Windpower gets cheaper than conventional sources of energy

>Windpower gets cheaper than conventional sources of energy

Even if you're the most hardcore climate skeptic, you'd prefer clean energy if it was cheaper right?

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Unless your a hawk or an eagle, then it’s pretty fucking expensive.

geothermal is the true redpill energy.

Nah, Ameritards treat coal and oil like they are some football team

They'll continue to cheer them no matter what

In a spaceship ?

That's my favourite doompaul, times are changing.

72% of all US power needs are already covered by wind and solar installations. But as America drastically shifts back into an Industrial nation, those figures will soon change.

If it's actually cheaper, sure

Sauce faggot

If it's cheaper, no problem but 9/10 times it's a huge inefficient ripoff (not that fossil fuels are more efficient but at least they're "cheap")

Pretty sure that's not right

mirin those neck gains


How's that related

Of course it isnt

Can't coal roll with wind power, faggot.

Tesla Gigafactory

lol yeah oil spills are much healthier for wildlife though amirite?

Industries coming back to america, cunt

yeah, if it isnt cheap because my tax money is subsidizing it...

wind has been proven time and time again to be ridiculously expenisve

UGLY AS FUCK. A blight on the landscape. Might as well paint the blades pink and shape them like knobs.


I am a heavy human induced climate change skeptic.
But u cannot ignore the physical damage non renewable damage causes
The perfect energy sources are geothermal, wind and water

Muh windpower. What do you do when the wind blows? And did you factor in subsidies? I think not. Thorium is the future, but da joos are sliding it like the water poweres car.

Apple, which has been deploying solar power for years, this week announced another $850M investment

I'd prefer it even if it was more expensive, clean air for a clean people, fuck the dirty coal miners.

>you'd prefer clean energy if it was cheaper right?
Honestly no. I've seen the map of all the places that flood in the event of both ice caps completely melting and to me it looks like a vast improvement.

Wind and solar are being pushed because they want to create a scarcity of electricity and raise costs in time for there being more demand for electric cars than cars that use fuel. It's probably not a coincidence that wind and solar shilling went into overdrive around the same time electric cars were finally allowed to exist after being suppressed for so long.

If only theoretical thorium cold fusion had been researched instead. Africa would be a world power with all the desert sand.. we wuz kangs



Rare disaster compared to constant imminent threat. If I were a bird, I'd far prefer oil based energy.

Saltwater spills are more damaging than oil spills

on every planet we land on dummy. solar aint gonna work on titan.

Wow racist

Yes. I'm a climate skeptic, but I don't see anything wrong with clean, efficient energy. Sounds good to me.

>not nucular

one days worth of uranium use in a nuclear power plant is extracted from ore that contaminates 15 acres of northern Australia.
it's win-win

How much is that because of government subsidies and tax breaks for green companies? That doesn't make it more economical or cheaper in the end.

Wind turbines are not clean

Lets destroy entire ecosystems with solar and wind farms, to save the planet!


Assuming it isn’t propped up by hidden subsidies, sure. Whatever works. Nuclear’s probably better though.

Solar and wind is not clean, you are an idiot if you think it is
They destroy entire ecosystems, even coal doesn't do that


Anything's better then solar or wind
You could burn tiers and it's less destructive to the planet

All that grass under the panels being deprived of sunlight. Solar is unironically going to achieve the hypothetical wasteland/ecological destruction that environmentalists warn us that fossil fuels will cause.

It's "cheaper" because it's hard to cut it back during oversupply, so it actually ends up at negative cost sometimes.

its not cheaper...windpower comes with a hefty maintenance fee

It's clean energies end goal, to destroy the planet
People are so brainwashed and blind they can't see the simple truth

>windpower comes with a hefty maintenance fee
like eradicating whole species of birds

grass grows better when it isn't burned by the sun.
panels condensate moisture at night watering grass.

Electricity only accounts for 20% of total world energy demand (TWED), other 80% is fossil fuels, it would take at least 50 years to revolutionise our industry and world to use 100% electricity.
As of right now solar/wind etc only account of 2% of that 20%. Not to mention solar/wind needs replacing, and they use a lot of energy and natural materials which some of what we have will peak of.
World's fucked mate, enjoy it while it lasts, 2 degrees temp change locked in, if we continue BAU that's 4+ and going, crops will fail, equator will become uninhabitable.

yeah but how can you estimate properly how much wind would you have and make a system that wont be overcharged, look at "el hierro" island example, it was suposed to be 100% wind maintain, now chek the register and what happened

wind generators made of carbon fiber
carbon that was extracted from dangerous CO2
leaving 2 oxygen atoms as a byproduct
thus wind power good for combating gorebal warming

I never said wind, did I?

I can't imagine the amount of dick you must want to suck to repress it this hard.

