How do we solve the obesity problem? Yes I am aware that non-whites are fatter but a lot of whites are still obese...

How do we solve the obesity problem? Yes I am aware that non-whites are fatter but a lot of whites are still obese. I believe that if obesity goes down peoples ideology will change.

Some things I suggest
>teach basic nutrition, too much calories makes you fat, eat a wide variety of foods
>teach cooking and meal planning
>more PE, gender split classes, harder, include teamwork

Other urls found in this thread:

tl;dr: everything is sugar's fault

Destroy and rebuild our agricultural and food system in general that lowers testosterone by replacing healthy foods with ones filled to the brim with animal growth hormones and plastics. As well stomp out xenoesteogrens in other sources.

wtf does sugar have to do with eating too much?

>six years old
>first grade begins
>sit still for five hours a day
>repeat for 12 years

Sell steroids at the drugstore to combat all the xenoestrogens.

That JFK Challenge is my fucking dream. I wish it was implemented globally. Mind and body are one.
Instead of that we have pic related. What a fucking disgrace.

sugar is poison. and not everything is calories in v calories out , look into time restricted eating

five hours? You mean 8.

It's empty calories and it's everywhere.

intermittent fasting? You still have to consume the same amount of calories in that closed time gap.

Is he eating mayonnaise?

Sugar makes things taste better which means people want to eat more of it. Same reason porn is so harmful.

Pretty much this. Empty calories leave yor body craving nutrients. Nutritious food leaves you feeling more full for longer.

Foodstamps can only be used to purchase ingredients, no more prepared foods.

Now you can only be a fat fuck if you can afford it.

we got these things when we could do the required amount of pullups and other shit in the early 90s

At our local school it's six hours, with a break for maybe half an hour to move around after lunch. Plus gym once every few days.

And that's five hours a day at school. Then young American kids on average watch tv for nearly 4 hours a day.

I like eating a lot, so I exercise as much as I can to balance it out. Just don't be a lazy cunt and you'll be fine.

calisthenics to start the work day like in Japan. Employer provided health club memberships.

This Sugar is incredible addictive, the level of pro sugar, pro carbohydrates shilling even here is astonishing. But not incomprehensible knowing how many trillions are produced by selling both.
There is literally no argument agaisn the Keto or Paleo diets. Carbs should be eat only by people who need them like athletes.
We did not needed to eat potatoes and corn for hundreds of thousands of years, they weren't present in Europe until the 16th century when brought by the Spaniards.

What humans need to eat are:
Consuming more than 100g of carbs per day is not necessary at all.

>>more PE, gender split classes, harder, include teamwork
A lot of this, we must glorify and encourage a physical culture, but not as now where it is seen as a spectator event, it must be participatory.

Also obviously we somehow need to fix all the fucking idiots diets. Not sure how to tackle that, perhaps just very heavy publication and such of the horrific dangers of shit diet, like what excess blood sugar does how it absolutely devastates all parts of one's body.

damn. all those soft cocks. there's no point to those tiny shorts. imagine the flop. REEEEE

Sugar existed all through the 50s,60s,70s and 80s. People weren't obese and type 2 diabetes wasn't an issue. It's not sugar alone. Look at some of the work coming out in the last few months. Most people in the West are severely vitamin D deficient from lack of direct sunlight. It's causing or exacerbating all kinds of problems from low T to type 2 diabetes.

The number of hours we are spending outside doing physical activity, from childhood to adulthood, has dramatically decreased since the invention of the internet. If you want obesity to decrease shut off your computer, put down your phone and go outside. Make your kids do the same.


And they probably all know what each other's cocks look like from the changing room.

Satan shows the way. Seriously steroids are extremely cheap, you have no excuse to not do them

Food industry replaced fat with sugar in the 90s.
Thats why you see barely any fat people in videos of the 80s.
Shit makes you addictive and fat.

Teach fatties how to count calories, to exercise, to not eat sugar and to raise testosterone levels.
Lost 70lbs in 8 month like this. It is all about determination.

Only way to motivate is through collective bullying.

Where do I get them? Also I hate needles (will roiding help me get over that?)

yeah prolly. in a big circle with shower heads. then the (((dividers))) came in some places. trough urinals are cool too. we went too pussified somewhere down the line. probably jew pedos screwing it up. but theyre everywhere. is it our cucking to circumcision? a history of being prudes? meh. i have my fun. im sure we all do. there are also other avenues these days

Corn syrup isn't sugar.
And the availability of sweeteners has skyrocketed since the 1970s.

On the other hand if they didn't have curtains in the showers in my dorm I would have had to sneak out to the woods or something to jack off.

