greeks were always butt-ugly. Reconstruction of mesolithic 9000 year old Greek woman


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Another prehistoric greek woman



This is somewhat smilar but with too wide face.

they look nothing alike.

It is a fucking joke what these subhuman Jewish scientists try to scam us with.

They are the same people that “reconstruct” hominids with ape feautures even tho they all looked more like niggers

But that would redpill the people too much

she's a Daisy Ridley in stone age lol


>prehistoric hominids looked like shit


why are all reconstructed cave people so unattractive.

Yeah it is mostly inaccurate and more an art than a science. Still, that skull shows no brow ridges whatsoever so I would say this woman had quite a bit of Natufian ancestry...

Because the Jewish “scientists” choose to portrait them so.

It’s literally just artists renditions because they can’t possible know how the soft markers like mouth or nose looked


In reality they looked like supermodels

One is a hideous monster, and the other is pretty... how can this be?!

Clearly not reliable, OP BTFO.

Incorrect. She overplucked her brows so that they seem to sit higher even tho’ she has quite low sitting brow ridge.

\anyways it’s a shitty photograph so it doesn’t really matter

Beauty is just commonality. We look for commonality and symmetry when determining facial attractiveness. This is why all victoria's secret models look the same.
This greek woman's dna is likely much more concentrated than a modern woman's so she seems less attractive to us because we're used to looking at mathematically perfect faces covered in makeup.

Because how the fuck would they know how the lips eyes or the other soft feautures looked?
all these subhuman scientist know is average skin thickness on the face/ muscle thickness everything after that is just pathetic agenda driven hoxuspokus

Pretty attractive in a "this woman will be strong and able to protect her children" kind of way, honestly. I've seen worse.

>prehistoric hominids
She was modern homo sapiens sapiens.
>Clearly not reliable, OP BTFO.
Completely different studies, authors and methods.

Better looking than you Sl*vnigger

Common Greek phenotype of modern Greece

I know, I like how the give the new one defiant feminist face. All she is missing is the pussy hat.

>Completely different studies, authors and methods.

You disingenuous little shit, you know this is not true.

Whats wrong with this slavic subhuman?

looks like a trap desu

Only subhuman here is you you damn shitskin spic

I am a Greek

The face that was used to launch a thousand ships.

All these "reconstructions" have the subject with an angry grimace or a scowl.


>strong and able to protect her children

She had some issues with bones and supposedly difficulty walking

I am greek as well what a coincidence

Fucking gross.

Feels good to be superior med master race

Let me guess.
You re a negroid mongrel, right?

>checks flag

Really nigger?

m00t's mom?

Anyone else think that left face looks really familiar? It's bugging the hell out of me- I know I've seen someone that looks just like that

I'd like the people who made this to be given a attractive modern skull without telling them and see how it turns out.

>>Completely different studies, authors and methods.You disingenuous little shit, you know this is not true.

Yes it's true. Butthurt gayreek detected.

>and a 3D printer then makes an exact replica of the scan's measurements.

>"Onto this copy pegs are glued, reflecting the thickness of the flesh at certain anatomical points of the face," he says.

>This allowed him to flesh out Avgi's face, muscle by muscle. While some of her features are based on skull measurements, others, like skin and eye color, are inferred based on general population traits in the region

Notice how they don’t state that all the fucking feautures are artist interpretations

Also it’s the same team who did this
They clearly have an agenda to push here

You subhuman little fucking Jew
This is axactly the way
Was created you lying piece of shit

The agenda is to disconnect modern Europeans from their prehistoric ancestors and crush their morality

cmon i know she doesn't look super "pure" or anything but your fucking gay if you find her unattractive

What’s with your flaming inferiority complex guys?

The fuck are you attacking other white people for because some Jew in a lab coat did this shit?

If anyone genuinely finds this greek girl impure, is fucking lost from reality

Stefan Molyneux

I mean she has some level of non-european blood

The retarded US mongrel replied to me for the real Greek girl I posted. Not for the reconstructed

Retard alert


Looks like a pale Arab desu.

key note: 9000 years ago. Nobody looked like an angel back then

Look you guys are white, or at least white enough, but don't try to pretend you haven't got some level of admixture from hundreds of years of occupation.

Look how they doge real questions:

>Which features are the hardest to recreate?

>The weak points are the ears, the tip of the nose and lips, where there is no bone — only soft tissues and cartilage that have disappeared. I used her dental arch to define the shape and position of her lips, and here my speciality helps. The coexistence of her adult and baby teeth create the look of an overjet, where the top teeth project forwards.

