Why are so many young woman having children right now...

Why are so many young woman having children right now? I'm only 20 and it's actually rare to find someone who doesn't already have or having a kid.

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Because you're a rural or suburban retard.

Turns out gen. z is based

yeah the midwest is full of young mothers, so is the west and the deep south. try mexico i heard they still have virgins

>single teen moms

Tax benefits yo

Get out of sweet home Alabama, Johnnie.

Because no one is teaching young girls what happens when they fuck niggers.

explain the upbirth in places is north and south dakota as well as idaho

>hey babe you da girl fo me. We soulmates
>aw shet fuck dat
rinse and repeat

>implying that's a bad thing

nice shoop

Gas now

Where do you live? I'm 25 and the only people I know with kids my age are the thots who had them accidentally in high school.

Im 30, I was a starting football and rugby player in highschool and college, and I can say that myself and all of my man friends are what most would call chads.
Out of a group of like 13 of us, only 1 has 1 child.
The hedonistic American Pie, sex is the only reason for life and no responsibilities meme really hit hard with my generation. I dont know what its going to be like when im 50 and none of my friends have children theyre just a bunch of old fucks with free time and nothing to look forward to.
Anyways Im happy I found Sup Forums and race realism as I was dating a fucking chink and dumped her ass, and Im married now and hopefully can pump out 4 kids before my younger ginger waifu turns mid-30's

That is a fine piece of white pussy its a shame she got spic'd.

I live in Central Europe, 22 years old, not one of my friends has a kid

They all fuck like crazy on tinder but if they get some pregnant they abort it

They barely have jobs yet, let alone children. You americans are out of your minds (might be the nigger DNA making you reproduce like gypsies)

I beg to differ
Seems like teens were getting knocked up more 10 years ago

Because the gays in your neighborhood stole your youth. They did it to me in my 20's.


Or Utah

I'm 34 2 GFs no kids + strong pullout game. HMU.

Muh dick.

Contrary to what pol and leftist sites claim about women not reproducing, most of the women who are childless are jidt ugly feminists.


if you have kids when you're 20 it means you'll still be fit enough in your 30s to toughen them up when they are teenagers.

Unless you have a good job or lots of money having a kid in your early twenties is financial suicide.

Well done mate, you saved yourself in the nick of time.

That's what welfare is for

every race is buffing their numbers for the coming racewar for control of US and Europe

Then why is cross breeding at an all time high?

IDK, I think people spend way too much money on children, trying to recreate the childhood they had that is impossible now with the overcrowding.

I had a good job right out of college and made the mistake of waiting.. and waiting

not everyone is a yuropoor

>made the mistake of waiting.. and waiting
are you a woman?

>ima a chad
>bla bla bla
>btw "dating" a chink
off yourself you sad permavirgin

Not everyone wants to waste their youth being a parent.

What is more fulfilling than being a dad?


then you still have plenty of time


Enjoying having no serious responsibilities like caring for another human. I never said to never have kids, just not so young that your own life experience is cut short by becoming a parent

Yes I do, what I'm saying is you don't wanna be an old fart when your kid is a rowdy teenager.

How is it a waste?

It's just a natural result of a good economy user.
Trump has raised the birth rate by causing a economy women feel comfortable raising a child in.

White women are not like niggers that breed no matter what their ability to provide is. The nigger reproduction plan resembles the sea turtle and other animals that flood the world with so many offspring because most will likely die. But with the increase in numbers at least one has to make it.

>Enjoying having no serious responsibilities like caring for another human.
good goyim never grow up

Having kids while young is optimal for girls and the children they bear.

Sounds like you are isolated area, I can barely name a handful of white friends/family with kids, those that do have kids maybe have one or two.

All the brown people I know still have 3+ kids while young and counting though.

Wasted youth cope

meh lots of hapa kids isnt that bad. R vs K selection is all that really matters just dont mix the two.

>Wasted youth
again what could be better?

Lemme correct
Why are so many young woman having BLACK children right now?

Living your life.

Have fun nihilist, when you are 30 and depressed don't blame me

doing what?

Being young.

Because that Asian pussy is tasty, and they make good wives and mothers.

You cant even name the great things that you cant do without kids

Bait or newfag. Literally half of pol is people whining that traditional values arent respected and people are fucking around too much.

If you are talking teen pregnancy instead of people having them on purpose with a mate, then that one is uniquely American issue. In Finland it isnt issue, i literally dont even remotely know a single person who had that issue. Thats what happens when instead of talking about your imaginary friends in school we talk about biology statistics and facts.

In the end i say do what you want and bear the consequences, dont regulate your life trough social norms nor pol autism.

I am a nihilist to a degree, but im not anti kids. Just there is an appropirate age and its not when you are barely grown up yourself.

