What are your thoughts on Jordan Peterson?

Seriously, what do you guys think of this man?

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I think Guantanamo is a place built especially for him

He helps a lot of people and is generally a boon to people further right than him sociologically despite being a shabbos goy.

He is something Sup Forums can't latch on too because he doesn't like nazis.

So I love him

The reason why he's so emotional and '' ((( passionate ))) '' is because he's on SSRI/Anti Depressants. He doesn't function like the normal non-professor person, the reason why he talks the way he does is because his mind is so fucked he literally needs to be on a slew of anti depressants.

Old hippie milking kekistanis and gatekeeper for Jews.

Sage faggots

No fuck you. I want to trash this man.

Good entry level

Nothing but respect. Also some pride in knowing he speaks for lifting up the men and boys which society has decided are undeserving of attention, or guidance.

They( men and boys) have been the dire cost of single-gender hyper-promotion (feminism for 40 years) .

Honestly, I like what he has been doing, with no complaints.

>t. Classic philosopher

He is pundit that overstretched his logical capacity by being a blatant hypocrite

He doesn't take the resurrection of Christ literally. Or if he does he always dodges the question when asked if he believes in it.
He doesn't understand that Christian morals depend on God's existence and the resurrection.
He always defends religion from a worldly point of view. It doesn't matter if religion is good or not for society, what matters is that it's true. You can't truly follow Christianity just because you think it's a good influence in the world. You have to actually believe it, or you'll be larping.

hes okay

nothing special, some education, maybe a hair above that, 30% of pol consists of these types. He just has a way with words that swoon normies.

a hack
even if he seems alright at first, the more you listen to him the clearer it becomes he's a con


Peterson made unironically accept the JQ. He is always warning us of the people who want to give utopia and then he when analyzes the old testament he often says that the Jews fall into utopianism so easily. He also made me accept that ideas may be genetic, which pushed me into race realism. The man is a walking redpill for people that aren't brainlets and think he's only talking about cleaning your room. I hate his fan base so fucking much for making me hate this man. I will never forgive those kekistani and skeptic cucks.

He is not a Christian, that is for sure. You can't be doubtful about the resurrection and still be a faithful Christian. The irony about his hatred towards the post modernists is that his religious scope is post modernist. He has been poisoned by Jewish academia.

>The irony about his hatred towards the post modernists is that his religious scope is post modernist.

not a christian, complete meme-tier """intellectual""" who hides behind words he knows none of his target audience know to disguise the fact that he's essentially an old man making 6 figures a year bitching about tumblr feminism just like the rest of the youtube autists. also his daughter's a whore and he took antidepressants which makes him a pussy.

The anonymous non-achiever thinks a world famous psychologist is nothing special. I read your post and immediately thought you must be one of those neck beards from Sup Forums who rate gorgeous girls as 3/10 because they have a tattoo or something ridiculous.

I'm not even a fan of Jordan Peterson, I agree and disagree with a lot of his points, but even I can see he is a very influential figure in today's society. If that's not 'special' then what qualifies under your standards?

he's an average parochial college professor that's not even in the top one thousanth of his field. he's always played it safe as an academic and chosen low hanging fruit to study, e.g. 'effect of acute alcohol intoxication and cognitive functioning'. his maps of meaning is the least parsimonious hypothesis and is based on pseudoscience and mysticism. his message of 'stay in the middle, it's safest here' is completely in character with his 40 year academic career, and I don't understand the adulation he receives for his obvious mediocrity.

How? You are just saying words without any substance. Give an example for your claims?

I was going to say I think he has good intentions even if a non-committal centrist, but his emphasis on collectivism only being bad for whites and his shameless acceptance of Patreon money from impressionable young men without father figures makes me second-guess him. Thus far he's been a decent entry level gateway into alternative politics and despite his claims that he's brought young guys back from the radical right, I think he's actually emboldened the right wing in general by condensing down data and moulding the implications of its interpretation down into argument form which we can use ourselves, essentially doing our leg work for us. On the other hand, my least charitable interpretation of him is that he's a Leafland baby boomer from the 60s and 70s that is either in denial about the impact third world migration and ethnic coexistence with the lower races has had on the West, or he hasn't stepped outside from his anti depressant induced stupor/euphoria to take a look at what Toronto, Montreal, Nova Scotia or any high profile Canadian metropolis has become now that blacks, Arabs and Chinese are the norm in that country. Actually, I can go lower than that and say that his disavowal of white collectivism is fully intentional because he actually WANTS us to stay enfeebled and at the mercy of malevolent Marxist scrutiny, but I'm not sure I've fully gone down that rabbit hole yet.

He seems alright. I see him crashing in the next year. At least he'll get normies thinking about marxist subversion.

Next time you copy paste a non academic critical review, you should paste it entirely, not chop it up and add your own brainless sentences between well written ones

Making money isn't a bad thing. Blame his retarded normies fans for that. If people started paying me money to talk, I don't see how that's unethical on his part.

