What the fuck is Cockstream doing and where the fuck is the new HxH chapter?

What the fuck is Cockstream doing and where the fuck is the new HxH chapter?

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>Hiatus x Hiatus

>le walltext manga

Togashi doesn't write giant walls, Cockstream throws in a lot of filler words. Just compare Viz translations to Cockstream and you'll see what I'm talking about. It's fucking annoying how many liberties those faggots take.

>why yes, i do enjoy Hunter Hunter

>"waaahh, text in my manga! mommyyy!"


Also, this.

Fuck Niggastream

>>"waaahh, text in my manga! mommyyy!"

>>"woooowww, only text in a visual media! cooooolllll togashi is a genius"

>waaaaaah someone is criticizing my kids manga on Sup Forums

Fuck Niggerstream.
Anybody else know any translating groups? I want to stop giving these faggots revenue.

whats so bad about mangastream



They're faggots and their translations are ass.

hxh is a second hand manga
that's why the translations for it have less priority

Fuck off Pireate fag

Relax they said it before. HxH is their special thing, they love it but they need extra time for all the text and terminology it has.
People like to bitch about mangastream but I enjoy their fanatism. Sure they do not simplify things like viz, but rather they want to fully translate the implications Togashi makes








Not true, MS said they try to replicate Togashi's convoluted way of describing everything in encyclopedic manner. Viz just skips the bullshit, in a way improving the original.


after translating one piss all their brain cells are dead


they pretty much do it for characters in bleach and only ones in a certain style

yo nigga shut the fuck up

>not waiting for based Viz

>certain style
>Ain't no shame in kingin' like kong sometimes, retard
>certain style
fuckoutta here bitch

it fits the street characters of bleach

The difference in quality between Viz Vs Manga stream translations is pretty big in HxH.

mangastream pls go

It's true, Togashi cocksucker.

I feel like this image was made by the whitest person possible.


Call it by the real name, niggastream.

And what is wrong with them? Everything. The cleaners are shit, the translations are shit and the site is a full of shitty ads.

>People call "o muh rubber nun" an asspull
>Nanika exists

Niggastream isn't trying to "replicate" anything other than a steaming turd

They were real faggots when they changed Katakuri's name to DogTooth for some retarded reason and some guy just asked them to use the dude's actual name instead of their fanfic version one.

is it up yet?

t. nigger

fucking douche

>the guys doing work for me for free are not respecting my standards REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
fucking idiots



I T S O U T !

What a little bitch

That protoman dude is completely wrong, a character name is not the same as translating words in the dialogue.

How fucking pathetic of the staff and nonsensical
I'm gonna call Mark "Painting" because that's what it means in my language, I don't give a fuck about the name his fathers gave him

>You can only complain about one asspull
Not to mention O MY RUBBER NEN is a lower tier asspull than magic wish machine that had like an arc describing the consequences of using Alluka then they just say "Oh but Killua can do whatever he wants"
Ya'll probably think Gon isn't getting nen back either

I dunno mang.
That dude Strawberry from Bleach worked out well.

Didn't they do the same gangsa nigga shit with that black character in naruto that became his second jiraya?

-tl;dr first pages
-introducing a bunch of characters out of the blue
-using narrator

Is bnha trying to be HxH?