They're smart. You should have kids young when you're healthy and have the energy to take care of them. That said the ones having kids out of wedlock aren't the smartest, but they're smarter than the ones without children.


Quit hanging out at strip clubs.

You have to look after them, that means you are at their beckon call day and night, like a slave, there is limited freedom. You cant do what you want without having to think about them first. Its like getting a dog, then you realise you cant just go and do what you want you have to come back and feed it and take it for walks and stuff.

Ok but what would you rather be doing?

In college rn in commiefornia and lmao I literally know 2 people with children and they're the biggest thots on earth, also they make lengthy Facebook posts about men not "stepping up" and it's hilarious to watch

white women aren't, there's multiple class levels in the USA. If you're hanging around people who either didnt graduate high school or barely graduated, it may be weird not to have a kid by 20.

If you're hanging out with people who have graduated from college, it's unlikely any of your friends will have kids before 30.

I'm 26, and I only know a handful of people with kids. Only maybe 2 or 3 who went to college, got married, then had children

I'm sure your ancestors knew nothing

idk traveling? Building things?

I just want to retain the ability to know that if i wanted to do something i could without having to think about a child first.

saving yourself for the good stuff. Don't save yourself for too long.

>Building things?
You can do both these things with kids
>if i wanted to do something
like what?

>tfw you're 26 and don't have any contact with anyone and it seems every single female your age is a single mother

Gonna have to go with Shit That Didnt Happen for 500 Alex

The largest expense for children is college when they turn 18. Food, cloths, diapers, housing, toys, etc. are all super cheap or basically paid for already. There are a handful of one time initial expenses (car seat, crib) that your own parents probably still have in their basement/attic. The "I need to wait until I'm 100% financially secure" mindset is how you end up with one kid at 40 and all that extra money you saved goes to fertility treatments or a nanny to help out since you're too old to keep up with a kid anyways. I'm not saying have a kid when you're destitute nor when you're jobless, but if you're ending each month with even an extra 50$ you are in a position when you could have a kid.

Most people in their early 20s have more than an extra 50$ a month. Heck, most waste that much in an hour at a bar.

>female your age

Go on a week long coke and alcohol orgy binge

That is the perfect age
I am 29 and every week I have girls at church or their moms coming up to me because they know after they hit 30 its over

The absolute state of American non-suburban communities

> Fuck heritage
> Fuck DNA
> Fuck Family values
> Fuck long-term happiness
> Fuck dying alone
> I want to travel to places ridden with crime and AIDS

Sounds like a rewarding existence

Gettin that money

Kids and women are a waste of money dogg

He didnt say he was going to travel to brazil

>muh shekels

I finally made a tinder recently. I deleted it after the 30th single mother out of 35 profiles.


Maybe he was referring to the Brit Bongistan where he might get beheaded, right?

it's the fucking age where girls are desperately looking for a "responsible man" to parasitize

There are plenty of places you can load the kids up in a minivan and go

make one step and the travel is complete

It doesnt matter
You are in demand
You can be picky

There are plenty more places you can go without them.

Nowhere I need to go

this. also why are so many also single moms?

Girls growing up in single parent homes are much more likely to have children earlier.

What I've deduced about you from reading your posts.
>ugly/average looks
>manlet or average height
>average intelligence
>addicted to video games, anime, or something else nerdy
>never had a gf or any romantic involvement with a woman
>lives with his mother
>around 21 - 25 in age
>got bullied in school
>probably has perverted sexual fetishes

this is something I have seen firsthand many times. If some loser bitch pops out a kid in her teens, expect the daughter to follow suit.

I live with a couple Gen X'ers that have the same type of story. They're older, just sleep around, bitch about all women being trash.
I try and give a good example with my own monogamous relationship but they just always seem to find an excuse to not take the chance.
They are good men that are inadvertently MGTOW. It's a shame that the white population will continue to take a hit because of things like this.... But something has to give when gender relations are so ass backwards these days. Someday when your generation becomes old spinsters they may look back and finally come to their senses. Nobody to care about them, nobody to watch over them in their long crawl to death. Just the ethnic nurses that fuck with them in the retirement home because they are "evil white people".

But even if you wanted to you couldnt. Thats the issue, always held down, which is ok if you are 30 and experienced life a bit, but at 24 i am not ready to settle yet, i feel my life hasnt even begun

No idea, I kinda always just thought this was the way humans are supposed to be.
However now I am starting to get opinionated about how they are using financial aid, and child support instead of getting an actual job.

Why are you desperately trying to justify your lifestyle choice? Not everyone can be a good father or can handle responsibility. Wastrels are part of life, let him drown in his own shit.

How many black friends do you hang out with on a daily basis?

You got age bracket correct and thats about it,

To increase the number of despicable neutrals to use as cannon fodder