Why are STEMfags, specially engineers, so extremely and brutally triggered by humanities, specially philosophy?

Why are STEMfags, specially engineers, so extremely and brutally triggered by humanities, specially philosophy?

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I'm an engineer and it's because 90% of the guys in this field are total dweebs who probably spent days of their life with their heads in the toilet.

Humanities are fun, I loved those classes. It was interesting material and a nice change from System Dynamics.

the (mentally) weak should fear the strong

Because of this.

because stem is "i can prove..." and humanities are "I reckon..."

it's not humanities in general, it's english majors pretending they're important

because (((philosophy))) isn't a science. Here's a universally perfect ideology everyone can follow
>try to be a cunt less each day

This. Also, first year philosophy fags pretending that that jerking each other off by regurgitating the pleb tier arguments they just heard in the freshman class puts them on the same intellectual level as someone who can do hardcore math.

> mfw you can't figure out that it's because we rely on reality, facts, and proof....while you rely on "how does that make you feel", which ultimately has no bearing in the real world.

Wait, I studied Math and Philosophy...

>specially philosophy
Philosophy is the foundation for STEM
But regarding the rest of the humanities, it's because they're a soft science and they are very liberal with taking advantage of that
Most social science is less convincing than theology to the skeptical mind

Because they contribute nothing of value to society.

Yea cool, you think you're the genesis of that ideology?


Don't you have a government to fix?

>Hardcore math
>"Yah guys ODEs are too hard to solve, so go memorize these very specific steps that makes them into high school algebra"
>Still punches into wolframalpha with no understanding after 4 years

Engineers are truly the ubermensch of higher learning

A thousand times this

Psychology major here. I cannot begin to describe my hatred for language major morons who actually believe they are "intellectuals" and that they are on par with people who use science and logic while they simply use "ideas." These knuckle draggers actually believe they are intellectually on par with us. Those degrees are incredibly easy to earn, and continue to be watered down more and more to accommodate the plummeting IQ of the general population.

Besides, 60% of those classes are pure propaganda. I only took humanity classes to fill a GE requirement, and I still need to take more! Not because they are essential for a "well rounded education" (as they claim) but because of the avarice of the Colleges and Universities.

The Scientific method of inquiry came from Philosophy
Being a scientist without a philosophical base is like being a musician without knowing anything about music theory
Sure you may be good at it, but without that base knowledge, you don't actually know what you're doing or why it works and will stumble in your work much more than you need too

Because we went to school for a career. Why waste our time with shit we can read in our spare time?

I enjoy art and theology but (((kant))) was fucking worthless, and I had to spend 4 months having an (((intellectual))) regurgitate that horse shit.

Stemfag here. Dont fall for this meme, there are no girls and only sadness ahead.

I took a philosophy and Greek literature class. I had a bunch of stuck up faggots thinking their art degrees were important

just make sure you actually do something with a psych degree

This is 17 posts in and it's already a circlejerk.

As an engineer turned political science student: It's fucking dumb. This whole dick measuring contest is fucking retarded.

Im sorry, but I cant believe this. We are supposed to make a lot more money than non STEM workers and women love money more than anything. If I may ask, what exactly did you go into?

why'd you switch? you can do a lot more practical things with an engineering background

>I'm an engineer
>Humanities are fun, I loved those classes
Software 'engineer' detected, kys.


because engineering actually takes skill

I was just not feeling it anymore, I don't know. I just got bored and Political Science just interests me so much more. And it's not like I lose my Bachelor's Degree, anyway.

Im just talking about the duration in uni that there are very little girls you come in contact with. Im doing comp sci, still have 4 semesters left

Oh I plan to. My aunt just got a degree in Neural Psychology and she is making a ton of money. As soon as I get my PHD I will probably go into the research sector.


Humanities doesn't contribute to proper sewer maintenance, email and mobile computing does it?

Some of it is neat, but it doesn't pay the fucking bills.

Be good at math in high school
Study CS in college
While the humanities kids were smoking weed and talking about Marx you were doing C++ homework
Get a degree in something with a 90% failure rate
Write printer drivers for HP all day
At night you and your friends write an indie game
Work 70+ hours a week + weekends to see your dream become a reality
Get it on Steam Greenlight
Humanities perpetual grad student writes an article about how your game has too many titties and that's bad
Humanities professor accuses you of male privilege because women can't code


Dude, trust me you are making a mistake. I was originally a Political Science major. Always loved history and politics> (still do) However, I did some research and found that there really isnt much you can do with a degree in that field like the other user said. Unless you aspire to be a Lawyer, politician, or teacher your life is going to be miserable.

>AAAAaannnd.... END OF THREAD.
>Humanities doesn't contribute to proper sewer maintenance, email and mobile computing does it?
>Some of it is neat, but it doesn't pay the fucking bills.
I mean...half of the American government basically runs on humanities.

