Pol is MGTOW infested

All gay threads about my roasties come from one place, also seemly legit threads criticizing how ridiculous feminism is are actually MGTOW threads in disguise, as soon as normal posters start responding they start with there black pilling. They project about 10000000% of women cheating etc because they have already failed at becoming a man/leader

So MGTOW on pol are you trying to recruit us for your little anal fisting cult?

Just like faggots you are incapable of reproducing so to keep you little "ideas" alive you have to aggressively recruit young boys.

Inb4 classic MGTOW derailment technique: accuse people of being a woman or donating to "tradthot" paetreons with no proof.

MGTOW criticizes modern women for being materialistic and shallow, then advocates a material based, selfish lifestyle.

"Artificial wombs" is a disgusting idea for people who are incapable of attracting a mate in real life, and display a total lack of morality and basic respect for the most innocent and precious gift of all: a newborn child.

For "going there own way" they sure do feel the need to talk about women 24/7
Come to think of it there is no more gynocentric thing than MGTOW

I've always thought MGTOW was a psyop. Why the fuck would you choose to be alone???

Also they're only pushing it on a board heavily populated it by white males. Just think about that for a second.

>Sup Forums is full of men that see through scams
no way?

LOL your solution to problems of Weimar America is to marry "Lindsey Lohand" or "Palmela Handerson"

Sorry I'll take the "scam" that had perpetuated human existence over your way



Exactly. Why are "white women" the most targeted group as well?

Fuck that I'm going to get a sexbot. I'll get a qt asian if I ever get that desperate to share my earnings.

>they're only pushing it on a board heavily populated it by white males

kek thinks Sup Forums is white


Days things like "Qt Asian" "sexbot"
-then wonders why he can't find a woman to have an actual relationship with...

its less likely that its a psyop or conspiracy than it I likely that theres a correlation between Sup Forums users and sad lonely incels. Where do you think all the incels went after reddit kicked them the fuck out?

>I've always thought MGTOW was a psyop.
There are those who go MGTOW because it's what makes sense for them without trying to turn everyone else MGTOE. Those guys might be alright. If they're able to accept some of the blame for the situation it's usually a good sign.
And then there are those who want to organize a sort of boycott of women. It might be to try to hurt women because they hate them. It might be because they think it'll restore some sort of balance and improve society. It might be because it makes it easier for them to pump and dump the more other guys give up. Or some combination of reasons.
Might be some organized pro-immigration, pro-globalization mass subversion too.
In any case, they're full of shit and there's no arguing with them. It's literally gender-reversed feminism in attitude and in the effect it has on society for the most part.
MGTOW might make sense for some guys, but those who are trying to generalize it are subversive faggots.
And I'm not arguing against being "red pilled" on women or whatever. Holy shit a lot of people are WAY too naive about women. They believe all of the lies and wishful thinking of the feminists. Can't really blame them, that's how they were raised. It's possible a lot of guys won't find a good woman because there aren't that many. It's best to remain single in this case. But deciding to give up categorically no matter who you meet in the future or not even trying to meet anyone or be open to it, without even admitting any fault of your own in many cases, is really just cowardice and childish psychological coping.

>I don't hate women i see them for what they are.

He said this last night,

I don't wonder that at all.

Meme flag MGTOW shill claiming the best thing to do is dramatically decrease white birth rates. Yeah good stuff bud.
By the way how about actually responding to OP not just making wild claim to derail?

Listen to this shit skin talk shit about how every white woman is evil- imagine being this much of a loser

I tried to use filters but I don't know how to, I still see all the same faggy MGTOW in disguise threads.

Humanity is overrated, anyway


I'm not married to my nation

So you're a nihilist who is just as selfish as the women he berates. Solid lifestyle you got buddy

Why are you so affected by MGTOW?

Doesn't men removing themselves from the dating pool inherently make you more valuable to women?
Don't single white men contribute net positive taxes to society over the course of their lives?
Who loses when MGTOW?

tradcons because they need useful idiots to fight their battles

The only answer is to stop using pol. pol is the mecca where NEETS, incels, fragile misogynists, and insecure conservatives all come to project at one another.

