Friendly reminder:

Friendly reminder:
>IQ below 70 is considered cognitive disfunction
>IQ over 130 is intellectual giftedness
>Average IQ is 100
>The elites have IQs around the 150
>You are probably less than a retard for the elites
>You don't run your life. Not even close

Even at 150 life is just too much of a pointless bother to care about running.

That's why they run millions of them

Most people don't seem to care anyway, which is strange since they seem to care so much about being alive or who owes them $5 or who parked funny or whatever else.

You can't expect children to think about transcendence. They are too busy making loud noises with their mouths over petty things like some inconsequential act they didn't like, performed by someone else

I'm about 140, which is roughly the max of what a generic IQ test can measure. The thing is being highly intelligent doesn't guarantee success. Luck, connections, and cunning are just as important, if not more important.

The world is just too complex for any kind of cartoon "mastermind" to get 100% success results without any luck, connections, or cunning.

It was found that most CEOs and political leaders are around 130-135, there's something about being smart but not too smart that makes people trust you more. It might be a communication thing.

>>The elites have IQs around the 150
This is where you're wrong, their IQs are probably around 120-140. People smarter than that have better things to do with their time than toying with society

It's absolutely a communication thing. Ability to communicate starts to drop off at 15 IQ points, is barely adequate at 20-25 IQ points, and nearly impossible at 30 IQ points difference.

I don't even try to communicate anything but the most basic instructions and tasks to my subordinates, and it works out okay. They actually really like me because I listen to their problems and let them do most of the talking. I'm thinking I should dumb down my communications to my bosses, too, because I foolishly recommended a book to one of them and it's way over her head (I recommended Taleb's The Black Swan, and she thinks Freakonomics is genius. I only found out about her opinion of Freakonomics after my recommendation. Serves me right for assuming the best in people.).

>11 points beneath elite

How can you make these wild statements coming from a nonewhite country?

>The world is just too complex for any kind of cartoon "mastermind" to get 100% success results without any luck, connections, or cunning.

If life is a maze but you can see the maze from a perspective no one else is able to and see the clear way is there a chance you’ll fail?

This is true. IQ isn’t everything. I like being High IQ because things are generally easy, but I don’t have a work ethic so I’m fucked in the long run.

The answer to your question is yes. But you misunderstand reality if you think life is anything like a maze. It's more like a free for all deathmatch with lots of people more powerful than you are, there are traps everywhere, and nobody tells you the rules of the game and the rules change all the time for completely arbitrary reasons anyway.

Here's an example: AIDS. Before AIDS there was only a handful of STDs, they were fairly rare, fairly benign, and mostly curable with penicillin which was readily available. The biggest risk of casual sex was pregnancy. Then the 1980s hit and for basically no reason, HIV/AIDS hit the population and suddenly getting your dick wet could get you an incurable, fatal, painful disease. Also there were no warning signs until your immune system was completely shut down, so people could be spreading the disease and not know. The rules of the game changed radically and arbitrarily.

>You are probably less than a retard for the elites
You don't know for sure. And not everyone that enjoys power and wealth is intelligent.
If we were to judge by probability, I would be smarter than you, simply by the means of my flag.
>You don't run your life.
You're right. Many things are not determined by me. Some of those things are determined by elites you speak of, some of those by nature, some of those by the plebs. I do not exist in a vacuum and am dependant on others and vice versa.
I still have freedom of choice, although I am influenced by dozens of criteria, both biological and sociological.

>You dont run your life
Bullshit i ruin my life all the time

At 150 anyone with an 100 IQ is a retard.

>Ability to communicate starts to drop off at 15 IQ points
Well, if someone reasons in an alien way, message he tries to convey (thoughts) will be alien too, regardless of the topic.

What if you were a victim of a car crash caused by some drooling retard, crippled forever?
That would be an example of somebody else ruining your life.

>the elites have IQ's around 150
People with that high intelligence tend to be autistic scientists, not CEO's. The elite have IQ's between 120 and 145 combined with excellent social skills, ambition, and discipline

>freedom of choice -> free will
>smater than anyone

Pick one brainlet

Protip: CEOs are not elites. They're EMPLOYEES. Not owners. Politicians aren't elites either, before you ask.

That's the gist of it. And even if you and someone with a 20 IQ point difference start a conversation on even ground, the smarter person will quickly outstrip the other person in the conversation and spend most of their time explaining what they mean, which makes the less intelligent person feel like they're being talked down to. It just doesn't work.

If not by probabilty what measure would you judge by? Yes, you are probably more intelligent than me.
Elites, even if on different factions, influence cultures and tendencies in your way of life. ei: the +50% divorce rates over the western world are not by chance, they were engineered and they are of real consequence in people´s lives.

Sure, CEO's aren't elites, I can get behind that. Having an IQ of 180 still turns you into this guy, though.

