Stop being a Nazi

Stop being a Nazi.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_dilemma

Clean ur room. Go have a nap. Old fart


Stop letting your race go extinct's_dilemma


I reject your rug sir, and covet my yearly TRS podcast subscription for 69.99.

Much better value.


stop being a jew

Stop being a dumb* Nazi.

>outing yourself as a paycuck

Jordan Peterson is no better than Sargon, he just presents himself more cleanly and has a more academic background.


Stop being a faggot

What's wrong with Sargon?

Mentally ill alt-righter detected.

Stop being a kangaroo fucker and quit putting ur tiny strayan dick into koalas mouths

You hate Jordan because deep down inside you know he is right about everything and that makes you uncomfortable. It's much easier to descend into hatred and scapegoating others.

stop being a kike

I know the old cunt is a jew. Its all i need o know. You should consider throwing ur useless body from height into the great barrier reef. Have an abbo lick ur dick if u survive

He made a whole lecture series on the bible and it's significance, and he is preaching christian values every chance he gets, he is nothing but the enemy of the jew, compared to what he says, pol logic is wanna be high iq kids trying to be edgy

Stop being irrelevant.

Check this thread out too.

Calling him Jewish isn't addressing his arguments. You sound like a SJW screaming 'Nazi! Nazi!'

Beats the dead horse of anti-sjw shit because it makes him money.
Refuses to acknowledge race realism because he is scared he will lose followers.
He plays as safely as possible.

Stop watching Jordan Peterson and start watching Varg.

Or he because just doesn't believe in race realism?

So start watching a guy living in the wilderness of France on welfare who is waiting for civilizational collapse? You people are weird.

But I like being a nazi, and fascist ideas are close to my heart. Oh when I read Evola, it all truly came home.

Can someone please stick this guy in a gas chamber?

Clean your oven

t. fedora nihilist

stop being a faggot

>Stop being a Nazi.

you're posting on Sup Forums, you're the Nazi!

No, fuck you and all the E-celeb plants.

Y'all are so close to having things pretty much lined up ideologically speaking if more than a few of you would acknowledge there are "real Jewish people" who are not close to perfect or anything just like any other group including white gentiles(here!). However, they are nothing like the SATANICLY inspired, SoS, FAKE Kazarian Jews.

Learn this truth and the majority of you all would truly be within striking distance of being "spot on" in your social/ideological/etc.way of thinking about this world as it is structured currently.
Anyway, bring on the tried and true "((()))", "Ty, Goy!" humorous asshattery now.