I'm just here to start arguments.

I don't like less white kids but my real problem is there 24/7 demoralization campaign on this site. They post anti white woman threads over and over and reply and bump them to the limit in an attempt to make it seem like public opinion agrees with them. They are trying to black pill anons on pol to come join there weird cult

MGTOW isn't about celibacy
>its about understanding how to not get abused by the system when fucking

Seriously, this board is starting to look like a worse version of /r9k/, which is quite a feat.
Threads about muh wimminz should be banned. It's a politics board

In the end, what matters the most to me is my own personal pleasure. Extremely selfish, but I don't have to give a damn about yours or anyone else opinion.

Additionally, raising a family would be painfully unpleasurable.


Agree but I'm afraid it's too late. I use pol like Drudge Report, quick source for news but now it is FLOODED with these incels.

It isn't about being celibate but the people involved in it obviously are

>So MGTOW on pol are you trying to recruit us for your little anal fisting cult?

there is no anl fisting cult, but clearly thats something on your mind

>Just like faggots you are incapable of reproducing so to keep you little "ideas" alive you have to aggressively recruit young boys.

uhh monastaries?

>MGTOW criticizes modern women for being materialistic and shallow, then advocates a material based, selfish lifestyle.

they are not wrong about women, and funny youre so gynocentric you think chasing pussy doesn't involve materialism

>Artificial wombs" is a disgusting idea for people who are incapable of attracting a mate in real life

I agree, but thats your opinion

>For "going there own way" they sure do feel the need to talk about women 24/7

ye and you need to talk about people who talk about mgtow. hmmm

You're missing the point. Seething misogyny is at the core of Sup Forumsitics. MRA types have always had a history of riding with fashies, dating all the way back to the 40s.

Can't get rid of the whining about 'muh wimmenz' because the entire hardline right would have to go with it.

>Why the fuck would you choose to be alone
You aren't. You have plenty of options
>Want to talk with people and have friends
That is what other men are for
>Want to have sex
That is what whores are for

right, so, MGTOW is a male separatist fantasy.

It has nothing to do with flooding the board with "why don't you have an azn gf" "roastie hate thread" and similar threads.
Imagine if 90% of threads were nigger hate threads: the board would be shit.
Keep one topic contained in a single thread

Assumes I want to "chase pussy" instead of my real motivation, fulfillment of our biological nature to reproduce and provide.

Really you MGTOW people are very childish and selfish

I talk about MGTOW because it turned my favorite quick check news source(Sup Forums happenings) into a circle jerk MRA black pill fest

This. If the mods could just make a MGTOW containment thingy I wouldn't mind at all.

It exists
You are posting in it

Or just move the threads to /r9k/, which was created exactly for this purpose

Literally you need to search mgtow threads, go out of your way to click them, go out of your way to write something. You complain like a fag about it afterwards. I know what these multiple MGTOW posts have been lately. Its you and your friends trying to ban MGTOW from POL. Well it stays on POL+The multiple posts you made. You machiavellian fucks.

>waah ban threads I don't like and bump

>fulfillment of our biological nature to reproduce

what are you an animal?

why don't you go shit in the woods too while youre at it


this is where youre retarded.

mgtow turned away from MRA because they have shown themselves inept and changing anything because they are trying to change a gynocentric system that demands they obey

MRA thinks they can change the system with 56% female electorate an reverse the welfare state built entirely on the labour of men and their taes

you just ignore all that and demonize men who don't stay on the plantation

"What are you an animal"
Lol yes we are animals did you go through biology?

I'm going my own way, guys!!

I'm getting married and having a bunch of white children.

>offtopic threads should be allowed to stay because my feeling are hurt otherwise! Fuck your rules daddy!
You have your own containment board. Don't leak into other containment boards except for Sup Forums.

