Holohoax question

Did the Jews steal footage/photographs from the Holodomor to support their holocaust narrative?

Why would Stalin hunger his people to death? It does not make sence.

People? I see only ukrainians.

Good question. Stalin deliberately starved 7-10 million Ukrainians to death from 1932-1933 in order to crush all Ukrainian independence movements or nationalism in order to make the surviving Ukrainian population submissive and depressant on the Soviet Union. It sadly worked.

*dependent on the Soviet Union

Feed me ukranians.

It was a valid strategy. You don't need to build death camps or waste ammunition, they just drop dead by themselves.

Holodidnthappen > Holodomor

The Holodomor is a hoax.

Most of the USSR leaders after Stalin were Ukrainian.

Somehow forgot to starve this guy,

Fucking kek

Brezhnev was polish

Also, hohlodomor never happened

What the fuck is wrong with your bears? They look like the average guy from Louisiana


He was Russian, Ukrainian, and Turkic.

Why most Ruskis hate ukranians?

Its not a brown bear, this do not live in Russia

No, his native language was polish, his mother was polish and he was hiding his ancestry because he was of nobility. Also he pushed polaks in the party and overall loved Poland.

we love them, how can we hate our brothers?

Yes, although I'm rather disappointed to find out The Holocaust wasn't real.

I see alot of Ruski's constantly shit talk ukrops and hohols?

well they are kinda our little retarded brother that keeps putting toys in his nose and cryes to the whole world that we beat him

No such thing as the Holodomor. It's all just a part of the famine that was happening all around the USSR. 7 million did not die in Ukraine. Maybe in all of the USSR but not just Ukraine.

Fair enough, Thanks Ivan.

>all around the USSR.
all around eastern europe to be exact

I don't think so, there are hardly any footage/photographs from the Holodomor, the whole event is very poorly documented in comparison to the Holocaust. Also, recent estimates by historians surggest the death toll may have been as low as 2.4 million and not seven million as is often claimed. It's absurd to accept the Holodomor happened without question and then deny the Holocaust.


You are obviosuly an idiot.

do you like poles?
ukranians are worse than poles for five times

>>Only 2.4 million
Go fuck yourself. Stalin killed all the good farmers and caused one of the worst famines in human history.

>fake quote

>fake claims

No, Most Polish are scum. Others are hard working good people. But overall im not a fan of Poles.

Jews stole pics from all over, including the firebombing of Dresden Germany in Feb 1945, claiming they was muh holocaust victims.

Why did he forget to kill this farmer?

Stalin never said that, boomer.

I've seen some estimates as low as 1 million, the estimates vary wildly and it is also in dispute whether the famine can be considered a real genocide at all.

Well these horrific photos have to be coming from somewhere.

>Somewhere else

Your choice

What the hell kind of uniform is that? British?

hohlodomor xdddd