Italy/pol/ general - Pasta al Pesto edition

>Italian elections will be held on March 4th

>the center-left party that governed in the last 5 years is epecte to lose, and it's plummeted in the polls

voting pattern: breakdown by age and job brackets

if you still haven't made up your mind, the official political programs have been published here

2003 1,464,663[8]
2013 4,387,721[10]

CRIME STATS & FOREIGNERS, imputati e vittime dei reati - 04/ott/2017 - Volume.pdf

Intervista a Bagnai

Other urls found in this thread:


una prima intervista a Bagnai di due ore e mezza riguardo EU, Euro e cose varie

tfw Lega gains support after the Macerata happening

Non sono meravigliato, non è il M5S che vuole distribuire gli immigranti in paesi come Polonia e Ungheria?

someone should post the screencap about people of Soros writing the political program of M5s for the upcoming elections


Ipersintesi sul suo pensiero circa le stelline

>tfw italians don't give a shit about all the leftist in propaganda talking about "extremists" and "rascism"

Yeah, there are people here who unironically think M5S are a fair party.

Ortotteri e Anatroccoli
>goofynomics DOT blogspot DOT it/2012/07/ortotteri-e-anatroccoli.html

thanks, I should include this one in the next OP

That's actually useful, nice!


Do we have any polls? I remember a few threads ago an user always had polls

Stop splitting threads you retards

vabbè postiamo qui dato che OP è un ritardato che neanche legge il thread...quindi non possiamo upgradare la pasta.

less Lucaposting and more useful links, thanks

>legaioli stronk

Fuck this thread... i dont read pepperoni!
At least the guy in the other thread posted translated links, im going to that onr

You mean the one with templar flag?

Who gives a shit about what some nordcuck thinks

Why are boomers always so liberal?


>m5s sono incompetenti, ignavi e scimmie urlatrici capaci solo di dare la colpa agli altri, si spaccheranno durante il governo e non faranno un cazzo se non togliere vaccini (inb4 italian spanish flu) e mettere il reddito di cittadinanza che potrebbe mandarci in default (come cazzo lo pagano?). Nel migliore dei casi non fanno nulla di tutto ciò e si rimangiano tutto dimostrando di essere l'ennesimo partito uguale agli altri
>pd hanno rotto il cazzo a tutti, pro immigrati quindi supercuck9000, pro lgbtqwerty quindi absolutely degenerate, ergo che vadano a fanculo
>coalizione cdx promettono e non manterranno niente (berlu), propongono una manovra finanziaria che probabilmente ci manderà in default (costo 10 mld di euro, tirati fuori da nessuna parte, ovvero scommessa che diminuendo le tasse questi 10 mld torneranno grazie a Iva e altre aliquote sui consumi, ecc), però vogliono deportare i negri quindi ++++
>partiti minori più o meno comunisti che non serviranno assolutamente a nulla
What do?

Sadly this OP is retarded, we're going to update the info but he baked this useless bread...i'll update it when this 3d will reach 300

Nation Election Day 4 March
Last Polls:

Right Wing Coalition: 37,5%
- Forza Italia [conservatives] 15,8%
- Lega [identitarians/populists] 14,3%
- Fratelli d'Italia [nationalists/fascists] 4,6%
- Noi con l'Italia [christian democrats] 2,8%

Globalist Coalition: 27,9%
- Partito Democratico [liberals/globalists] 23%
- Più Europa [globalists/progressives] 1,9%
- Insieme [greens/social democrats] 1,6%
- Civica Popolare [liberals] 1%
- SVP [South Tyrol identitarians] 0,4%

Movimento 5 Stelle [populists/greens/pirate party-esque] 27,2%

Liberi e Uguali [progressives/social democrats/SJWs] 5,4%

This OP is retarded i'll upload the info when this thread will reach 300


So no one will form a governement. Another governo tecnico incoming?

>if you still haven't made up your mind

if anyone here hasn't made up their minds,
they are truly fucking retarded.

You made a duplicate after I've posted the link to this two times in the other one, don't bitch if you can't read

Go, fuck off, we don't need cucks anyway.

>tutti quei giovani che votano pd indottrinati dal socialismo femminista di tutte le prof d'Italia e dai 500 euro di Renzi
>tutti quei fottuti vecchi democattocomunisti sindacalisti che votano Renzi porcodio quanti cazzo sono

I just farming my memes. Italibros have link.

I need a picture of Luca from the side/profile. Do any exist?

There might be a President's government to make a better electoral law and then voting again in October. But maybe they're only saying this to convince us a big coalition won't happen

A me certe cose mi fanno incazzare come una bestia. Li dovrebbero impiccare tutti a questi pecoroni.

Why doesn't he pledge to kick out EVERY illegal migrant?

We have reached a point where people are just too tired of niggers and shitskins roaming our streets that we dont even care anymore. Also, dont forget 80 years ago we were fascist and that a lot of old people still love mussolini or at least would prefer him over nowadays political degeneration

who are /ourguys/?

Is it possible for the Globalists to form a coalition with the Liberi parties?


Let's hope no big coalition happens, since it would most likely be something like PD + M5s/LeU

We're fucked in every possible scenario, I'll vote Lega only for the keks.

