I am a Jew. Ask me anything. No hate, no shame. Just ask

I am a Jew. Ask me anything. No hate, no shame. Just ask.

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I don't have anything to ask, I just came here to laugh at you.

Why does your own damn god let 6 million of you get gassed in camps and be a pharaohs slave for 400 years oh and where did the other ten tribes of you guys go

Lend me money?

is it true your have sects within your religion that eats babies ?

Americans are literally Jew dogs. Do you agree or disagree?

How was your day? :)

Why did you do 9/11

I have no question, just a message: Our day is coming. You are right to fear the goyim.

im a jew too, hello fellow jew

Would you like a free shower?

Are you Jewish?

Prove it by giving an anecdote of your bar mitzvah that sounds too strange to have been made up

Why do you fucking neanderkikes keep making the /ourguy/ and blacked and 56% threads?

Oh that's right. Because you suck.

why do your people like destroying cultures and nations under their noses

1. Are you Torah-observant?

2. If so, what's your minhag?

3. Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, Yemenite, Ethiopian?

I have nothing to give bu answers.
I'm here because a lot of what Sup Forums says is close to accurate about the Jews. I just want to set the record straight.
Americans are stupid and easily manipulated by media. Jews didn't do this to Americans, they just control the media.
Nice. I am contented.
That was the government, not the Jews.
Nice to see a familiar face.

In your opinion: why does Sup Forums blame you for almost everything?

just why?

Where and how can I get premium Khazar milkers?

Are you gonna shut down reviewbrah for exposing jews are using bagels to "take over the world" and the "bagel culture" youtube.com/watch?v=U902FmZYiOQ&t=8s

Why do you wish to destroy the white race?
How does it feel to have America as your lapdog?

Why do you want my island to become one with Haiti?

Gas yourself, kike.

I already took one today.
At my Barmitzvah I read my Torah portion about a red cow.
We don't destroy. People are just afraid.

ask for bobs and vagene, rajesh

Edom is cancer.

Fuck AmeriKKKa.

The whole world will be united when Moshiach comes.

>At my Barmitzvah I read my Torah portion about a red cow.
Parshas Chukas?

Thoughts on the Messiah?

So, Rajesh, Bob and Vagene as always?

Gas or firing squad?


Jews don't know how to talk to antisemetic people. So antisemites grow to situated in little groups without room for outside opinions.

At least in "Amerikka" I have food, you commie bastard.


bobs ples

>Why does your own damn god let 6 million of you get gassed in camps and be a pharaohs slave for 400 years oh and where did the other ten tribes of you guys go

1. Because He gave Free Will and the right of others to abuse it
2. Slaves of Pharoah is because of what happened with Avraham when he asked about how he'd know his descendants would inherit the land for sure
3. The Ten Tribes disappeared within the nations after Sancheriv uprooted them and forced them to mingle with all the other nations around them

>1. Are you Torah-observant?
>2. If so, what's your minhag?
>3. Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, Yemenite, Ethiopian?

1. Yes
2. Sefaradi

>Why do you wish to destroy the white race?

No I'm very much fond of the West and America in particular

Don't care for the French tho.

Question: If the "Holocaust" ends up being without a shadow of a doubt false, would the Jews accept it or would they fight it tooth and nail because Jews find the Holocaust to be integral to Jewish identity?

Why don't you assimilate into a host culture? Your insistence on keeping your identity will destroy the world.

>Why do you wish to destroy the white race?
I personally don't, but Jews academics have brainwashed themselves in much the same way Sup Forums has done. They think what they are doing is right.
>How does it feel to have America as your lapdog?
Pity for those not able to think for themselves.
>Why do you want my island to become one with Haiti?
Why would I care about that?

Do you think your religious organizations could be used as a front for international criminal activity?

fuck you kike

It is fundamental to the Jewish identity, so when it crumbles so does Judaism. Not only because it destroys only foundation myth, but because Europeans will be so enraged that an actual Holocaust will take place this time.

>1. Yes
>2. Sefaradi
Nice. I go to a Chabad synagogue but the rabbi and cantor are Sephardi Moroccan.

That is Scientology.

I want a Jew girl to shart in my gene pool

>Why would I care about that?

