Why does he jerk off here and how does he do it while standing?

Why does he jerk off here and how does he do it while standing?

He pulled out his dick and fapped. What part of this is evading you?

Not him but I can't fap to completion standing up. I can hardly even do it sitting up, I have to be lying down. I can only cum standing up if I stand up right at the end.

That's just you desu senpai. You should get that checked out.

just gotta practice man. I had a similar issue with certain positions, but if you just go for it you'll be able to do it after a while. Or just do it when you're really backed up. you can usually get hard and cum from any position then.

Same for me except it's sitting instead of lying down.

feel sorry for your girl man

And what warrants this blogpost, exactly?

>my girl

Also, how does he jizz so much when he masturbates standing? When I do it sitting up or standing, there's a little poof compared to the volcano explosion while lying down.

Works the opposite way for me. I jack off lying down most of the time and it's usually a little spurt of nothing, but I get skeet all over the place if I do it standing. That's why I stopped standing.
Basically you're going to have questions until you just accept that everybody jerks off differently and that the fact that he managed to nut standing up is NOT the significant thing about this scene.

Shoulda came on them titties.


> is NOT the significant thing about this scene

Why didn't he feel her up or outright rub his cock on her body?

Anno really told off waifufags with this one.

what a fucking faggot you are kouhai. I learned to rub one out with pants on when I was 12

Actually in what situation would you fap while standing? I'm always either lying down or sitting.


I can cum just from humping my pillow and I'm almost 30. What the fuck is wrong with your dick?

Wait, so you'd just cum in your pants? Did people tease you for your smell in high school?

Cum smells? I never smell anything

>I can't fap to completion standing up.
I bet you never fap in the bathroom, Son.

So now the question is whether you're just too used to the smell that you no longer notice it or whether you're just completely nose blind.

When you're cooking food, can you tell it's ready by the smell from across the room? Can you tell what other people are cooking by smell alone?

I have. I just stretch out my legs.

you truly are a normie. I used to have an erection non-stop back in school so I had to wear boxers on top of briefs to mask the shape. it was thick enough to contain the smell should I need to blow a load.

Not that user, but my cum smell kinda sweet. I'm worried if I got diabetes or something.

You're all gay

do you eat your cum?

Also, I guess porn stars or whatever.

Yeah, that's not really news. Thanks anyway though.

I haven't laughed so hard in years.
Thank you, Sup Forums.

>someone standing right behind him
This man is a rockstar.

Dude, every guy gets random hardons when they are a teenager. It's more unusual for you NOT to have them. But you don't just cum in your pants. That's fucking nasty.

It's supposed to contain all the nutrients needed for sperm to survive up to a few days, so it's going to have some sugar in it. What you eat will influence how it tastes, though. A diet rich in pineapple, almonds and stuff like that will make it taste better. Garlic, onions, large quantities of meat and the like will make it taste worse. Keep your clean and eat a good diet and your GF will probably enjoy giving you BJ's a lot more. Play your cards right and when she has her period is basically an uninterrupted week of BJ's.

>Keep your dick* clean...

>But you don't just cum in your pants

I used too when I was 12-13. I also was smart enough to realize to do this shit before taking a bath. Who the fuck would walk around like that is my question?

>he cums only a few drops
You might as well castrate yourself if you can't fap for shit.

I hope you did your own laundry at least.

Obviously. I had a really religious family and was paranoid as all shit. Had to constantly delete my internet history selectively. No way in fuck would i let anything like that slip past me.

>random hardons
nigga I am talking about getting hardons from just looking at my crush's wrist. I had to condition myself by watching gay porn and yaoi just so I'd be creeped out thinking about sex. I would blow at least 3 load before going to school to prevent myself from embarassment. this isnt "random", I actually wanted to fuck every single thing that passes as a female. for christ sake I humped a fucking layer of mattress because I though it would feel like a vagina.

Dude, I'd literally just be sitting listening to music or reading a book and pop a hard-on I guess I must've REALLY liked that issue of popular mechanics! Puberty fucks your shit up. That's normal.

Is she pleb tier?