The thing is : you can't recreate a complete face with just a 9000 year old skull, you lack too many structures to work with and in the end you're just guessing what the person would have looked like.

How can you guess the type of hair and their color ? the skin tone, the eye color ? You simply can't determine anything but the shape of the mouth and the upper cheeks

Don't pay attention to this bullshit

It was probably just a shitskin nigger or spic that wants to divide the white race? Ever thought about that pal?

I got it, it's fucking mussolini

>blocks your path

haha, yes. ¡Viva il Duce!

> 9000 year old greek
why do people assume that the ones who live in a certain area today are the same as those who lived in the same area long ago. It's like assuming that the USA was always home to white people or that London was always home to Pakis.
Also, greeks that we know of actually had lighter features then that as the writing of the Greek-Persian war spoke of how the Persians had soulless black eyes in comparison to the Greeks.

alot of romanians look like this in south and southeastern parts.

These motherfucking (((journalist))) are pushing it on social media where all the fucking normies bite and belive it

>the writing of the Greek-Persian war spoke of how the Persians had soulless black eyes in comparison to the Greeks.
Cite this, please.

Yup, thus I called him negroid and mongrel


they should make a database containing x-rays of peoples skulls along with photos of their faces, pick out the skulls most most similar to the one they want reconstruct and then average all of the photos of those people.


Proof or stfu.

The only ones pretending are disconnected americans and australians dictating whats pure or not.

Post genetic proof of your claims or stfu

She looks pretty good for 9000,
I’d say she’s holding her age well

Not too shoddy, just a shame she unleashed a chemical factory on her hair.

>9000 year old
Arent modern European race emerged only around 5-7 thousand years ago? Of course these would look less human.

Shhh... we Italians are the med master race, you're simply our subjects

Ozzy banter arrived. Thread is dead guys.

>9000 years ago
indo-europeans didn't even migrate out of the pontic steppe until 4000 BC. Not to mention the drastic evolutionary changes that have taken place over the last 10k years

your mother will die in her sleep unless you reply "youre welcome" to this post

Those are neanderthal genes. Which niggers dont have

>modern European race emerged only around 5-7 thousand years ago?
No, the race was already there, just lacking in a few superficial pigment-related elements.

(((They))) are trying to deny the superior greek genes

Mediterraneans are almost fully middle eastern


Skull shapes will never be able to predict soft feautures like nose lips ears

In my opinion she looked like this with brown hair

Subhuman gayreek shitskin.


>your face when you're not sure if it was Leonidas or Zeus who mowed you last night

So you stole our looks just like you steal everything elso you fucking g*psy

She looks similar to Layla Extreme

>greeks that we know of actually had lighter features then that as the writing of the Greek-Persian war

If you know enough to cite the Peloponnesian War, you should know the greek city states were so ethnically divergent they othered themselves.

The Spartans weren't just culturally different to the other greeks, for instance, they looked different, to the point it's commented upon by other greeks.

Greek at that time was more like the umbrella term of a bunch of peoples. I don't think modern people quite understand how isolated these populations were evolutionarily. Most people lived and died within a small physical area. Few people travelled. The exceptions to these rules are usually momentous, vast migrations, entire displaced cities, people forced to flee war, and they bring a host of problems to new areas. Or forcible conquest, pillaging and rapes.

But for the stable periods, "interbreeding" exceptions might literally be walking to the next town over for a wife. And this persists until far more recently than people are comfortable with too. There are notable inland towns in remote Sweden known for their rare heritable diseases; diseases from inbreeding (though this part is usually hushed up).

My grandparents generation had a story about a guy who was just a poor farmer, and decided to walk for days to get down to the coastal cities to find a wife, convince her to come with him up to his homestead, and he actually did it within a few months. His reasoning? He'd seen what happened to his livestock if they got inbred and using peasant reasoning figured people in his hometown were all just a bit too related to try and marry any of them.

Not an argument, also the fact you desperately try to gutes my ethnicity even tho the only evidence you have is my flag and my german intellect clearly shows you’re grasping for straws

slavs have an inferiority complex
especially poles and albanians

We Greeks are superior and good looking people.


o she doesnt you shitskin

>I mean she has some level of non-european blood

All modern Europeans have predominatly near eastern and siberian ancestry

So what? No shame in that, even if it were true. You on the other hand are indubitably fully Polish, which can only be pitied.

Zeus was not worshiped in Greece in this time frame. This woman should not even be called greek. Any concept of what we consider greek came much later.

I think all white people have an inferiority complex who get baited by the Jewish shitskin meme “you’re not white”