I actually quite enjoy humanities but I can't take a dude seriously who bitches about not being able to find a job that pertains to their degree when they picked a major that has nearly non-existant practical application in the professional world. We need to stop pushing university so fucking much and get people learning real skills. My guidance counselor in high school would have had you believe that going to college and getting 60k into debt for a liberal arts degree would put you at a better spot than having no debt and no college degree.

explains why it's shit

This. It most probably comes from a feeling of superiority (hurr durr I have to do math and you dont therefore I'm smarter), comparing natural science and humanities is like apples and oranges, you can't explain politics, ideals,history etc. with equations and numbers.


this. most engineers are soulless brainlets fit only for tedious computational work.

Is this ironic or an unironic reply?
IF thread.reply == "unironic" {kys.doubleshotgun(head)}
else {assassinate(Merkle)}

why is that ideology perfect?

that's just computer fags and software """engineers"""

>Because we went to school for a career.
Good goy! God forbid you accidentally get and education at school! You need to go pay money to learn how to work for you boss!

because its a useless waste of time and money

Because engineering is all about providing results.
If you build an engine that doesn't work you can get fucked, nobody cares about your excuses and explanations unless you know how to fix it.
Humanities are bascially an antithesis to this.

>the only reason I don't have a gf is because I don't have any money
I hope you don't actually believe this

I'd actually like to go into government, yeah.
Friend of mine studies political science in the military and you can kind of let your degree get accredited, so you join with a higher rank and more pay etc. That's kind of my contingency plan, really interests me too.

Also, you have to understand that political science and consulting is a just emerging field here in Germany. Not as saturated as in the states.

>t. hippie con osde

It takes an above average intelligence to apply knowledge. It takes an even higher intelligence to discover knowledge. It takes a still higher intelligence to understand knowledge.

>try to be a cunt less each day
Cuck 101

because modern philosophy is pseudo-intellectual faggotry that is just a circle jerk of repeating the same ideologies over and over again
its just a bunch of normies who were to fucking stupid to do anything worthwhile so they took philosophy and hope if they speak as vaguely as possible while throwing in some unnecessary big words and referencing people from hundreds of years ago then people will think they're le intellectual

>I sit in an office and use auto cad and overdesign grant funded bullshit projects


>Engineer also

Basically you're a dick.

The reason most of us STEMfags hate the humanities is because once they graduate, they can't find meaningful employment and then realize they can vote for other people's money.

Not at all. But I can get any woman I want with a lot of money. Besides, women are just a means to an end, that end being Children.

Worthwhile degree, ability to get a job after college

Shit degree that you can read on your own, you’re not getting a job after college.

Why shouldn’t I completely shit on people who are stupid?

I'm an engineering physics guy who aced philosophy and has submitted papers to conferences.

Most philosophy students just aren't smart.

The field isn't to blame per se, it's that when philosophy doesn't involve tearing assholes of mongrels who can't argue properly.... it's a disgraceful shitshow.

Oh, and enjoy the gender ratio change if you fags ever decide to argue properly.

so this... is the power... of STEM autism... whoa...

Intersting, well good luck. As we say in America "You can be President one day!" But I hope to see an user hold the seat of Councillor soon, or else you wont have a nation to govern.

bullshit jobs
>don't create anything
>don't help anyone
>consume economic power created by actually USEFUL jobs
>also people find out meaning is virtual and become depressed
you'd be better off knitting at least that's something useful
if your job doesn't relate to customers of any kind closely, you can kill yourself and stop consuming food/power that people who work for real create
Don't get me wrong, some stem fields helped mankind big time, I have bigger hate for insurance analyst doing nothing than pushing numbers around all day. Those people let money/value simply disappear.

This isn't Canada, Autists dont make it into STEM around here.

it's funny that you think i'm a philosophy major

>there wont be many girls in your class


I think we'll be fine. Thanks for your advice, anyway.

Fucking this.

Beside that, most of the SJWs on campses are from humanities programs and they usually control the student unions, doing some BS things while leeching off of our tuition. I'm currently paying over 300$ in student association fees, most of which go to stupid groups like homofags and syrian rapefugees or to pay for some random SJW whore to give speeches to tumblrinas about feminism and shit like that. And before you bitch about how it's our fault for not being ative in those associations, well we can't. We have a huge course load, which doesn't leave us with a lot of free time. With the free time that we have, we'd rather spend it with friends and family instead of spending it dealing with SJWs.

Fuck those hippies. They are absolutely useless and make the campus life a bit harder for every stem student. This doesn't even include the fact that in 2012, we had a student strike which was started by those faggots, preventing us from completing our studies. I lost a whole semester because of those fags.

this level of coping, wow

obviously this

because we can think.

Humanities is a joke subject that requires next to zero rigor in order to be successful. Where one is based on hurr durr muh feels, the stem fields are mostly based on hard facts over subjective surveys and shit tier low lever statistics. I loved when they bitched about a 15 page essay due end of semester in front of the chem building... all the chem majors are chain smoking working on a weekly 20 page lab write up for one course and an ass ton of advanced physics problems requiring 2 pages of calculations...while skipping bio or genetics because it’s just memorization lol

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so close

It's the only way they can feel superior because they're usually not the most impressive specimens

Basically this


indeed, it comes from having to cope with too many of you mongoloids shitting up my physics classes

Because STEM majors know when you graduate with your humanities/philosophy degree, you will still mess up their order at the drive through.

