What are some good arguments against abortion?

What are some good arguments against abortion?

I'm doing a debate next week against liberals. They'll probably going to say shit like "I decide over my own body" and other unethical arguments.

Say this, I never tried it out in an actual argument but it might just be crazy enough to work. Say "If I had a time machine, and I went to the time where your mother was pregnant with you and convinced her to have an abortion, would you consider that murder?"

Also if they say "muh body muh choice" say in scientific terms it is not your body, it is the body of your pre-born baby you are ripping out and killing

The "best" argument I heard is to follow it up with a question, when should the line be drawn?
In what week should it not be okay to do an abortion?

Abortion is a overall one of the most nuanced topics.

Oh I fucked the grammar up!

You body is the expression of your genes. The baby has different genes, so he is not your body.

Solid arguments fellas.
Will certainly help!

Libs don't have the ability to process scientific/biological arguments.

When are people going to realize abortion is GOOD thing?

expanding the lower classes thus reducing the value of labor and endowing the ruling class with greater power

If murdering a pregnant woman counts as double murder, but not if she doesn't see the fetus's life as valid (abortion), is the law wrong? or is a pregnant woman capable of deciding the validity of the fetus's life? If so wouldn't that give certain citizens extra power? Also by what biological achievement of the fetus is or should the line be drawn? If by none, only by birth, how can we give a fetus the validity of his life thanks to something that has nothing to do with its development?

Without abortion there would be 10 billion niggers running around on this planet. There wouldn't be civilization.

only places like yellow knife canada would be safe

>They'll probably going to say shit like "I decide over my own body"
where's the lie tho?

OP, the slippery slope argument is a good one. first you ask, as stated above, when the line should be drawn. a month before it's due? a week? the leftie liberal will probably go like: muh body muh choice, no line reeeee

then ask him/her/xer: what's the difference between a fetus that'll be born within a week and a baby that's just out of the womb? so is post-natal abortus justified?

one of the lefties argument is: the fetus hasn't any memories yet, so it's not a person, so it's justified to abort them.
a good counterargument is: neither have demented people. is it justified to kill them as well?

the law in belgium says that you can abort till the 4th month (i think, check it to be sure), and till the 5th for fetusses who'll have a handicap (like down syndrom) (again, i'm not sure, check it).

try to tilt it to when the date should be set.

women have menstrual cycles, but not if they're pregnant (or breastfeed their kid); so a woman knows when she's pregnant.
the laws in belgium give you enough time to be sure you have a kid and to make the discision to abort it.

good luck!

White abortion is not. And too many niggresses keep their spawn for the gibs

Ask them to imagine a person that went into coma. It's heart is beating, but all of the brain functions are down. It can't eat, breath on its own, it doesn't react to stimuli. Would they kill that person now knowing that after the nine months of such state it will wake up and be complete healthy and able to live a normal life?

More niggers abort babies than keep them.

They would say the coma guy isn't dependant on someone else's body or some shit.

Written down! Great arguments!

Allright, thanks man! Since you're belgium, I'll try to explain the debate here. I representing cd&v (I'm really conservative minded) and I'm going against every liberal party there is (NVA, Open VLD, ...).

We'll see where this ends. I honestly cant stand belgian right wing parties. Since I'm christian and conservative, I'm representing cd&v.

Attached pic is where abortion is legal vs illegal. Notice that it's strongly correlated with shitholeness.

I don't like liberal arguments like "my body my choice" when they chose to have sex and create the baby. That's like kidnapping someone, bringing them into your house, and then killing them for trespassing. But if you ban abortion, you will be paying taxes for Jamal's 20 kids.

There is obviously a spectrum rather than a hard line where something becomes human (a sperm and an egg are not a fertilized egg, which is not a few cells, which are not a fetus, which is not a baby, which is not a child, etc.) The modern American abortion debate is just about where to draw the line. At conception? At birth? 10 years old? When does it gain human rights? When does it become worthy of the protection of the state? When it becomes useful to society? When it has potential to be useful? I would say keep it about like it is.

On one hand, maybe banning abortion would get people to orient their lives around having children instead of having casual sex, which would be great. But in practice it seems more likely that we would just be swarmed with unwanted children, at least in the USA where our minorities would become majorities much faster. Ancient societies not only used contraceptives, but abandoned, killed, or sold not only babies but children.

Transhumanism is the best way forward. Chinese are already giving women fertility drugs to create 10-20 embryos, DNA testing them all, choosing the best, and aborting the rest. If we don't do that too, it's goodbye West.

Fair. I guess we just need to convince non coal burning white women that motherhood is the ultimate honor and joy.

>what are some good arguments against killing a child

The fact that abortion laws vary from one country to another proves that there is no medical consensus: if a 12-week fetus is A-OK for scrubbing in one country, but in another it has 2 more weeks to live, it means no-one has actually proven that it's not yet a person.

Also: present them with a scenario in which a dude is raped by a girl and sues for abortion on the grounds that it was conceived via a criminal act. I don't think there's a single way out of it that wouldn't be fucking insane.

Well, he will not survive without the care from the outside. Its completely dependant on the people around him to be nourished, to breath etc.

Yup. That's the ultimate goal we need to be striving for.

"inside your body is another body" Why doesn't the body inside your body get a say? Perhaps you shouldn't have spread your legs to begin with. Contraceptives are free are woman's health centers. You could also get your tubes tied. But, once you decide it's fun to fuck some random degenerate because "I'm into bad boys" you create the problem for yourself and wish to fix it by killing someone else.

Personally the only time I find abortion to be okay is.. 1.) Rape baby... 2.) high chance of dying during child birth... 3.) Mental health issues.

Once the baby/fetus is older than a few weeks it is a person. If you attempt to abort it, the fetus will attempt to escape danger. You caused unnecessary pain to someone who is attached to you from the day of it's conception.

This isn't the year 1844. There are several options to prevent impregnation. Instead of being a dumb bitch why don't you think about the problems you are causing by letting loose every weekend to any man that has a couple of bucks or a strong chin line.

niet om grof te zijn, maar CD&V? Eerlijk? de moslimpartij? (de leider van de jongerenafdeling van de cdenv is een islammietje); vroeger was dat een christelijke, conservatieve partij. nu zijn ze zo links als iets.

how about "stop taking out your hatred of men on the innocent unborn"?

grappig dat je het over de leider van de jongeren afdeling hebt: sammy gaat ook aanwezig zijn op het debat.

Ik ben simpelweg voorstander van cd&v omdat ik me volledig wil afzetten van het progressief beleid dat het land al jarenlang omzeep helpt. Het migrantenbeleid van cd&v mag inderdaad sterker, en dat ik ook het enige aan de partij dat ik betreur. Tja, geen enkele partij heeft alles in huis I guess. Hopelijk komt er gauw verandering in.

ja goed, in elk geval veel succes!