Because believe it or not (even though he jew them) we helped your parasidic ass back when Hitler was "killing" you lot (according to you) and you are trying to repay us with mixing those filthy monkeys with our civilized island because "muh human rights" and some other BS

Do you think others should go full nepotism too?

Do you believe that abbos are a lost jewish tribe? Considering no-one else would invent a stick you can't throw away.

There are esoteric reasons why we're forbidden to marry Gentiles, and I speak of this as someone who is the product of a few generations of intermarriage.

Let us say that you are tempted to sin in public. Do you consider that there is a passage in the Talmud which suggests you should disguise yourself before sinning in public? Yes or no?

What does Scientology have to do with Judaism?

Israeli or American?

Another question, do you believe in the holohoax? and one last question how does Palestinian blood taste like?

good kills

Chazal tells us that before we sin we are to first say shema, remind ourselves that we are going to die, etc. If all else fails, then we go miles and miles away to a foreign place to sin, but again that's only a last resort, never a first.


>Question: If the "Holocaust" ends up being without a shadow of a doubt false, would the Jews accept it or would they fight it tooth and nail because Jews find the Holocaust to be integral to Jewish identity?

Considering I've met survivors who talked to me at lengths about what happened to them, if it turns out to be fake I'm gonna be confused and possibly get myself checked in a mental hospital for schizophrenia

>Do you think your religious organizations could be used as a front for international criminal activity?

What kind of international criminal activity? Money laundering and the likes? Yeah probably, sadly. It's rare but it's happened before.

Worse than that? Lol no>Nice. I go to a Chabad synagogue but the rabbi and cantor are Sephardi Moroccan.

Ah, very nice! It's the opposite, I'm in a Sefaradi synagogue but the Rabbi of the shul is Chabad

Intermarriage is only a problem when taken to an extreme. Most people want to marry their own race.

It was a Joke.


Have you been to Israel?

I'm actually having a problem right now where I'm in love with a guy whom I'm 99% certain is a Gentile. He has a Sephardic surname, born in Latin America, but that's not enough to be Jewish. He actually encourages me to be observant but he's not religious himself (he is "spiritual" though).

Should I tell my rebbetzin? This is secretly killing me.

do you think you deserve what is coming to you?

How do we trick you into an oven?

>Because believe it or not (even though he jew them) we helped your parasidic ass back when Hitler was "killing" you lot (according to you) and you are trying to repay us with mixing those filthy monkeys with our civilized island because "muh human rights" and some other BS

yeaaah I doubt most of us would even be able to point to DR on a map, much less care what happens there.

>Let us say that you are tempted to sin in public. Do you consider that there is a passage in the Talmud which suggests you should disguise yourself before sinning in public? Yes or no?

There is a passage that you're alluding to but you're wrong about its meaning

Say I want to attend synagogue services out of curiosity, can I just show up and sit down?

Are you practicing Jew, or self hating Jew?

But you see thats coming from a prisoner and any prisoner gets angry at the host. The Japs were incarcerated aswel and American kids are forced to read stories like " Oh the evil huwhite man unjustly encamped us". How do we know they're not exaggerating and thus profiting from their situation?

Wouldn't it be more reasonable to have a open debate using facts rather than "testamonies"?

*Btw there's Germans alive who say it was just a labor camp.

>I'm actually having a problem right now where I'm in love with a guy whom I'm 99% certain is a Gentile. He has a Sephardic surname, born in Latin America, but that's not enough to be Jewish. He actually encourages me to be observant but he's not religious himself (he is "spiritual" though).
>Should I tell my rebbetzin? This is secretly killing me.

Yes you definitely should tell her so she talks you out of it. There are enough nice unmarried sefaradi guys around


Is it true that you can trick the goy if it furthers your agenda?

I only want to hear one word as your answer. That word is either yes or no. The question I have asked is clear. I did not ask for context, I did not ask for motive, I did not ask for jewish philisophy. I did not imply that the action of sinning in public is either high priority or low priority. It could be a last resort. I did not ask. I am only asking if the behavior I described is mentioned in the Talmud, from your point of view. That's it. I describe a behavior and I asked if you consider there is a passage in the Talmud which suggests that you perform this behavior to some extend. The answer to such a question can only be yes or no. You have indirectly answered my question and I want to hear a straight answer from your own mouth. Therefore I will ask again and you will answer properly. Let us say that you are tempted to sin in public. Do you consider that there is a passage in the Talmud which suggests you should disguise yourself before sinning in public? Yes or no? Thank you for your honest answer.