You just answered yourself. The 150 people don't mingle with the 100 people. They go to the best schools, with students who have the best genetics and become the 135 CEO people.
I'm not denying, though, that there are people in the 150s who are autistic because no one will understand them. That's because they were born in shitty environments, because they are sorrounded by idiots.

Having a high IQ does not make you autistic. Having autism makes you autistic. Einstein was able to get along well enough with people, as was Feynman. Taleb is one of the top ten smartest people alive today and he's not autistic, just an asshole with no patience for fools.

150 user here. Can we perhaps transition this thread into a 150 user advice thread? Or perhaps start another? Pic related: me 150 iq Alabama poorfag.

what's an actual accurate way to measure IQ, not shitty online meme tests

Here's some advice: never give unsolicited advice. You just piss off everyone around you. What do you want advice on anyway? You're smart enough to just figure it out yourself; you have the entire fucking internet.

I got to know a guy whose IQ was like 163.

I must say, such an IQ was essentially a disability. I never thought so, but in our current society, to have an IQ that is too high can be a thing. At least in his case, he was just incompatible with most humans. It wasn't that he was autistic or something.

It seems to me that a person whose IQ is 150+ could only live a meaningful life if they are put in some kind of separate society or program.

I mean, imagine having an IQ of 100+ and living in a world where most people have an IQ of 60. Could you even take that?

This is pretty much why I think intelligent people tend to be perfectionists. They want to control certain factors, while average people don't even understand that such factors exist.
Pretty much like little kids that you constantly have to keep an eye on to prevent them from doing dangerous things.
The other option would be building an environment where danger doesn't exist, but you can hardly change the system unless you're a really influential person.

It's a bad idea to create systems "where danger doesn't exist". They usually lead to massive meltdowns. Read Antifragile by Taleb.

You know what I meant. Anyway, I said that you don't necessarily become unable to relate to people if you are too smart.

Being successful in life requires social interactions. People above 140-145 are terrible at it because their brains typically concentrate on one thing, with other tasks taking a back seat.they always sound weird to everyone else, and avoid/are avoided and unliked. The most successful people are the 130-140 range, since they have the means to get ahead, and can leverage and lead other people.

I see it all the time at my work. 100% of my coworkers are engineers and doctors and the very intelligent ones suffer to make breakthroughs or get ahead in their careers

>IQ was professionally tested when I was a kid
>2 shy of gifted

Might as well just end it all.

The most useful thing would be advice on how to connect with other 150 anons. I presume we could handle it from there.

But mine's 145.

I don’t know if you’re a brainlet or shortened the explaination on why and how the aids thing happened.

It has to do with the Post-hippy gay scenes that started up and we were hitting sodom and Gomorrah degeneracy levels also the fact that the 1965 immigration act started to literally bring in the Africans and the other left leaning Marxist political powers that were in play. The same ones that got Reagan elected as a reactionary populist.

And I could write pages on it. So whatever happenedd is highly calcueble and your lack for understanding certain things might mean your online these that told you your score fucked you over

>he doesn't know about the margin of error

i guess you're below 130 after all.

145, most of the people using Sup Forums have higher IQ's.

That's really easy, but you should have realized it already: you need to move to a big city, and if you want 150 IQ, you have two choices: Silicon Valley or the metropolitan strip between NYC and DC.

I don't understand why you want to be around people on your level though. Are you just looking for good conversation?

I got 133 when I was 7. But i have sunken to around 125 since it seems

Did your mom tell you that. Fag

More likely that they are social outcasts that try to explain their retardation by doing easy test that tell them the score they want to have

Just so they can blame their shortcoming on their gifted ness

We all shouldn’t talk about iQ, why don’t we talk about the Jews instead?

IQ is pointless if you are neurotic

Its different though. We 110-130's get along with 70-80's all the time. We normally unconsciously evaluate someones intelligence and have the social skills to modify our interaction. We do this with kids all the times. The 160 folks don't have this capability. You can see it in their interactions with kids. They lack the cognative component of empathy

>why don’t we talk about the Jews instead?

Let me start
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

I did oversimplify, but the point stands: for almost everyone in the 1970s it was impossible to predict an incurable, fatal STD spreading like crazy with no symptoms in the 1980s. Just because you understand NOW how something happened does not mean you could have predicted it at the time.

Not true. It is extremely useful in outmaneuvering your psychologist and making them a basketcase.

I was tested at school and am in the mid 130s. When i take the online tests (pattern and spacial) i land anywhere between 135 and 140. They arent bad, not perfect, but not bad at all.

"Being social" or "charming" is learned behavior, it's not related to IQ. It IS related to agreeableness, extroversion, openness, and neuroticism. I'm rather on the disagreeable side but learned to be social primarily by reading Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People. There's nothing stopping any other high IQ person from applying those techniques to their interactions with other people.

