High school cancels musical after white student lands lead role

When did the anti-white agenda in public schools become undeniably clear to you,Sup Forums?


Back in the early '90s when teachers would not attempt to counsel the black students out of their irrational hatred they had for whites after being taught that some whites a long time ago owned some blacks. Soon afterwards, people were being taught, subtly, that hating whites was ok because payback is fair play. It's about revenge, not equality, at least that's how they want it.

Remember these names, my brothers

Ride the tiger boys. Ride the fucking tiger

>sending your kids to public school


Some poor white folks don't have a choice. They're the real victims here.

tell me how whites don't deserve the treatment?

probably in early 2004-late 2003 when I was a freshman in High School.

>Traditionally white character gets played by a non white person
>Traditionally non white character gets played by white person

These people are pathetic fucking crybabies who need to accept that IN ACTING OF ALL FUCKING THINGS, talent is what gets you work, not your skin color

because every race was enslaved by another at some point, and having a grudge about stuff you never personally experienced is about the worst way of moving on

My kids school is 98% white. Never any diversity propaganda or anything and then black fathers actually drop their kids off and pick them up from school.

I'm not rich or anything but I made sure to move to a white area. Far away from cities.

I often times find myself having to take a step back in silent awe in the presence of colored fragility. It's very real.

Because niggers are actually the descendants of slave owners, much more than the general population of Whites. First, slavery was mostly in the south, and then only 2% of whites owned a nigger. However, look at a nigger, and compare him genetically to a nigger in africa. An American nigger is 30% White, and all of that White blood is from the slave master. Thus niggers are 30% slave owner, but 0% of northerners are descended from slave owners, and southerners only 2%.

Do the math, nigger. 30>2.

>Nigger/shitskin plays the Hunchback of Notre Dame

>Protests of the production began when an African-American student quit Ithaca High School’s musical production due to the role of Esmeralda being given to a white classmate.
Maybe they should have been a better performer if they didn't want whitey to get it?
Esmeralda isn't even black anyway so sit down nigger.

The whites who are being mistreated aren't the people who performed the evil. And this "revenge" will only lead to more "revenge."

And it's fucking baffling that these are the people who say that "white fragility" is a thing and that whites are too sensitive. If you read the article you can see that the students protesting are literally asking for segregation because they think the current system is "unfair"
>“Stop the racist and openly stated policy of ‘color blind’ casting in the ICSD, because of institutionalized racism this results in white children being cast in roles written as white parts and also white children being cast in roles that were specifically intended for people of color.”
They're literal complaint is "whites can't be cast in both white roles AND colored roles!"

in year 6 my school did a play of the hobbit and everyone there was white. it was a magical time

What is she a gypsy or curry?
Some filthy minority oven quota shitpiece

Who cares OP. Gas the kikes race war now.

Blacks now think Romani people are they people.
>ayo so you be sayin they pigmented?

>“It shows you that theater wasn’t made for you,"

Ever fucking time they repeat the same phrases
Bizarre cultist language
wasn't made for you :(
systems of power :(
people of color :(
oppression :(


>the picture of the students who SHUT IT DOWN
>mfw le 56% meme is real

>while the young lady cast as Esmeralda was “a stellar actor, singer, and dancer” any production would be “lucky to have,” she couldn’t be cast in this role because she is the “epitome of whiteness.”
>“At best, this is cultural appropriation,” the student group wrote, alleging racial bias within the Performing Arts Program at IHS, and “at worst, it is whitewashing, a racist casting practice which has its roots in minstrelsy.”
Yet a black Quasimodo was okay?


Be sure to be stockpiling ammunition, food, and medical supplies. The race war won't be planned in advance... it will just begin one day.

Make sure you are prepared.

>Protests of the production began when an African-American student quit Ithaca High School’s musical production due to the role of Esmeralda being given to a white classmate.
>"And it shows you that, if you can’t get the parts that are written for you, what parts are you going to get?”

Esmeralda was half-french, half-roma, not a nigger, you dumb nigger.

>tell me how whites don't deserve the treatment
So what you are saying is mercy is stupid and they should have finished the job in the first place with your complete extermination right ? Because I mean, they did it like every other race did including niggers, and were the first ones to turn around and be like mebbe this is wrong. You are right though, next time, no mercy, no stopping, just complete extermination because apparently trying to fix the mistake is a mistake in itself. We won't eve get into the whole judging all whites like their great great great great great granpappy was a slave owner.

Tell my why blacks didn't deserve to be slaves?

Because white slaves, which we had before we imported niggers, were better. We should of just kept enslaving the poor.

Fuck off, troll faggot.

Oh, you were seriously asking that question?


P.S. In the immortal words of Mel Gibson, "I HOPE YOU GET RAPED BY A PACK OF NIGGERS!"

maybe if you whites such oppressive pieces of shit
whiteness is disgusting

She a melanated kwang not a white bitch

>be a dumb high schooler
>audition for a role you want an actually get it
>get all excited for the production
>a sore loser is mad that she didn't get the role and cries that your advanced ability = discrimination against her
>the school cancels the whole thing because FUCK YOU WHITEY BLACK BUTTHURT MATTERS!

Imagine how that must feel when you're that age and shit like that really matters to you.

