21 episodes in

>21 episodes in
>nowhere close to encountering demon king
There is going to be atleast a season 3, right?

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No, stfu

Read the LN's, then read about the WN for DK info...then pray, pray very hard for season three(and more)!!!!

Just about to start reading the LN's actually

You know where to find the PDFs? I can link you...

Duh, obviously
Not 12 though, so that would be appreciated. But i've got everything else.

12 isn't out yet, 11 is only partially translated (unless you are referring to actual Japanese release). Also there are the three prequel Megumin books plus 'Continued Explosions' as well as the Vanir spin off volume.

Huh, thanks for that i suppose

are there official translations from, like, a publisher I can read?
If I'm gonna waste my time reading trash lit for nipper teens I at least want the translation to have been done by a gainfully employed person who probably has some sort of higher education.

80 pages into volume 1 so far, and it seems to be barely tolerable.
However, im unsure if this is the oficcial translation.

are they translated? does Kazuma finally put his dick in any of them?

Are the novel translations actually somewhat nice to read? I've read some truly shit translations of other series. Just wondering if I should even bother looking for them.

The first 4 I think have been translated and released officially.

Most of them translated like shit, often by chink students from Chinese (like vol 11 and cont.explosions now), or web novels translated by google and then (maybe) edited. And not all of them translated by the same people from start to the end. You have to find ones that translated well and interesting to you.
On the other hand, official translations far from perfect too. Very far.

Please do

Both fan translations.

Who did the official translation? YenPress? They usually do a good job.

Has the demon king even appeared in the LN yet?

Most of the fan translated stuff is here -


The Yen press versions (the 2 that are out, v3 next month!) are good, but somewhat suffer from over localizing. Also the fan translations in general improve greatly past the first few volumes in quality.

I was talking about novel translations as a whole.
>They usually do a good job.
Not really. That's depends on translator as usual. But they edit any translations so they won't look like garbage in any case, even if it's really garbage.

>>nowhere close to encountering demon king
But they did.

Finished both volumes of the YP translation. Is quite good, but they do localize it a lot:
Meugmin is called "jailbait" instead of "loli"
Kazuma calls aqua, at least one time, a stupid bimbo
Is General Winter instead of Winter Shogun
Kindle instead of Tinder
And so on

>Kazuma calls aqua, at least one time, a stupid bimbo
Well he's right.

Stupid bimbo is a good localization of "kuso bitch", I guess. Jailbait loses the meaning of "lolikko", though.

It's also a pretty dated term these days.

Yen Press light novels are always a disaster. Anybody who pays the premium price for localized manga/LNs is doing it wrong.

>General Winter

The first two are out, the third is released in August.

can you expand on the lolikko thing? i heard is weird to translate that cuz is like saying "little girl" twice...
im not mad at the jailbait since i think it keeps the sexuality of the term

4th is confirmed to december afaik

It means something close to "loli girl".

It's like "lil' loli" I guess.

>tfw already preordered Youjo Senki Vol. 1

well it is actually redundant...
loli already has "little girl" right?

Wait, somebody actually watch Konosuba in the interest of seeing the Demon King be beaten?

But that's what makes it cute.

He's just a tailor.

That's why FFF translated it as "token loli". It means Megumin is the loli character.
But that's not accurate.

Those all seem completely acceptable.

Where the hell did you find the translation on the left? Maybe I'm just fucking retarded but the only version I can find is the one on the right.

Not him, but someone is correcting the old translations. The image on the left is the result.
It's still a WIP, though.


>best girl
>demon king
How can other waifus even compete?


Where did the anime leave of?


They took down Hans.

That's actually a damn good localization, +1 with Aqua's.

All good, jailbait seems wrong though.

Why the fuck would someone want to read a ln? This reads like fucking fan fiction.

I mean, roughly what volume would that be? Although I'll probably read from the beggining.

Where do Masked Devil and Explosions take place in the regular continuity?

Light novels are all the rave in Japan. Shows how retarded the youth is there. Apparently junior high school students are the primary audience for the LN high school battle adaptations.

Anime covers vols 1 to 4, with lots of modifications and skips that are plot-relevant in the future
Masked and explosions 1-3 are prequels

What happened to real Japanese literature?

How many volumes out currently? 11?

Two really big bombs made them a passive culture with emphasis on retarded fun and cute things. LNs are just an unwanted side-effect.

11 "main", Vol 12 for 24 this month (with s2 ova)
5 spin-offs, 1 (6 total) announced recently

I'd love to be one of those LN authors who writes spin-offs of another's series. Must be the easiest job in the world.

Well the most recent spin-off announced will be written by another author and illustrated by a different artist

Whats so bad about them apart from shitty descriptions and lack of vocabulary?

>tfw there will never be a better comedy anime because the nips make all MCs either bland as fuck, or raging autists

No matter what even the best ones turn into haremshit. Haganai is a perfect example of something unique driven into typical LN bullshit because of the author or his editor. Only LN worth anything is Ookami to Kouhsinryou.

japanese editors are truly the worst types of people, Emotionlessly sucking the soul out of an authors work to make money

where do i start in the lns after the anime? i don't think i have the patience to reread things from the show.

Vol 4 epilogue. Consider that the anime skipped and modified a lot of things

What are you doing? There's not even a SEL thread up.

Shhh, this never happened user


Oh yes it did

Too many tabs.

Not even the first time this happens ITT.


Wasn't S3 confirmed?

If I wanted to read shitty LN then I would read a book instead.

I think story-wise, there are only two unrevealed demon generals left before the Barrier to the Demon King's castle gets broken.

Wiz would be the last remaining barrier holder by then. Don't know if Aqua will exorcise her at that point, though.

Also, author already foreshadowed the Demon King as a Kirito Clone except this Kirito Clone never formed a party or harem because he preferred to play solo when it came to video games.

This is in contrast to Kazuma who was pretty social online.

Jailbait is too sexual a term to describe Megumin.

Pretty sure jailbait is most popularly used to refer to like 17 year olds and not girls like Megumin.

What was wrong with Winter Shogun.

It's literally the appearance and depiction of a Japanese Shogun.

Loli makes you think of beauty. Of dreams.

Jailbait makes you think of American white trash.

Fucking seriously.

what comedy?

Thank god Megumin knows how to act like a slutty white girl then

>comedy series
>actually thinking it was more than just subplot

kazuma being an absolute cunt all the time

>weird to translate

It's a diminutive applied to a 'child' word, like 'kiddo'. It's only tricky if you're trying to avoid Japanese loanwords, because the etymology of loli infers a type of innocent sexuality and there's no common English word which expresses the same concept.

'Lil' loli' is closest, but obviously sounds sillier because we don't use diminutives in that way in English.

>a japanese loan world
autism status: triggered
loli comes from the book Lolita which about a middle aged college proffesor who likes to fuck little girls. It was written by a Russian famalama, loli is an english loanword to japan, not the other way around.