Not just a question of geography, but also social and economic status. Becoming a poorfag in Silicon Valley doesn’t give me much better access to peers than being an Alabama poorfag.I was actually having the pie in the sky idea of a 150 user counter Jew conspiracy, but I’d settle for escaping what seems like intellectual solitary confinement with conversation.

The thing with IQ is when you get to the upper extremes it rapidly specializes.
If 100 IQ is a baseball and 130 IQ is a soccer ball, then 150 IQ is a soccer ball with a massive spike protruding in a random direction.

>tfw smart enough to realize i'm crazy but incapable of fixing myself
every time I went to my psychiatrist I just ended up doing her job for her, explaining what was wrong with me

i wish i could find a way to fix myself

179 here (Stanford-Binet), and I definitely agree.

Being "profoundly gifted" sometimes feels like being alone at the world's biggest party.

It seems to get better, though- once you've taken all your knocks in school and gotten out into the world. If you can beat through the stubbornness, you'll find that people are a lot more receptive to the idea of someone else handling the big picture thinking than you might imagine.

I have this problem too.I literally know everything I need to do to fix myself, but I'm unable to trick my mind into doing it.

Only ~2% of the population has an IQ over 130, of course they’re social outcasts. Their way of seeing the world, their interests, the way they speak are all very different than the general population. Think of it like this: Someone is considered mentally deficient (retarded) if they have an IQ under 70. The average IQ is 100. This means that anyone in the 130+ range is as far removed from joe average as joe average is from helmet heads.

Your mom did when she was measuring my dick, in meters

>Becoming a poorfag in Silicon Valley doesn’t give me much better access to peers than being an Alabama poorfag.
Are you sure about that?
>I was actually having the pie in the sky idea of a 150 user counter Jew conspiracy

"muh delusion to make up for insecurity" is the most tired Jewish population control meme

>NOW how something happened does not mean you could have predicted it at the time.

I see your point but I think you choose a dumb way to express it because it doesn’t take a genious to know that doing something that requires no thinking and just letting the animalistic nature of your psyche roam and take possession of you (faggots have partners in numbers of 1000s) would have no repercussions

Also yeah I agree, doesn’t take a genious to understand a Sup Forums happening in hindsight yet can be hard noticing your in the middle of it.

126 reporting
It's shit because I unironically feel like I'm talking to literal fucking retards all the fucking time.
I'm a software engineer and I constantly have to try and direct people who can't see more than a single abstraction layer deep or hold more than a single stack frame in their head at a time.
They can't see how different processes or threads interacting with each other are NOT a monolithic entity. Just today one of them apparently spent over an hour trying to debug a 404 error that was CLEARLY coming from our Weblogic application server (it said so on the fucking error page) by repeatedly rebooting the Apache load balancer.
They can't visualize how manipulating a routine's input data set will affect the output, yet I have to get them to write complex queries on databases etc.

Sometimes I wish I was retarded too so I wouldn't have to be the guy trying to hold everything together with duct tape and vinyl glue.

>tfw have all these plans and ideas in my head of how i'll get my life on track and fix myself
>end up a worthless parasitical drain on society instead

at least i've found someone to go to the gym with, i guess that's better

>it's way over her

That's your problem. Remember, women have a smaller standard deviation on IQ. The odds your female boss is a genius are low

It's the jewish version of that thing women/whiteknights do online
>you have (legitimate concern)?
>you must be a basement dwelling virgin LOL
Peak not argument

is that why trump talks like that? He had to explain construction to illiterates of all backgrounds.

>It's more like a free for all deathmatch with lots of people more powerful than you are,

What if you are born into an extremely powerful family, who essentially write most of the rules, and those they don't they have articulated better than anyone else, and are raised your whole life learning this occult knowledge and being given social connections to other very powerful and influential families?

tfw 128IQ official
tfw uneployed neet who hasn't had a gf and is a virgin

Only half true.

Social skills are learned, but your capability to execute decreases as intelligence increases. Its nuanced in a way that very intelligent people cant pull off, they always seem robotic. This is because intilligent people are too self aware. Like if youre being interviewed on live TV and someone mentions your hands. You suddenly dont know what to do with your hands, and fixate. Smarties do this with their whole bodies, voices, and word choices. Often they make a comment thats awkward because they internalize conversations and then vocalize not realizing other people weren't following

I was playing devils advocate with the standard demoralizing we are all 400lbs antisocial virgins

My opinions is high of this place and the people in it (fluctuates with the date and time) but generally I had the pleasure to meet valuable people

The high shitskin populace is gettin me a little depressed, I literally can tell if they are a shitskin after a few words they write


>is that why trump talks like that?
throughout the election people kept mocking Trump for speaking at a lower level, but he did that to ensure everyone understood the message
it's just appealing to the lowest common denominator

I’m not certain of it, but I’ve traveled quite a bit for work. Am I wrong?