>he wants collectivism
He advocates for individualism all the time

he's a conman and we should refer to him as such. i'm not worried about the ethics of scamming normies with weak father figures out of their parents' hard earned money, he can go right ahead.

very simple, cite the article. protip: you can't because I just wrote it in about thirty seconds.

I've been watching him a lot because his metaphysical truth is the closest I can find to my own. Seems like he reached the point I did and then stopped. I think there's something missing. Responsible sovereignty is obviously necessary for a functioning society. But why even have a functioning society? People need purpose. I continue to believe there has to be something that can be said convincingly enough that will motivate people to get the fuck off this planet because literally everything collapses if we don't. Personal revelations won't make resources come back. Sorting yourself out won't change the fact that capitalism needs ever expanding returns and a growing population.

nevermind I read your comment wrong

You just identified yourself commie. This is a shill thread and not actual discussion.

what has he done to rise to the level of conman

Why are there so many threads on the lobster man all of a sudden, I've been following him for a year but now Sup Forums has 5 daily threads on him

peterson did a number on you kiddo. call me a postmodernist next.

>jews fall into utopianism easily
>it's good that these people are in positions of power, if you don't agree, you like your minorities unsuccesful

That's basically the hypocrisy behind his "i can't" debacle

No, your a commie because you don't subscribe to "buyer beware". If people are dumb enough to fall into his cult, I don't care because Peterson is harmless. I don't like him because of his ideas, not because he's a danger. Fuck outta here faggot.


i didn't say he was a danger you illiterate nigger.


He doesn't see it, or is too scared to say anything. I am still grateful to him for making me understand that materialism and utopianism is evil. From there I have really begun to understand the struggle we are actually in.

You were implying it by calling him a charlatan. Charlatan is a term used by commies to describe conservative e celebs. I know your tricks.

I called him a conman you paranoid retard, as in someone who tries to con people into paying for a bullshit service. you can be a conman even if no one buys into it. fuck you're stupid.

Jordon Peterson has openly stated that he specifically targets White males, and ONLY White males, for his brainwashing program, because he intends to "prevent the horrors of racial pride" and "what happened in 1930s Germany".


source faggot

Keep getting mad commie, you have just been exposed. Here's a pic of Alizee.

>paying for a bullshit service
that service being?

Great man. Beside obvious he opened my eyes how actually retarded pol larpers are. Godspeed Jordan, lets save The Father.

He says pretty tame shit and he is good for deterring kids from sjwism. Also because he is becoming so popular, lefty faggots try to smear him in any way they can as an alt right misogynistic bigot. Just check out these seething faggots for some laughs reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam

Personality test and self authoring. I have been doing self authoring for like the last 10 years and I didn't have to pay some guy 20 bucks for it.

I love her.

is everyone who doesn’t think Jews are leading a global conspiracy to bring in immigrants from poor 3rd world countries a normie?

The hilarious thing about Sup Forums, some very smart people hide in here and the rest of you are legit retarded. Its like the fuckboy that hears Albert Einstein never took showers, so I guess that makes me a genius! Or, Nikola Tesla never had a wife, so I guess that makes me a genius too!

Jordan Peterson has got an intellectual foot on you all, at least. If he makes some dough on the side by giving some simp advice all the better for him.

She really is wonderful.


Kike in both mind and spirit.

>my thoughts
Muh... It's that guy again.

He made me reconsider suicide

Anyone who takes Nietzsche seriously is full of shit.

Because, ironically, all the “non-normies” here on Sup Forums didn’t even know about him before the Cathy Newman interview.

I think he's definitely less right than his following makes to be, but agree with his political views or not, he's one of most well spoken men you've ever seen, admit it. He makes enjoyable content and I have too much time on my hands. He's helped me keep my room clean this winter as I've been struggling with seasonal affective disorder, and got pretty depressed after losing my job that I was told was permanent, but ended up being seasonal. Bless this man

Overall a good guy. Has good intentions and has mostly practical ideas mixed with a bit of crazy stuff.

Bad at playing the game. Acts naive in some ways when it comes to the internet and makes himself look like a fool. This can be both endearing or annoying depending on he topic.

Overall, breath of fresh air. Great to jack off to.

Hes a boomer with a sharp mind who likes to talk a lot. What he says should be common sense for everyone and its a wee bit worrisome that saying "boys should be boys" is somehow something NEEDING to be said in this society.
7.9/10 would watch podcast

>if you don't kill people from an ethical perspective you are LARPing as a Christian
Lol, Christards are literally this retarded. God bless Hebrew baby Jesus, Jewish Messiah, fulfiller of Jewish prophecy, king of the Jews.

>foot on you all
You couldn't have the information necessary to make that determination in a literal sense so we'll assume that you are orating from your heart.
Daddy Peewee would be proud if you, son, you found your fefes and touched base.

A one trick pony.
He's a great motivational speaker, and tries to mix pseudoscience with real science to stick his points.
In all honesty, his whole shtick is "man up", It's actually sad that the world is so crazy that it seems a revolutionary approach to living.

He is an anti materialist and anti utopianist. He is no kike.