Smettetela di aprire sempre due general contemporaneamente, mortacci vostri

mi preoccupano meno i vecchi, almeno quelli primo o poi muoiono

That's so right. Tell you what, people in my zone are 100% fascist, there's even a bar where they have all kinds of photos of Mussolini and Hitler.

Is it real? Top kek.

65+ means 10-15 years until they die
Too long, we'll default sooner

Norkfag, it's almost all in anglosaxon.

programma della Lega is out, bois

If m5s goes with pd they basically lose every single vote they got

Spread the Word to italfags there in jaisland.

Renzi and Di maio have made a career out of shit talking each other, Renzusconi or lega5s are more likely if no one wins

do you have any doubts?

Casapound - far right but apeshit crazy, basically neonazi, not /comfy/ natsocs
Salvini - more credible, low-key fascism

I know, but it would still make a government. It's a one time shot, but still I'm afraid it might happen.
But Berlusca + PD and Lega + 5star don't have enough votes either


Yeah, if it wasn't for the gamble of the manovra finanziaria (because let's say, it's 100% a gamble, they have no idea what will happen if they really do it), I'd vote for them on the spot. Probably vote for them nonetheless, for the keks, for worldwide economic collapse so I don't have to keep studying for uni, to witness race war against shitskins and mudslimes


Check this shit out, I found this post on kikebook


The PD has a serious bunch of internationalist imbeciles with no self criticism. A big chunk of the party is truly cringeworthy.

What are the Northern League's stance on southern Italy

what will their policies be?

Seeing how the majority of m5s voters are terroni, to me they'd fear some kind of mafia-like terrorism against their parliamentarians kek


imagine expecting anything politically sound to come out of Italy?
Basket case


you were nothing but liabilities in the 30s and 40s.
Go back to your stupid culture.

My bet is on the impossibility of passing the tax law. They can't pass the flat tax because the constitution (art 53) says that the tax system should be built with a progressive criterion. IRPEF is the only lasting progressive tax, it would be incostitutional to change it to a flat tax.

>Northern League's stance on southern Italy


send it back to africa where it belongs

I never understood how young people get indoctrinated. I went to a super left wing High school with the professor of physics bragging about being a communist and reading "il manifesto " daily, yet people just laughed at him.

A week ago I read about the debt reduction of their political agenda and I remember saying "how the fuck to they hope to even come close to accomplish that?"
By the gods

qualche italiano all'estero ha gia' ricevuto il plico elettorale? voglio vedere il foglio delle opzioni di voto

Casapound are basically politicized ultras, I want a decent fashy party that's not comprised exclusively of untermensch but alas, this is it.

>Macerata, legale del nigeriano: "In casa le impronte di Salvini e Meloni"


Do you have a link to the Facebook post?

>per un solo epic fail
>epic fail

Vivo all'estero e non ho ricevuto ancora nulla

Forza Nuova?

Even grillo run from them

Finanza spero

During the last elections I had residence in Slovakia, nobody ever sent me anything.


I am in France. Worst case scenario I'll go to the embassy and demand it

If your senpais are sjw kikes, you are probably gonna get indoctrinated by them just because you grow up next to them and they are your point of reference and authority.
Also, girls in my class were 100% sjw just because they were given favors from our female professors just because they were women (they had like 1-2 points more in their scores while not knowing shit anyway)
Finally, giving 500 bucks to youngsters basically means that your are either swinging their political opinion through corruption in disguise or you'll get the votes of every newfag that knows shit about politics or doesn't know who to vote

no , legale (molto raro in effetti)

sempre ricevuto tutto qui a SG . anche le menate di renzi durante il referendum.
per qualche motivo ancora niente per ste elezioni

>people vote for these scumfucks.

contattali ASAP, la deadline per ricevere le buste votate in ambasciata/consolato e' l'1 marzo

But they are not even Nazi nor fascist, they are just full authoritarian mode. Ultra nationalist, yes, but they don't have the socialist connotation of nazism/fascism, which basically makes them all schizoids and either hated or feared by the majority of the people
Also, the fact that they are all either part of mafia or 9000% skinhead level of retardation

Its called Lega now

I might go in the weekend if they are open. I'll have to look up the closest embassy


Buona fortuna user, comunque si sa che i voti all'estero sono più o meno soggetti ad incentivi o a disincentivi. Prova a mandare una email o fare una telefonata in ambasciata per vedere se si svegliano.

forza nuova is the only chance, but theyre the most irrelevant party in history

they abandoned their desire to split italy in two countries they had in the 90s.
now they just push for federalism, which is indeed the right way to go in italy.

Thanks my dude

Vai di Lega caro.

No because they're Globalists diaspora...they dont want anything to do with them.

This has to be the lowest form of subhuman to ever exist
Defending a muslim nigger, crackhead, murderer that dismembered a girl's corpse, betraying not only your race and nationality, but even common justice and morals. Goddamn this fucking kike, that nazi skinhead should have killed him and the murderer, not random unknown niggers
Or, well, he should have killed them both

If you keep on saying retard I'm sure your lame ass thread will gain exposure.

Il mio problema qui (il mio seggio si chiama "Asia - Oceania - Antartide") e' che il foglio del voto avra' sicuramente solo 3 opzioni:
- coaliz sinistra
- M5S
- coaliz destra

quindi alla fine il mio voto non andra' a nessuno in particolare...


she was a crackhead druggie that prostituted herself for moneys. Nothing of value was lost.