Agree. Checked.

"IQ" is just BS about recognising sequences.

Not real intelligence.


Probably. He makes sense to me, but then again I also have to simplify things similarly when I'm not talking to a fellow domain expert, or even just trying to outline a situation for my boss without spending all afternoon trying to explain it inside and out.

Still correlation to success in western countries

*clicking noises*

IQ's impact on actual intellect has greatly diminished returns past 120 so having an IQ of 150 means fuck all.

your brain is essentially a pattern recognition machine, that's in large part what intelligence is

Recognizing patterns and being able to visualize objects being manipulated in 3D space is what intelligence is all about.

>IQ denyers
You guys are like left wing version of climate change denyers or round earth denyers, IQ wery well predicts ones income, education level, new worth, crime rate, ETC
saying IQ dosen't work is like saying newtons laws of gravity and formulas don't work becose newton himself didn't knew what gravity was.

>pattern recognition and puzzle solving skills aren’t the basis for every relevant kind of intelligence used in modern society

>I literally can tell if they are a shitskin after a few words they write

How can you tell them apart from the intelligent shitposters who mimic them?

I can tell that your IQ is neither 150 nor 120 from that post alone

So wait.... what happens when there are always COINCIDENCES involving Jewish members of your community and you reacognize the pattern.....

It surly must be just conspiracies *nervous laughter*

Don't forget that normal people in the 1970s would have a handful of casual sex partners, and had no idea that faggots in San Francisco and other large cities were having orgies with thousands of partners. It's why there was so much hate towards fags when AIDS hit the news and people realized how it was spreading so fast.

>Its nuanced in a way that very intelligent people cant pull off, they always seem robotic. This is because intilligent people are too self aware.
Do you have any evidence for that? Because that doesn't jive with anything I've ever read or observed.

Nah. As a 150 it's easy to notice what a simpleton I am compared to what a 170 or 180 will do without even thinking about it.

aber naturlich
just a (((coincidence)))

It’s quite easy. Shitposter literally do not exist for me.

You might say that this means I get baited and trolled but in reality it doesn’t matter if it’s a real shitskin or someone who pretends to be one you destroy with you Anti-Nigger folder.

Because for the lurkers and other people it will just look like a nigger shitskin boi gettin” destroyed and triggered by h]tiehr inferiority complex

You are one of those that think they much smarter than they actually are.

I've scored between 120-135 on online tests but never took a real one. Can I have permission to feel superior to others anyway?

First, I took a few internet IQ tests for fun and got a 130, and I do constantly well at school, I am not sure if I am the norm here or if I am an exception, but it seems to me that many people here like myself have come across here on our own to find the truth, which can be found in the most unlikely of places. Yet I constantly see people with significantly less intelligence outside this neat little bubble, and I realize that the "elite" are simply entrepreneurs, survival of the fittest I suppose. But as for us, I suggest that we try to go our own ways and make our own decisions, to break free from these groups of men who underestimate many of us, and start doing important and positive things for our and our future descendant's lives

99.9th percentile reporting in (anyone who knows anything about IQ tests knows that a number is meaningless, you need to tell us the test your scored it on, or at least the variance of scores on the test you took. Saying "my IQ is 120" is the equivalent of saying "I am 6 tall." 6 what? Give it context).

Most people I encounter are noticeably intellectually inferior to me, and occasionally I encounter someone who's clearly superior to me. I never find people on my wavelength. I've come to accept it, it's been apparent to me for many years now and I've got my own coping mechanisms and developed surprisingly good interpersonal skills for someone who struggles to related to other people and is probably at least mildly autistic. I feel like my life only really begun when I hit 25, everything up to that point was me just figuring out how to place myself in the world. I believe that if I can do what I've done since then then pretty much any other high IQ individual would be able to too. I'm on the verge of being in a position where I will be mostly settled in what I'm doing, what I have, and what lays ahead of me. If this isn't what running your own life feels like then I don't know what is.

The “I’m so smart” should be literally everything under 115

>dunning Kruger effect

Have you taken any training/classes on leadership? There are techniques to dealing with subordinates that also work well on peers with lower intelligence.

Yes you are. Highly intelligent people don't move to cities because they love tall buildings, concrete, and homeless people. They move there because that's where all the other intelligent people are. A starbucks retard in NYC comes in contact with more 150 IQ people in a year than a university professor in Alabama's most prestigious university does.

And if the person you are testing has dyslexia?

For me there's a 6 and I end up seeing a 9 and vice versa.

You have to be careful about such things when testing a subject to be accurate.

I for one can say Online tests (not all) but roughly are not as bad, ive allways scored in online tests from 120-130 and in real life got 128 one of my frends got 92IQ and he's not the smartest guy around tbqh we all expected him to do bad.