Most humans are a mixed bag.
You will never find any all shining paragons beyond flaw you know.
Accept what he is and persuade him and others that he is wrong to not bring the things he notices to their truthful conclusions, skillfuly.
Skill is needed.
Not all speech is intended for all ears.

I'm only prodding you to see what you do (nothing). I haven't had time to listen to Mr. P yet so I couldn't have a worthwhile opinion anyway.

national hero


There's a shocking amount of levels to this one.

Try again in English

Lady Gaga is a very influential figure in today's society too

God bless our Jewish savior Hebrew baby Jesus, Jewish Messiah, King of the Jews, filler of Jewish Prophecy.

You've clearly never read the bible

Are you denying that Jesus is any of those things you stupid faggot?

Well she made her time, she doesn't sing that much anymore.

She was the emblem of teenargers in the 2000's, but now we dont see her anymore.

Jews think Jesus is a false Christ you cretin

He's entry level, I hope the men he gains the ear of move beyond him otherwise he is damaging to the greater struggle.

why are you so in denial of the king of kings

>He's entry level
The problem is exactly this. He's even simple enough for lefties to understand. This isn't a bad thing, but expect to hear more about how it is by concern-trolling ideologically bankrupt lefties. Even bluepilled normies I know are being attracted to Peterson as of late. Let him take the useful idiots away from the other side. I could give a shit less whether or not he ritualistically sacrifices his life to answer the jewish question. But expect to be told this is what one must do to be /ourguy/. They're not even going to hide it, they want the man dead one way or the other. He's nothing more than a Canadian Intellectual, but they're still this intimidated by him.

He's the king of the Jews that accepted him as Christ aka Christians whilst the modern Jews don't believe that he was Christ

Most posters in this thread who say they like Peterstein are paid shills. This shilling has been going on for weeks, non-stop.

Dr. Yarden B. Peterstein is a Zionist psyop. His expressly stated intent is to stop White people from organizing to stop White genocide.

This subversive jewish plant has exposed himself once and for all as a pawn of the kikes. He is openly Zionist:

Here is a video of Peterson giving an hour long speech with his buddy Ezra Levant at last year's 100th year anniversary celebration of the founding of Israel, 'Canadians for Balfour 100':

At this timestamp you can see a jew he was on stage with state that: "Antisemitism is a 2000 year old disease." And watch Juden B. Peterstein nod his head furiously in agreement:

Here you can watch Peterson be asked to address the JQ, and his response is that jews are simply genetically superior to Whites, and that if you have a problem with their success in your country you're just a resentful bigot who has accomplished nothing with your life (he uses his psychological authority to pathologize antisemitism):

This one keeps getting deleted from jewtube; in this one a *jew* asks Peterson to address the ethnic hatred the jews had for the Russian Christians that led to the Holodomor, giving him a copy of Solzhenitsyn's '200 Years Together', and Peterson said that "he cant" talk about it:

>modern Jews
Modern jews are the false jews in Revelation that Christ will force to bown down before us.


>he's actually here
The man himself, 1,243 posts by this user in the last 7 days.
49 posts
42 posts
33 posts
42 posts
10 posts(out of 40)
70 posts
122 posts
36 posts
24 posts
14 posts
14 posts
50 posts
59 posts
61 posts

Are you in denial that without Jewish prophecy he would not be anything and thus this makes him always and forever the Hebrew Messiah?
Oh look, it's this shill again.
youtube.com/watch?v=Y47h6nVZg6k&t=1s [Remove]

44 posts
57 posts
54 posts
83 posts
26 posts
55 posts
66 posts
72 posts
75 posts

83 posts
26 posts
55 posts
66 posts
72 posts
75 posts
Guy makes 1300 posts in 7 days and calls others shills.

I don't know about clinical psychiatry but he knows fuck all about history. It's like he tries to apply clinical psychiatry to explain historical events or something.

He claims he has an IQ of 150 but he's full of shit. He wouldn't be above 140.

Gotta give you the respect you deserve, got absolutely BTFO in the last thread you were concern trolling in. Still back at it again with the kike tactics. Looking good, bucko.

You've never once addressed any of my arguments, and you're also so paranoid about our eDaddy being exposed that you think every poster on Sup Forums is one user.

You should seek mental help. Leaving cults can be a difficult thing.

Gatekeeper with a following of mongrels and redditors who still haven't gotten past their sargon phase.

Jews don't believe that prophecy has been fulfilled yet

he tip toes too much around the jews

a reasonable guy, & i don't see why ppl spazz out over what he says

solid post

>a copy of Solzhenitsyn's '200 Years Together', and Peterson said that "he cant" talk about it:
He said he hasn't read it to talk about it.
>Here is a video of Peterson giving an hour long speech with his buddy Ezra Levant at last year's 100th year anniversary celebration of the founding of Israel, 'Canadians for Balfour 100':
I thought the part he called Israel a shithole so far away he wants no stake in it was pretty based.

You didn't so much make an argument as misrepresent him, like your other some 1300 posts.

>You've never once addressed any of my arguments
I've blown you out in both of the last 2 threads, and can link directly to them. Strap in, buckaroo.