Imagine you are raped by them all.

>-ose is not a sugar
Did you not take high school chemistry?

I'd rather live in a world of fat, nonsensical freaks that are doomed to a violent death at the hands of muslims than go back to the kind of boyish faggotry and false innocence displayed in your pic OP.

Most of those boys probably don't have their turtlenecks.

If you have good insurance you can just go to the lowt center wherever you are and they'll basically do all the work for you and it's like $5 a shot. I've never seen them turn anyone away because everyone is low t by their metrics. If you don't have insurance you can get them from any dark web market

more dietary soy

i wouldnt care anyways. but i wouldnt be that guy out in open either. if somebody else is, what do i care. flip flops help. im also restoring; to refer back to the cut status thing
i know

Most public schools removed recess. Of course kids are going to get fatter. Jews want dumb fat people.

>tfw the last time I let them draw blood for a test was when I had a seizure
>tfw kept thinking I wanted to ask them to test for T while they were at it
>tfw too out of it from the seizure to say anything

You missed the other vital thing: Couldn't buy amphetamines over the counter after the 80s

And the jiggling of those asses

Stop eating poison GMO food; buy local pastured meat and veg from the farmers market; buy white!


I don't think it's to do with being cut. I never really knew mine was all mutilated until much alter in life just because it's so common in the US and I'm not much of a dick-peeper.

Just go to the doctor and say you're tired all the time, you can't get a boner, and your morning wood is non existent. They'll order it up right away.
>mfw Sup Forums has made me paranoid about testosterone levels

I hate going to the doctor. I haven't been to a dentist in like 10 years because the last one I went to didn't gas me out before injecting shit into my gums like 15 times to get me numb enough so they could drill my teeth out. You can fucking feel the shit from the needle flowing into your gums and expanding them


And then they're all staring right at your face and looking into your mouth and smelling your breath. I hate it.

I would eat them one by one. Just stand in line and give me your boi pussy.

>How do we solve the obesity problem?
stop eating corn

1) Teach about calorie density.
2) Promote the Whole Foods Plant Based lifestyle.
3) Ban many processed foods that don't meet certain minimum nutritional requirements.
4) Give everyone $100 vouchers that can only be spent on PRODUCE at the beginning of each month.

You are made of food.
Bad food is the problem, not lack of exercise.

I am next to certain that most of the obese in America are women. I see obese women every day. When you see a dude who is fat, it's usually just a typical dad beer belly. Those dudes could split a chord of wood in 8 feet of snow no problem.

im not huge on asses but all power to you. based and unexpected thread
there's lots of variety. my one bud is uncut but only has half coverage even when soft

Enforce traditional values and teach women how to cook nutritious food. Let's face it, part of the problem is that today's women (mothers) are either don't know how to cook nutritious food or are just too lazy so they feed their kids premade junk food, which has led to an obesity epidemic.

You have very weird phobias my friend

Tbh coed PE was more fierce because you competed with the boys AND showed off for the bitches at the same time. Made people go harder.

Both sides are equally bad for being obese but women are fatter though

oh me oh my

I didnt get gassed but they injected a numbing agent inside my cheek. They said to tell them if it still hurt. I had those fuckers make like 3 or 4 more injections. Dentist is torture, fuck getting teeth filled

I'd fucking ban corn-syrup.

I'd tax fat fucks more than normal people.

I'd outlaw any food that is not real fucking food.

I'd encourage people to turn their yards into gardens, maybe offer incentive.

And lastly, make social changes like encourage fat shaming via state-sponsored propaganda. Encourage fitness ect.

I'm basically a cripple. Yet I am not a FAT NIGGER FAGGOT like most people around me. If I can work out, normal people have no fucking excuse.

It was better when I had a contact who could get me tons of LSD. None of that shit bothered me, I reverted to my proper role as a leader and polymath, and I didn't need to drink compulsively.

Ban sugar, corn syrup, and soy I 100% promise you obesity will go down rapidly.

Ask for the gas. It literally makes you not care. Then just tell them ahead of time you ahve cross-innervation and they have to use actual novacane and not the little boy shit.

i got one of those breh

Cigarettes and coffee nigger.

>based and unexpected thread
Yep. Another reason to promote exercise/not being fat. People get healthier, and we get to enjoy looking at more hot guys.

>we did not eat potatoes or corn
Yea they ate cereals which have tons of sugar. Why do people not understand that bread, pasta, anything with flour has tons of sugar in it?

witnessed. keep being masculine af. i'd post some but got none with clothes right now. imgurs would work but im at work now

ban corn syrup and soy. there was literally no fat people when our parents were kids. you would literally have to go to a carnival to see a fat person.

does no one else find this strange? people sat around back then. it's our food, not our lifestyle

Unless I eat like a fucking retard I have a hard time gaining weight, I dont do exercise neither

eat a lot, same weight
barely eat (my situation lately) same weight

These posts are always 100% lies. You didn't even read the fucking sticky.