>assuming money in research

you pathetic bright eyed faggot

kek legit. But both stem and humanities are shit tier, finance is the chad discipline.

>humanities, specially philosophy
Because humanities and philosophy are not science.



Do you have evidence to the contrary? If there isn't money I still have other options. Even marriage Councillors can make a decent amount of money.

>I fucking love le epic science xDDDD

So, are there, like acceptable humanities?
Political science? Economics? Administration? Sociology? Teachers(okay, yeah, guess they don't really count)?

Seems like you guys really think gender studies or some shit like that is 100% of humanities.

My degree was actually useful for the field. I learned a lot about physics, chemistry, and math. But art and theology are things I can and do learn about on my own time, and at a significantly lower cost than the Marxist bullshit that passes for humanities today.

T. Process chemist, pulling in 114k/yr

>Thinks engineers only do ODEs.
humanities faggot detected. Besides, who the fuck do you think coded wolfram/mathematica/maple/mathlab? Engineers (either software/computer), mathematicians and/or computer science students. It sure as hell wasn't you philosophy major fags who spend your whole time jerking yourselves in circle about how you cannot trust your senses and come to the absolute useless conclusion that I think therefore I am. Holy shit, thanks buddy, that really helped advance our civilization, protect ourselves against diseases and build the infrastructure used to make life much easier and safer to live.

Oh wait no, you're working at a star bucks with that fancy philosophy degree. At least you make some coffee for your other humanities students

>be me
>Chemical Engineer and Theology Major
>see both perspectives
>really want to go into the Philosophy of Religion
>terrified of academia as a career
>probably going to do it anyways because I already generated a publish worthy article as an undergraduate in theology/philosophy

I would say the best STEM major is the philosopher; it is frequently the case the STEM major is a utilitarian and thus sees philosophy as an algorithm and not a worthwhile endeavor. Couple that with bourgeois life-goals of scaling the material hierarchy, the perfect formula for condescension to the humanities is achieved.

I will say that liberal arts/humanities deludes itself into believing that all other majors are lesser; it is this delusion where the active—those whom choose business or STEM as a vocation—are seen as lacking of contemplative or life well-lived even though it is compatible to pursue both the professional life and contemplative. Rather, humanities majors should create business and non-profits at greater frequencies instead of protesting or lobbying.

> muh science is shit
I will gas you cunts soon

One of the biggest ironies is someone in STEM taking a shit on philosophy. Betrays themselves as not understanding that the fundamentals of science and logical systems are rooted in epistemology and ontology.

Philosophy is the only humanity worth learning about. That being said, any hedonistic philosophy is just a plague upon humanity itself.

They took the hyper-materialist pill and think that is going to bring them any form of happiness. All it does is create jealousy and lust which never ends except through suicide which is what I imagine most of these people will wind up doing, either physically or metaphorically. I'm not really bothered by this though because they aren't really contributing anything. There is no wrong with these studies, rather, it's the fact that they could be directing their energy towards something beneficial in what we need right now that gets to me. But it shouldn't and that's why we have to keep going.

Chemfag here, Minored in philosophy. I find it is helpful when used in conjunction, but humanities and philosophy on its own it amounts to nothing

>The reason most of us STEMfags hate the humanities is because once they graduate, they can't find meaningful employment and then realize they can vote for other people's money.
This this this and this

Humanities are cancer.

a physicist
a CS guy
probably another CS guy.

How does it feel to work for/create profit for a man who will never know your name or recognize your face?

t. dropped out and make 80k/year and get 4 months off every year

>counselor making decent money

this has got to be b8

im 27 and living with my parents to pay off student loans.

I should of gone for STEM really,
I'm getting a masters in theology and I'm currently a full time religion high school teacher. I only make 31k a year while programmers make 70 plus.
When I am around them, I generally feel humiliated.

Some sides of anthropology are fairly legitimate and fulfill an important role, since history won't handle oral history(a traditional bias that imo is worse than the destruction of the library of alexandria or aztec libraries, thousands of oral histories of dying cultures vanished into dust that could have been cross-references to gain more reliable information), as well as hominid migration patterns being interesting.

Name your trade

> inb4 working in Nunavut on a rig 8 / 12 months a year

Best post in this thread.

teaching sounds lax at least.

tfw philosophy major with math minor
tfw know more math than 99% of spergineers who never progress further than diff eq and numerical analysis

Those are the children of Rich fags who can make anything happen with large sums of money. (namely bribes or "donations") Those students got in simply by virtue of being who they are. It is a false equivalent to someone like me, a lower middle class white man who has gone through all the proper channels without special help.

On a related note, it is no surprise that this is happening. It ties into what I said earlier, in that through money all things are possible.

Yea, I generally like teaching about religion and the students like it too. But good God did make a mistake.