SA genocide

What are you guys doing to save your white brothers from the ongoing genocide in SA?

That's so fucked up.
The traitors need to hang for this

Funding and praying. Hoping for the best from North of the Limpopo.

You cant fucking type out South Africa?

good riddance.

Why did the jews that ruined SA have to flee to Australia?
Why couldn't they have gone to ruin Canada next?

There are Jews in south Africa?

get them the fuck out. The U.S. economy is booming, and if they try a white genocide here we're armed to the mother fucking teeth. We need to get Trump on this now. These are great farmers that could benefit our country greatly

Not anymore they left when things went to shit.

i really dont care

This times 14

To hell with somethingawful. It's a lost cause.

>What are you guys doing to save your white brothers from the ongoing genocide in SA?

Welcoming the ones that move to my country. You're got bitcoin now, you can move your wealth without shoving a gold bar up your ass.

You're niggers are doing a number on you guys too.

kek Canada literally turned down Afrikaner immigrants because the threat of genocide was "racist nonsense"

white people had it coming

Why censor the vaginas?

Can't really feel bad for them. What country were they originally from? That country should come to their rescue.

That second pic is a hillside strangler victim you fuckin faggot.
At least use real pictures of SA victims if you're gonna post this shit.

Isn't shit like this already happening in the states?

>White man kills another white man completely at random in order to rob him
>It's murder
>Black man kills a white man completely at random in order to rob him

>EU letting in white immigrants
>in the current year

I will help by marrying any single female white South African female. This will get you US citizenship. I will even pay for your ticket to move here. This is a serious offer. The only catch is we have to make white babies together.

Aright here

>Europe accepting white immigrants.
Are you stupid?

If they're so cucked they don't make a stand they deserve oblivion.

>being this innocent

Those are turbo niggers, not even a drop of admixture

You forgot the part where blacks are openly killing whites in South Africa entirely because of their skin color and bragging about it.

It's like the old time gore lynching pics you guys like to post and imply white domination.

>Have to make white babies

Knowing most women they'll take their chances in south Africa