>Carbs should be eat only by people who need them like athletes.
>We did not needed to eat potatoes and corn for hundreds of thousands of years, they weren't present in Europe until the 16th century when brought by the Spaniards.

Have you never heard of bread? We were eating carbs from 8000 BC.

You're just wrong. Diet is 80%.

And have been not eating them at the current rate for about 300.000 years at least.

how can I avoid soy and sodium while getting a lot of protein

Why would you want to avoid sodium?

another reason exercising is good

Most people get way too much of it. It can be a serious contributor to high blood pressure, stroke, and other issues.

Calories in vs calories out. You gotta pay for your indulgences. Simple as that. Sign a contract with the new ethnostate that you stay in weight regs or you get sterilized, simple as that no need to kill anyone.

You mean they're eating like idiots and falling for kike propaganda about water-soluble basic high school chemistry?

So the past 8k years amount to nothing? That's a genuine question. My current understanding is a proper amount of complex carbohydrates is essential but the "classic" food pyramid is a ridiculous amount.

Sodium doesn't actually cause high blood pressure that's been debunked

The government's food pyramid lies are a load of Jewish bullshit, especially in the US, the "bread basket" of the world where you don't even need to worry about feeding the population with cheap grain.

I'm pretty autistic on /fit/ness and diet management and that's really the only other board I visit other than this one so here it goes.

1. Stop subsidizing high fructose corn syrup and refined sugar, In the United States both of those ingrediants, especially the Corn Syrup is subsidized by the government to corn farmers it is to the point where bottled water can cost more than soda in some stores (mainly around low income areas, not just beaners and niggers, whites are effected by this as well). This shit is as addictive as crack cocaine, and being so cheap it also gives poor fat asses the idea of "It's just too expensive to eat healthy" when it really isn't, fresh or frozen produce and lean meat is cheaper than fast food if prepared yourself.
2. Get that shit out of schools, It was something like 90% of all public schools in America have direct contracts with Coca Cola and a similar amount have the same with these bread and meat processing companies who produced fries, pizza, burgers (the cheap school lunches).
3. Better Physical education, your vid goes through that well.
4. Promote physical fitness and beauty, don't do this stupid "Health At Every Size" or even this "You should never be ashamed of how you look", if your face is fucked up fine, don't be ashamed but if you're eating 5000 calories a day and ballooning up be fucking ashamed of yourself
5. For young kids, promote outdoor programs like the Boy Scouts and what not, teaches them discipline and gets them moving outdoors

What do you mean about high school chemistry?

I feel like we're more of the corn basket (and soy) now.

Do they still have mandatory P.E. classes? I recall them being kind of a joke (automatic passing grade unless you outright refused to participate), but they at least provided an opportunity to get moving for a few minutes every day.

Source? I know chemists and microbiologists and they all say it's an issue

Honestly, if you want people to not be fat, make men and women exercise in the same general space. Nothing motivates a man more than knowing women are watching and vice versa is pretty strong too. Don't have them doing the same regimen (that's fucking stupid) but watch how hard guys will work if they know the whamyn can see.

You learned about like fucking ionic bonding, didn't you? Barring an osmotic pressure problem or otherwise dysfunctional kidneys you just piss out anything water-soluble that isn't scooped up by some other metabolic process. You sound like a worried mother who thinks that LSD sits around in your spine forever when the body would necessarily piss it out.

>And lastly, make social changes like encourage fat shaming via state-sponsored propaganda.

You'd spend taxpayer dollars on annual Paul Blart sequels?

Kernels (nuts) (seeds) are grains (wheat is the germ i.e. seed). Look it up on wikipedia. They're technically fruits.

Potatoes, by contrast, are roots.

high blood pressure

why wouldn't I avoid it in general

Obviously salt doesn't accumulate in the body. It's urinated out. IIRC the link to high blood pressure comes from the increased thirst to restore the fluid balance, which ultimately demands more on the part of the circulatory system.

>potatoes are tubers

Tubers are roots.

I was just making a joke about all the subsidies and corn syrup and soy being in everything.

your post can be summarized to

run more
eat less
eat better food
its very vague but its straight to the point.

Blood pressure is caused by blood vessels constricting blood flow. One particular half of common table salt isn't the reason why they do that.

tubers are stems that extend underground. not the same as roots user