Question for all the Christfags on here

Question for all the Christfags on here.

You hate Jew's and their religion as do I. You say we should wipe them out and everything to do with their culture. You're happy to denounce their religion and god as being evil.

With all this in mind, how can you call yourself a Christian? Christianity is Judaism with extra steps, half of the Bible is the old testament which is pretty much just the Jewish Torah, Jesus was literally a mud-skin middle Eastern Jew who was sentenced and killed by the Romans (Who at the time were still white before race mixing with their slaves).

On top of that, Jesus was a beta male, he washed the feet of servants even though he was a wealthy carpenter much like how the wealthy now cuck out to the nignogs and mudslimes. He was supposedly between 30-33 years old when he died which would be considered almost elderly at the time and somehow was never said to have been married.

Also, his mother just magically got pregnant before marrying Moses? Yeah, Ok then Mary, we believe you, God fucked you.

I'm not a christian but,

The Jewish race is the issue. Many pro-isreal Zionists aren't religious at all.

They are however, all Jewish

>its another equate christianity with judaism/pagan larper episode
>even though jesus BTFOs jews endlessly
>even though modern rabbinical judaism didnt start till 600AD
>even though Jesus said he'd rekt their temple and in 3 days rise it up
>it actually happens, the temple gets 100% rekt in 70 AD and he starts a new religion in 3 days which is how long it takes him to resurrect
>even though pilate openly washes his hands and LITERALLY cleanses himself from guilt, proving that it was entirely the jew's fault
Are you sowing iniquities again user?


>Many pro-isreal Zionists aren't religious at all. They are however, all Jewish
Not even close to being true.

No, I am a jew myself

Post more than once and I'll answer your questions.


>A Russian Jew on Sup Forums

Jesus was only a Jew to show the entirety of humanity the brutal and evil ways they would torture and murder one of their own kind. If he had been an outsider (a non-jew) the weight of his sacrifice, and message of the savagery of the Jews would have been easy to dismiss. He opened the eyes of humanity to the evil of Jewry, to show us if they are capable of doing that to one of their own, then surely they can do much worse to the goyim.

Absolutely insane shit, I know.

>Believing in an interventionist god

So when are you planning on publicly denouncing your "faith"?

>t. Muhammed

Where in the bible did he exclaim this?

How come it's always to Britons who are faggot atheists?
I mean, I get it, the Church of England is literally run by a Satanist, and you're being drugged with your water, but what is it that makes you think Christ = Jew?

Isnt jesus a jew?

I don't hate Judaism, I hate Jews.

Mary, the wife of Moses
>being this literate

That's impossible.

No not really, like OP said I basically practice a form of Judaism myself (loosely speaking).

I hate the Jews as a race because of all the shit they do.

> sentenced and killed by the Romans

Your intentions are so clear. Everybody knows that Jesus was killed by the Jews. You have so many mistakes in your post; I want to answer your questions, but I fear you already know the truth at some level and you just don't want it to be true.

christians aren´t jewish , they are any race except those that nowadays call themselves jews.
if you actually read the bible you would know that with jesus sacrifice and the decleration of the den of vipers aka synagogoue of satan jesus abandoned the longnoses.

but you turboathiests and religionbaiters don´t understand this.
>Jesus was literally a mud-skin middle Eastern Jew ? your reddit is showing , waste of time.

Why would it even need to be in the bible when Jews still brag about murdering him to this very day? They are such monsters he knew they couldn't resist their chance to spread the words of their evil deeds far and wide. That is the evil of the Jew, just naturally playing itself out, just as Jesus knew it would.

"Think not that I am come to destroy the Tow'rah, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

^ Referring to fulfillfing the Mow'ed Miqray.. The first 4 of 7 called out assemblies of the Covenant... I don't have the time or patience to explain any of this t you but to say that the final 3 are coming in the next 10 years...

Go to .. Goodluck faggits


He called them an unfaithful generation and vipers. Real Christianity is a complete repudiation of judaism, Christ declared Judaism a void religion and told (((them))) that the only way forward is through His gospel. That's they had Him killed. I believe the messiah they're waiting for is the anti-Christ.

I am exposing that shit among people all my life.
P.S. This is not "my" faith, I am orthodox christian

I meant where you said he was only a jew to show the entirety of humanity the brutal and evil ways they would torture and murder one of their own kind. You made it sound like there was a discussion somewhere for what he would become.

even a world run by jews is preferential to a world run by atheists (secular jews)


Christ fulfills Judaism, it is not a complete repudiation of Judaism or any such nonsense, it supersedes Judaism the old covenant. Such that Judaism is now obsolete, and Christianity is the only acceptable religion.

Why do you think that?
>atheists (secular jews)
[Citation needed]

Their "god" is a real ruler of our world - a Devil. Man can worship it or rebel against it. The Prophets like Jesus and Muhammad was rebels - бoгoбopцы (i don't know the proper word in english)

Living in such shitty conditions and living through two world wars caused us and most other Europen countries to realise that there is no god and if there is it doesn't give a shit about humanity. You Americucks live in a nice big country with lots of room for farming and most of the country is warm. Easy times breed weak men, weak men breed hard times, hard times breed strong men breed easy times.

>Their "god" is a real ruler of our world - a Devil
Where does it say that in the bible?

Are you entirely unable to think for yourself or do you need everything to be a citation or written down by people that are smarter than you ? Did you need to read a guide on figuring out how to wipe your own ass as well ?

I do not remember certair links, and I don't have to. Even a bible you need to read among the lines, in the other case it is pointless reading.
Check the full corpus of gnosticis. Or believe me at this point.

Im asking for you to provide evidence for your claim.

>I do not remember certair links, and I don't have to.
>Even a bible you need to read among the lines
So people can be wrong about what the bible says? How do you know your view is correct?

>didnt check the ID
Im asking him for proof. Did you have something to add to the discussion or?

That is pretty much what I said, judaism has been a false religion for two thousand years. They not only rejected Christ but defiled the entire western Christian world, including subverting the Roman Church recently. I have no doubt that when Christ returns (((they))) will pay dearly.

The bible defines a "jew" as someone the follows Christ. It says He cuts the unfruitfull branches off bro

Why you think you deserve the real evidence about the how this world is arranged? Even the smartest and kindest do not deserve it. Maybe I need to write a some sort of summary or an instruction?

Wrong twice in your second sentence. Stop already.

>Why you think you deserve the real evidence about the how this world is arranged?
I dont know what you mean by "deserve", but im simply asking for evidence for the claim that was being made. If nobody has any, or they dont want to answer the question, thats fine. Im just simply asking questions.

>still white
Brown hair, brown eyes was more common among Ancient Romans. Blonde hair and blue eyes was super rare as new research shows.