BTFO white nationalists

BTFO white nationalists


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Anyone know a good filter to get rid of this goddamn shit?
Just askin'.

i thought everyone already knew anglos aren't white?

Britain is an island, blacks can't swim, OP btfo.

Q predicted this...

I'm pretty sure there's a difference between a tan neanderthal and nigger.


British climate isn't suitable for black people. Black people are better adapted to the heat while whites are better adapted to the cold.

So they say, but we got better.
You do realise this means the niggers here will just end up white.


la abominaciĆ³n...

>phenotype wiped out

Lul k.

We wus Conan, and shit.

Looks Benghali. LIke motherfucking Mindy Kailing.

DNA ? . More like a space faggot lefty artist

How many times are you going to post this?

Britian gonna reinvade India.

"We wuz Pahjeet. We got rights over the land and resources."

Read it again. They looked at the DNA for skin colour and couldn't find a match with any modern DNA, so they decided he must be black.

The facial features look Caucasian, not sub-Saharan.

>proof niggers are unevolved gorrillas
The left defeats itself again

This doesn't BTFO of us. Everyone was black at first, including Brits after humans migrated out of Africa. However through time we evolved to gain white skin, blue eyes and a superior IQ on average. That nigger in your pic was probably somewhere in the middle stages of niggers turning white as it has blue eyes but no white skin yet.

Aren't Anglo-Saxon Germanic people who migrated north over time? Plus 10,000 years ago wasn't that ice age shit?

I'm not sure that's correct, man.


Weren't the Cimmerians proto Scots and Irish? They're clan names and language was very similar to Gaelic in Age of Conan.

Look above the headline
>alternative history

alternative history (British English), sometimes abbreviated as AH, is a genre of fiction consisting of stories in which one or more historical events occur differently from reality.

They're LITERALLY telling you it's fiction (the very first thing).

When did the Proto-Indo-Europeans run through Europe?

>we painted his skin black therefore he was black, duhhhh

They look like Ethiopians, who are african caucasoids.

>none of the DNA could indicate skin color
>so we made it up!

None of the DNA indicated skin color? Then why did they paint him black?

Maybe we should start an alternative movement here, Britanons.

Every time people start virtue signalling bullshit about white people or whatever, just reply with an image of the cheddar man and the caption WE WUZ BLACK

Now that I know I have black ancestry, I will be proud of it. Never again will anyone chastise me for saying nigger, for it is indeed "our word" as modern Britons.

Me and my fellow British niggas, do not let our blood and our history be overwritten and abused by these jewish and african cocksuckers. This is our land and we wuz britons and shit. To argue against this is literally racist against a people who are a minority.