They're mimicking the behavior they've seen be successful at hurting white people.

This is why we need to prepare.
This is why we need to arm ourselves.
If enough of us are armed and pissed off...


>"Stop the racist and openly stated policy of ‘color blind’ casting"

That line just completely blows my mind. Ignoring race, being "color blind" is now "racist". I suppose up is down and day is night now too.

Jesus Christ how in the fuck did we get to this point.

>It's about revenge, not equality
This. It was telling when Obammy was elected and the blacks were saying "WE IN CHARGE NOW"
Whites are the only race to believe in equality and show altruism for outsiders. The rest know the truth; every man for himself. They will not be kind to us if we lose control of the power structure.

I didn't enslave you, nigger.

It was partially clear in high school when my black friend kept on getting high marks from all the teachers just because he didn't behave like a nig nog, even though he's still pretty slow on the uptake. It became undeniably clear years afterwards, when I went to apply for financial aid and got less than enough to cover two or three books and everyone darker than me was getting bank. Which they then spent on non related school shit.

Let me rephrase that. I meant they spent it on non school related shit.

Generation Zyklon is going to happen.

Why would people who never enslaved anyone deserve vengeful treatment from people who were never enslaved?

If you're going to pull this whole this ridiculous "you need to answer for what your ancestors did to mine" bullshit, then get ready to pay your share because every group of people has done awful shit to other groups of people if you go far enough back in history, including yours. Why do blacks living in the west think they're special in this situation and deserve free shit because of what other people who they never met, knew, and are long dead but happen to maybe share a bloodline with a few of them went through?

If anything modern day black people should be thanking those white people they blame for slavery. You'd be living in a third world shithole right now dying of starvation and AIDS otherwise.


>white people did thing that other races did therefore whites should suffer the same things
Whites should have never stopped their conquests where they practiced colonialism and genocide and war and even were the first to stop slavery. They should have never campaigned internationally and should be continuing their old ways to all anti-whites immediately. All anti-whites should have their throats slit and be shot as their families are shoved into ovens and their children and their childrens children are shot with chemicals and brainwashed and treated like disposable cattle.

>Ari Cummings
>Annabella Mead-VanCort
>Prachi Ruina
Two kikes and a shabbos goy that converted, I bet you money. I betcha!

The day can't come soon enough.

>And it's fucking baffling that these are the people who say that "white fragility" is a thing and that whites are too sensitive
its gaslighting
its demoralization/bullying to shut down dissent

roma / romani = northern india = gypsy

Do you have a geiger counter I can borrow, friend?

>“At best, this is cultural appropriation,” the student group wrote, alleging racial bias within the Performing Arts Program at IHS, and “at worst, it is whitewashing, a racist casting practice which has its roots in minstrelsy.”

I sincerely wish that whoever thought it meaningful to construct this sentence with these thoughts faces severe repercussions in life for their ignorance. Words cannot describe the pain it causes me.

The term slave comes from slav.

And this is a bad thing, how...?

>The oldest mention of the Slavic ethnonym is the 6th century AD Procopius, writing in Byzantine Greek, using various forms such as Sklaboi (Σkλάβοι), Sklabēnoi (Σkλαβηνοί), Sklauenoi (Σkλαυηνοί), Sthlabenoi (Σθλαβηνοί), or Sklabinoi (Σkλαβῖνοι),[8] while his contemporary Jordanes refers to the Sclaveni in Latin.[9] The oldest documents written in Old Church Slavonic, dating from the 9th century, attest the autonym as Slověne (Cлoвѣнe). These forms point back to a Slavic autonym which can be reconstructed in Proto-Slavic as *Slověninъ, plural Slověne.

>The reconstructed autonym *Slověninъ is usually considered a derivation from slovo ("word"), originally denoting "people who speak (the same language)," i. e. people who understand each other, in contrast to the Slavic word denoting German people, namely němьcь, meaning "silent, mute people" (from Slavic *němъ "mute, mumbling"). The word slovo ("word") and the related slava ("glory, fame") and slukh ("hearing") originate from the Proto-Indo-European root *ḱlew- ("be spoken of, glory"), cognate with Ancient Greek kλέος (kléos "fame"), whence comes the name Pericles, Latin clueo ("be called"), and English loud.

>(((Ari Cummings)))
all these replies before someone caught this? Sup Forums is slipping hard

Agreed my friend. I think all that shit is morally wrong, but it was even more wrong to stop before we had finished.

Why is a public high school even having a musical? Where did they get the money for that? I thought teachers still had to pay for supplies out of pocket. Better not be wasting tax dollars.

How far is this shit gonna go? The play is set in france, so if someone who isn't of french descent is cast, will they protest? Esmerelda is esentially a gypsy, if a non-gypsy is cast will they protest?

Will they protest if a black person is cast as a traditionally white role? What if a black person is cast in a traditionally asian role?

If there is no one available to fill s specific ethnic/racial role, will they just cancel the play?


I'm gonna post it again now

delet this

hopefully that makes 1 more generation zykloner

lol these liberals keep doing shit like this and they're just pulling that rubber band back further and further. I can't wait until it all snaps back in their faces.

I've been on this website seven years... and I can't honestly say my life has improved.

Esmeralda is white

Good find