Why is EoE so fucking hard to find on DVD

she fucking fat and ugly is what she is

It is normalfag

a-user i think you should see a doctor

am i the only one whose dick has been slowly hardening as i read through this thread? can't just be me

It's boring overrated garbage. People praise it as the best thing ever, yet in reality the story is shitty, poorly written to the point where people try and justify it as "Deep" or " Full of hidden meanings." No! it's just poor writing. The characters are one-dimensional, and please don't get me started on Shinji.


to prepare you for how the rest of the series was going to be

>stand up
>dizzy/vision turns to static/lose boner

>Why does he jerk off here
He's a somnophile. He also kissed her when she was sleeping.

does thinking about dirty nerds getting hard ons excite you?

No he didn't

>go to Sup Forums
>talk about mens' health
>go to /fit/
>talk about goal anime body
I like this website

herro ohayou gozaimasu user-tachi, this isu hideaki anno desu. pureasu to stop mastrubate when looking at the the little girl's oppai and pantsu desu. your ejacurations is environmental hazard that make baby gojirra sad and to cry. sankyu for your time, some neighborhood kodomo here now, i must go play ultra man wis zem. please look forward to shin seiki ebangerion 3.0+1.0=4.0 in 2030. domou arigatou gozaimashita

If reading about how a bunch of fat nerds masturbate gives you a hard on, you are a homosexual, user.

>It's boring overrated garbage
Doesn't make that whale any less ugly.

>how does he do it while standing?
What do you mean? Fapping while standing isn't any different from fapping while sitting.

It's harder than when laying on bed or sitting

>find this thread in the catalog
>more than half the posts are in response to a post that got deleted.

anyway, I don't know if I would jerk of to my comatose co-worker's tits. I'd probably move her over and go to sleep since you don't get since sleep is hard to come by when you live with a drunk lady and punch giant aliens for a living

because the slants are a bunch of retarded faggots that can't be bothered to release some fucking blurays, everything besides the rebuilds are out of print except for japan.

if he can do it, he's less of a beta than you

What a beta faggot. He could have fondled all her soft things but instead he just played with his thing.

I need to proof read things before I post.

>Anyway, I don't know if I would opt to jerk off to my comatose co-worker's tits. I'd probably move her over and go to sleep. When you punch aliens for a living and live with an alcoholic that owns a penguin and a 14 year old that yells all the time, it's hard to get some quality rest.

But seriously, fapping while standing doesn't feel good at all.

He's gay

Honestly, if you can't masturbate while standing there's something wrong with your dick.

Yes, it does. It's fine if you prefer other positions, but it still feels good.

Gee, what did 1595540002 say? The gist of it. Everyone replies to him but the comment is gone.

Stop being new/phoneposting and you'll know

> Why does he jerk off here and how does he do it while standing?

I once jerked off under a bridge. It's easy.

Can one conjecture that the reason user can't rub one out when he's standing is because his penis can't stand due to the lack of blood pressure he's normally used to when lying down?

...There was something significant about this scene?

The tits. What are you, an idiot?

But why did he do it?


>due to the lack of blood pressure
Is this true? Please elaborate.

This anime is shit and you're thinking about it too much.
>molesting someone in their sleep
This is why no girl will ever want to touch your small penis.

>Asuka always joking with him
>always teasing him
>always badmouthing him
>just fap over her while standing to feel superior

Would do the same.

No, it's just harder to rub one out in positions you're not used to. I CAN finish when I'm standing or laying down, but it takes quite a bit longer than my normal sitting position. I really have to force them out, though. I assume that user could fap while standing if he did it long enough, not because he can't get it up.

Now, what I don't understand is how he managed to jerk off to her in the first place. I don't know about every man, but I personally find it difficult to jerk off to ugly, disgusting, dog-like women.


I have two copies, been meaning to sell one desu

Fapping to transvestite is a clear sign of homosexual mental illness

>something something toilet something
>something something tranny with some muscular fan art or something
>something something more toliet pics
There, I predicted the rest of this thread.

He was jerking to her tits, so of course he need to be close to her.

I believe that he just didnt outright rape her right there because whatever was left of his sanity was holding him back.

maybe his semen has healing powers?

Yes? Are you a fucking idiot?

>there's something wrong with your dick
You mean blood pressure.

What was the meaning of this scene?

Well, I'm not a doctor so I can't know that. Also, is a problem in your blood pressure better or worse than a problem in your dick?