Do you really think there is a future in coal? Do you support the EPA's current administrator?

Do you really think there is a future in coal? Do you support the EPA's current administrator?

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No. After Trump drains the swamp he's gonna unlock the technology that's been kept away to keep us enslaved.

As it gets colder over the next years people will begin to appreciate coal.

Coal will be an easy decision. What we need to be looking at is where to grow wheat when a good part of the US breadbasket farmland won't have a long enough growing season.

Who the fuck knows? But I know this really pisses off Obama so I support it.

Please clarify, why is it going to get colder and how will coal help with this?

Found the coal burner.

Is it worth the potential damage it will do to the environment?

Some are talking about the coming grand solar minimum. You won't see it in the mockingbird media.

If you watch TV every year is hotter than the last. Accomplished by relocating the thermometers used to measure to urban areas where.. yes pavement gets hot in the sun. As does the planet. And the planet will cool rapidly when the sun is less intense ad we are already seeing this winter. We arent in the minimum yet. Yes people will be glad there is coal to make electricity with. Beats freezing.

>Do you really think there is a future in coal?
The Burners say yes, but a year later he's gone and all they've got is a black eye and mulatto kid.

Solar minimums may be unpleasant and cold, but they aren't permanent and don't last long periods of time. What about after the minimum? The current projection for temperature rises is 4 degrees C in the next century, how much would the minimum lower it by?

yeah. It's like crude oil but solid.

But oil companies have invested all of their manpower to processing oil.

Illuminati may be trying to save coal for when all the oil runs out. Processing of coal will be the focus.

There's no reason to move to something else if you still have the tried and true.

The environmental impacts are the reason to move away from coal and towards renewable energy.

Base load demand is met with your choice of current water cooled and moderated uranium fueled nuclear fission reactor, or with coal.
Swing load made up with natural gas.

You have the option of building salt cooled thorium fueled breeder reactors that can meet both base and swing load due to vastly higher operating temperatures.
Liquid fuel demand for transport can be met with refined oil, or synthetic replacements produced from high temperature nuclear reactors cracking hydrogen and extracting dissolved carbon from water.

Solar power for LED lights to blink on stop signs in remote locations.

A low energy future is one of poverty, shortages, suffering and pain.

Coal isn't going to be economically competitive that far down the line. And that is coming from someone whose career would benefit from shutdowns, turnarounds, and new construction. In the short term natural gas will be more desirable than coal which is already having a big impact on the industry, and then when the next bust happens (again) people are going to be shitting their pants but nobody will want to dump more money into expanding coal.

Nuclear is the superior form of energy bar none, but everyone across the political spectrum has their heads too far up their own asses.

>The environmental impacts are the reason to move away from coal and towards renewable energy.
The environmental impacts are the reason to change your process to reduce those impacts. Other than the stupid Carbon Capture, Clean Coal is economical and relatively easy to do. That is if you count CO2 emissions as plant food, harmless and vastly exaggerated by motivated parties that want power and control over humanity.

Fact; in almost every nation energy is the largest sector of the economy.
CO2 is a byproduct of carbon combustion that is at the core of all hydrocarbon consumption.
Control CO2 and you can control the energy sector of the economy.

Coal is on its way out no matter what Trump does. Natural gas is cheaper and cleaner.

>Scott P.

I'll now confess something I'd have bet 3 years ago, that I'd never say.


>Clean Coal is economical and relatively easy to do

Clean coal doesn't exist. Not a thing.

The epa is full of traitors and needs to be removed before we loose all our fathers have built.
We need our rights to our mines back whithout fear of being shut down by these traitors or earths mining companies are doomed.
I said mining not fracking, amazingly fracking is acceptable by the epa and not shaft mining.
Fucking traitorous fucks.

Why because you don't like the idea that we can filter emissions? Even if you include CO2 as pollution (which I don't) you can capture it and store it, creating an emission profile that's water vapor, nitrogen some trace oxygen and CO2. Actual pollution like NOx, SO2 in the parts per trillion. Particulate filtration and capture of NORMs (naturally occurring radioactive material) is easy to do it's just filters no chemistry needed.

What about solar? It has the potential to generate terrawatts of energy and doesn't rely on finite resources.

If I could make all the coal in the world dissappear with the help of one button, I'd do so without a flinch. We are fucking with the planet wayy too much. The sooner we switch to solar and alternative energy sources that are Renewable, the better.

Coal had made us too weak. Look at the avg iq vs gdp per capita distribution. The sand niggers have a low overall iq and are the only anomalies in wealth distribution because they were lucked in by the presence of oil in their area.

Fuck Coal, Fuck Oil. Yes I am posting this from the desktop which is powered by electricity most likely coming from crude oil. I'm not even an anprim, just feel an ecologically sustainable energy source will make us more advanced as a society.

No but I think the future involves burning lots of coal if you know what I mean

Not one mention of thorium reactors? Fuck guys, get on it. It will be the future.

>What about solar? It has the potential to generate terrawatts of energy and doesn't rely on finite resources.
Explain of the fusion of hydrogen and helium isn't a finite calculation.

Anyway the answer to your question is that solar isn't on demand, doesn't match grid demand, drives up costs of on demand generation by limiting the hours they can sell to cover capital costs.

Here is a video explain in depth why solar is bad for grid demand;

Free point I will give you if we had magic batteries solar could work economically. But those same magic batteries would work as well or better with conventional base load nuclear or coal.

Pic related why solar isn't a good idea.

>Yes I am posting this from the desktop which is powered by electricity most likely coming from crude oil.
Are you in Alaska on a city grid run off diesel generators or in a car using your 12v output? Otherwise I will say you are less likely to be getting electrical power from oil than you are from geothermal power in the USA.

>Not one mention of thorium reactors? Fuck guys, get on it. It will be the future.
>You have the option of building salt cooled thorium fueled breeder reactors

Solar has exceeded predictions in terms of cost and efficiency but nuclear still wins in every category including the environment. It does indeed rely on finite resources, things that must be mined, although we won't be running out anytime soon. Solar wins when it comes to decentralized power and off-grid living, and as battery technology inevitably improves and costs go down, this could be a yuuuge. For heavy industry and certain other things though, nuclear is the best option. The only downside to nuclear is the initial investment.