Make new edition

>make new edition
>fucking up the backs

literally no new berserk can be good

I fucking hate Dark Horse. They should really just stick to their western stuff instead of pumping out abominablely large omnibii and they have the same issue with the spines with Gantz. But mainly I'm just mad that they discontinued Eden

>murrikan can't in manga

what a surprise

There were three whole years between Eden 13 and Eden 14, but 14 still came out. Don't give up!

I'm pretty sure by this point Dark Horse know very well and just do it deliberately to troll anime readers. This passive-aggressive codependency fuels the entire sullen survival of the community.

>buying manga

I hope that's all you've got OP because if it's not you're going to look at your eventual wall of manga with deep regret.

Trust me and get out before you get to far in.

>anime readers

Being a Berserk fan seems like the worst thing on the planet.

>terrible merchandise
>god awful adaptations
>long hiatuses for no reason and with no warning

>2,3,4 and 5
>Not committing

Fucking thumbnails

What, you don't read the subtitles?

>wasting valuable shelf-space on long-running shonen and never-ending series
Personally, I'd rather buy all the one-shots and short series that are licensed but not scanlated, and just archive scans of long-running series I like.

Why did you waste all your mom's money on that?

You can't keep up this kind of hobby by using your parents money

How's that Loot Anime subscription going for ya?

>publisher logo changes halfway through the series

Fuck you Tokyopop

Eh it has some nice things although a lot of it is useless.

never forgave them for their Initial D translations

So wait,
It looks fine here then why is it JUSTed on OP?

I don't understand buying western manga publications, if I'm going to buy something I want it to be a more genuine product, if you know what I mean

>Tfw you almost bought the lone wolf and cub omnibuses that are fuck huge

dodged a bullet.

hows the azumanga daoih omnibusses? good quality?

Think my shit taste collection will be mostly SoL.

I'm surprised Dark House didn't fuck up the planetes volumes

why tell us the story mate