"My friends" that's were you are wrong sweetie, I don't know anyone who post on Sup Forums. I'm a lurker

>Lol yes we are animals

no you tard, humans are above animals

if not we wouldn't be communicating over thin air and living the way we do, the entire point of civilization is to set ourselves apart from animals

"The plantation" is being a functional adult but I'm sure you guys are really sticking it to the man by refusing to have white kids! You really showed them Jews by living a materialistic lifestyle

Because they want to end the white race by pushing misogyny and misandry from both the left and the right to get the white man and woman to hate each other rather than love each other.

Its literally just not giving a fuck about what women want. Don't get married, don't give a fuck about women.

Why are you speaking about MGTOW you cunt? Its you and your fag friends spamming MGTOW 24/7 for the last 2 days and then start making up your own rules about who gets banned. Absolutelly retarded plan.


yea the welfare state and gynocentric court systems tha let feminists run rampant and based entirely on men supporting it with willful ignorance are off topic when they dont conform to your failed ideologies.

why the fuck would i get married?

well said OP for once you are not a faggot

What the fuck crawled up your cunt and died?

-makes thread about how MGTOW threads have ruined pol
-"its you guys posting MGTOW threads!"


>"The plantation" is being a functional adult

thats what they want you to think. Such a slave mentality. I bet you think work makes you free eh?

but sure go ahead and play the rigged game and give jews your tax dollars and create new useful idiots for them to indoctrinate and fight for israel.

>Tries to spam MGTOW
>Fails 100 threads only 2 are MGTOW


>56% female

>Muh meme will show you what for!

Welfare state is on topic the rest of your post isn't. And what is my failed ideology since you know me so well apparently?
Does being a robot gift you with mind reading abilities?

Why are faggots like OP so hurt by MGTOW? What has men going their own way done to hurt them? Who's civil liberties are MGTOW stepping on? Oh wait, women being butthurt they're no longer desired for the whores they are. Being fucking single mothers and using divorce to bankrupt men.

This was yesterday's catalog

>deus vulttt
>hurr why would i get marriiied



Now make one about christianity. If there are more threads about christianity we ban christianity from POL according to your retarded rules.


a man that will work harder and longer and pay more taxes and do what his nagging wife tells him while thinking thats what manhood is about, so he creates his replacements when he works himself to the bone whom the jews will indoctrinate in the compulsory education system.

ah yes, let me just find a nice woman who wants children and won't divorce me so she can fuck tyrone while collecting gibs while i waste away in an apartment

Oh this deserved it's own thread did it? Fuck off OP. You're more obsessive about men not wanting pussy than the men are about not wanting pussy.
You're probably a roastie.

I had someone on here tell me his virginity is a sign of his purity. That's how they've deluded themselves.

Haha it is ONLY because they ruined my favorite anime image board. I have no problem with it existing, I hope you lads find what you are looking for. But sitting on pol all day circle jerking about how bad women are is what I don't like

>Welfare state is on topic

you're an idiot dude

>generation of men die in WWI
>women get vote
>women become majority electorate
>women institute welfare state
>men pay most taxes over lifetime
>mens taxes support welfare state
>welfare state supports single mothers
>single mothers raise criminals and drug addicts
>spike in crime and druggies
>men die in WWII
>feminism kicks in
>women demand no fault divorce
>state becomes husband
>divorce rates rise
>Men still pay most taxes
>Women receive most tax benefits
>men taxes supporting single mothers and nanny state
>women demand more
>women vote open borders
>women vote diversiy quotas
>women vote antimale pro women legislation
>all supported by mens taxes
>women can't stop themseves
>infrastructure decays
>education decays
>healthcare decays
>economy decays
>relationshps decay
>women double down on feminism
>men lose incentive to support system
>men say fuck off to society
>women shame/blame men for this
>men don't care
>shit society collapses

MGTOWs have been irrelevant for years.

This shit is just another lefty/pol/-tier character attack to get alt righters to waste their time on inconsequential shit.

Most MGTOWs that are worth saving will come around eventually.

This is projection where since you have given up on being a man you assume your worst fear will happen to everyone

Tradcons/natsoc larpers have repeatedly shown through their discourse that they do not care about men or individual rights.