You are a special kind of retarded, huh?



lol they have to larp as birds now in order to justify the continued use of fossil fuels. incredible.

stop smoking weed bro you're ruining the planet

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic ...mostly because you didn't address my point. moving parts will always require maintenance....and on that scale it is going to be very costly. they aren't cheap and they never will be.

stop eating meat bro you're ruining the planet.

This. Someone could find a way to harness dark matter as a source of energy and project that FTL space travel would be available within a decade, and burgers would still be pushing oil and coal because their lobbyists fund their politicians' campaigns to the point where their executives could fuck their wives on the floor of Congress and walk away with a tax cut and a declaration of war on Iran afterward.

They have never been right about climate change
You know the world was supposed to go into an ice age in the 90's from all the pollution
And the coastal cities are all supposed to be under water now, from the ice caps melting

People still fall for the global warming meme

>dutch peddle bikes because they can't afford cars and live in tiny country.
>seat pressure results in low sperm count.
>american drives huge truck in large country.
>rolls coal resulting in birth defects across three county lines.

Fair. Next.

The energy required to supply the world with clean energy is immense, not to mention the metals involved - we will reach peak of them way before hundreds of millions of EVs are made, we simply cannot feed and provide power for 7.5 billion of us sustainability.

Show flag right now.

You're a fucking retarded who has never looked into it, don't communicate with me.

is depopulation the answer? what do, o great emu warrior?

It's either we do it, or failing breadbaskets and subsequent starvation will take care of it for us.

Well m8y. Most of the heavy cheerleaders are employees. People like having jobs

Are you actually retarded?

Do you know how much steel goes into making wind turbines? Do you know how steel it made?


Do you know how little these windfarms actually produce (clue: they don't run constantly even when the wind in blowing).

Step back take a look at the bigger picture and see who's getting paid off and making the money here, and look into where the steel comes from.

Fuck these eye sores. There is nothing green about them.

been vegan for 5 years, brah
vegetables take in CO2 and give off oxygen

maintenance is cheap compared to an internal combustion generator, or a steam based application with moving parts.

ad hominem huh?
only idiot here is you

I guess thousands of scientists are idiots and what we have here is a retarded Trump supporter?

>imminent threat

If it were cheaper, then sure. But usually it isn't and these renewable faggots are lying by omission. Sources like solar depend on the weather conditions. What do you do if the sun don't shine? Blackouts? No, you keep coal plants operational to cover any possible shortages, meaning that the total cost of renewables is renewables + coal. But instead of evaluating life cycle costs these fucking gigafaggots just go
>hurr durr on one sunny/windy day we got 1 gorillion watts, renewables are totally viable nao!!!!!!

Energy engineering fag here.
It is only more effective in some regions. But if you think tearing down old transmission lines, and building 1000s of miles of new transmission lines and dozens of new substations to handle new wind farms is GREEN, then you are a moron. The environmental impact of building all that infrastructure is much larger than leaving it as it is.
This is why Obama's green energy directives failed horribly. Of course they read our reports on it behind closed doors and never let the public know that was our conclusion of the national study.
We'll need to go to war to get all the necessary resources to upgrade our whole energy grid.
With that said, invest in conductor metals. They'll skyrocket.

How am I retarded because you tried putting words in my mouth? I think you need a break from this place. It's getting to your head.

>don't reply to me or my wife's sons post every again

or live nearby and get sick of the infrasound

>thousands of scientists are idiots
60+ years of false predictions kind of proves that point

The place to deploy solar would be the desert, where grass doesn't grow, you brainlet .

the huge rotor wind turbines turn very slowly
not a danger to birds, except on rare occasion

small backyard windmills turn rapidly

"Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind." — Harvard biologist George Wald -1970

"We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation." — Washington University biologist Barry Commoner 1970

>burn the coal

Better coal be put to use inside infrastructure than set fire to to boil water.

Also steel is only 2% coal or lower. The rest is iron.

Also wind turbines "repay" their indued energy within 3 months of being installed.

Also you're citing George Christensen, an overweight, uneducated retard who clogs up my parliament with his grandstanding bullshit and sits his fat arse in the way of progress every fucking day

Also you're a faggot.

What happens on non windy days?

Also we have laws here that you can't set up a windmill next to a rare bird species nest, and must have a distance to the next house by 20 km, since Germany is full as fuck and cities are growing this technology has no chance here in most of the areas.

>I guess thousands of scientists are idiots
exactly. careful what authority you listen to, body melter

>tearing down old transmission lines, and building 1000s of miles of new transmission lines

tear down that antiquated mess of shit and recycle the materials no need to replace obsolete powerlines lol

He acts like this hasn't been a thing sense the 1930's
Hell even the supercomputers in the 90's couldn't make an accurate prediction
Scientist can't even predict what the weather is going to be like next month, let alone predict it 100 years from now

Pic related is a climate change denier on your side.

You know how much energy is needed to recycle metals?

Clearly not if you seen the picture.

It needs the sun to live

Where's the proof?
Been waiting for years and years too see some proof, all we get are the same doomsday predictions that always miss there mark

*their whatever