Fuck, marry, kill, sexually enslave, ignore one

Fuck, marry, kill, sexually enslave, ignore one

Sexually Enslave, Marry, Ignore, Fuck, Kill.

Fuck Cocoa
Marry Chino
Sexually enslave Chiya and Rize
Ignore Sxaro
Kill OP

Impregnate all of them

Marry Chiya
Fuck Cocoa
Enslave Syaro
Ignore Chino
Kill Rize She's already dead right?

Fuck Cocoa
Marry Rize
Kill Syaro
Sexually enslave Chiya
Ignore Chino

Marry: Chiya
Fuck: Cocoa
Sexually Enslave: Sharo
Ignore: Chino
Kill: Rize (well, she's already DED anyway)

Fuck All
Marry All
Kill OP

Marry my girlfriend Sharo-chan.
INVITE everyone else to our wedding

Fuck Megu
Marry Maya
Sexually enslave Chino
Kill Rize
Ignore Cocoa

Look EXACTLY like Syaro.
Ignore the rest.
Fuck the Gochiusa fanbase

Why do people want to look exactly like Syaro?

Because Syaro is a sexy piece of shit.

Fuck, marry, and sexually enslave all of them
Kill and ignore none of them.

Why do you want to look sexy? Your personality is still as shit as everyone else in this thread, you won't get anything with just looks.

can someone explain to me the i want to look like sharo meme

>Why do you want to look sexy?
>you won't get anything with just looks

really liking these gochiusa thread memes

What about daughteru?

Categorized under "fuck".

They are willing to be as uncute as Sharo just to fuck Rize.

Can't I simply sexually enslave all of them? That seems like the best option.


Basically there is this guy who wants to look exactly like Syaro in every way imaginable.

Megu and Maya. Also this

Me too bro