They need useful idiots to be in the front lines for and their problems and their backfired schemes.

They hate mgtow because they see it as a threat to their dogmas.
They see it as a threat not because MGTOW is a danger to the white race, as they claim (they think we're all incel virgins that can't get girlfriends anyway) but because mgtow has been the tip of the spear of the gender realism movement and they resent the redpills (tradcucks call them blackpills and cowards as a defense mechanism) that we drop about women everyday.

MGTOW explodes their fantasy of using a political movement to find sensual bliss with a "redpilled woman" - which is all they really want.
At any given time half of Sup Forums is full of threads about this fantasy.
It's /r9k/ with a white nationalist motif.

The traditonal conservative in general is fundamentally and intrinsically pink pilled as feminism on gender. The bright side is, truth is irresistible and reality will set in over time and there's nothing that can be done to stop it.

And what if a man wants to do that? What if they want a happy family? Why do you care?
Aren't men allowed to decide for themselves?

- in op I say MGTOW will always accuse you of being a woman to derail.
MGTOW comes into thread and accuses me of being a woman.
We lad

>Aren't men allowed to decide for themselves?

apparently not if you're shitting on mgtow stupid

So it's about living a life of hookups/zero commitment. How do you differentiate a MGTOW who just does hookups to a bimbo whore who's on the cock carousel? You're the other side of the same hedonistic coin.

Because you can't refute that facts that marriage is a terrible horrific deal for men. The fact that you know nothing will be done to bring fairness and equality back to marriage in our society, so rather than make things happen or at least be able to control your own actions, you sit and complain about mgtow.

>Be modern man
>Have white kids
>Wife divorces you (divorce rate across the US varies from about 40-70%)
>Wife gets primary or full custody (have fun only seeing your kids on the weekend if you are lucky)
>Your son grows up to be a faggot because he has no male role model in his life
>Daughter grows up to be a slut since she sees her mother acting like a slut with no negative consequences
The idea behind MGTOW is that by severing their connection with women women will realize that third wave feminism has fucked them and start reversing it.

Then say that shit not "hurt dur white women love Tyrone!"

It's not like you guys discuss stuff like that post you just aggressively berate women to demoralize men

Maybe cause you act like one. Are you the fag with the index finger as long as his ring finger? That explains a lot why everyone is calling you a woman.

MGTOW brings up the question, why isn't there equality and fairness in divorce/marriage? Why can't we get legislation passed to make it happen?

Lol yeah guys just don't have kids while niggers and spics reproduce! It'll save your country!

You don't even know basic history.
You know who opposed women voting at first? Socialists, since because women didn't work, they voted for strongly conservative pro family parties.
Blaming everything on women makes you sound like the Nazi larpers you denounce so much which blame everything on Jews.
And anyway spamming the board with Sup Forums tier threads is against the rules

Mind showing pics of all those on the catalogue at once?

>implying any board on Sup Forums has ever not been majority populated by incels

100000000% of marriages end in divorce. Men are never at fault and women are always to blame. Do you write for male buzzfeed?

You are the one shitting on guys like me that want a family. I simply pointed out that the board is flooded with off topic /r9k/ threads

I have no idea what you are talking about? My fingers? When have you seen my fingers?

Again in op I said anybody who laughs at MGTOW gets accused of being a woman. You accuse me of being a woman. It's called case in point

>The divorce rate isn't a problem, it is normal for sons to never see their fathers
>You totally can prevent your wife from ever divorcing you via magic
The only real response I have ever seen to MGTOW is that you should just "fix" women which is always left as some sort of vague legally considered domestic abuse but you will totally avoid being arrested because reasons.

>given up on being a man
projection, Ad hominem
>assume the worst
over 50% of marriages end in divorce before the 10 year mark, and a vast majority of those are because the woman found a different lover

you seemed really upset at people not wanting to participate, why don't you pop out an extra kid to make up for that ?

Nope. MGTOW is misoginistic so it is politically incorrect. Or is it not?