>Say I want to attend synagogue services out of curiosity, can I just show up and sit down?
If you go into an Orthodox synagogue you're gonna stick out like a sore thumb, so I would suggest that you first contact the Rabbi and tell him you'd like to attend one because you want to see what it's like and I'm sure he'll be more than happy for you to come and explain some stuff to you

Probably less awkward that way for everyone

>Wouldn't it be more reasonable to have a open debate using facts rather than "testamonies"?

We've had open debates about it, the data is all here. I mean it's not like there's an actual huge conspiracy to pretend it happened. It did.


>I only want to hear one word as your answer. That word is either yes or no.
Then you don't deserve one.

>Is it true that you can trick the goy if it furthers your agenda?

Define 'further your agenda'

There are certain situations that you are allowed to lie to non-Jews, but those situations are mostly in order to prevent them to steal from you, or if they are trying to stop you from following the Torah and obey G-d's law.

By the way, the same thing would apply in regard with other Jews in the same situation re:lying to them

Then the answer is no.

Because nowhere does it say to disguise yourself in order to do a sin in private, it says the opposite, to disguise yourself and go far away so you do it in private where no one will see you and know who you are

How did I trick you into this thread? By letting things evolve naturally and turning on you at my most opportune time.

is there a specific way jews wipe their buttholes specified in the talmud?


Look I'm not surprised (((you))) believe in the Holocaust cuz you benefit from it, but I would love to see a debate between experts on the accuracy of the 6million cold blood murder of the chosenites

Coincidence, Sup Forums?

Why did you start ww1 and dismantle the ottoman empire also why did you take the palestinians land? Were they related? Did you start both wars for zionism?

I did that on purpose.

>If a man sees that his evil nature has taken over him, he should go to a place where no one knows him, dress all black, and do what ever his heart desires while so to that he doesn't disobey the laws of the heavens in public.

It's not at all an injunction for Jews to go do evil in the midst of non-jews and to disguise yourself so they don't recognize you as one.

The term 'yetzer hara', which he translated as evil nature, is a term that refers to man's desires toward things that will make him sin and create distance between himself and G-d as a result.

There is also a concept in judaism called 'Chillul Hashem' which means a desecration of G-d's name and is one of the worst sins you can commit.

So in the middle of a discussion about proper behavior, a Rabbi says that if you feel the need to sin (like eat non kosher, etc...) and you will not be able to control yourself, you should leave the city where you are, go to a place where no one knows you and knows that you're a religious man, and do it there. At least this won't create a chillul Hashem by doing something like this in public, and get the punishment that goes with it (losing the world to come)

So basically it says 'If you're gonna do a sin at least don't pile them up', and on top of it the conversation that continues and the commentaries on it highlight that if a man feels weak and that he's gonna sin, if he decides to go do it in a far away place then he'll have more time on the road to think about what he's doing change his mind and go back home

The dismantling of the Ottoman empire was the only good thing about WW1

No Jew benefited from the Holocaust you imbecile.

>There are certain situations that you are allowed to lie to non-Jews, but those situations are mostly in order to prevent them to steal from you, or if they are trying to stop you from following the Torah and obey G-d's law.

So if for example, me as a goy wanna buy something from a jew and he sells it to me at a very high price does it mean that Jehovah or Yavveh approves of it? since he lied to me to sell it an inflated price

Can you clean my oven?

>Implying that Israel wasn't a benefit of the holohoax.

Nice try Shlomo.

Only for a fair pay.

Do the jews still have the blood of jesus on their hands?

He cant because its in operation all the time

>is there a specific way jews wipe their buttholes specified in the talmud?

Not in the Talmud itself but yeah bathroom behavior is codified in Jewish law, even how we put on our shoes (which foot first, how we tie them, etc...) is codified as well

>Look I'm not surprised (((you))) believe in the Holocaust cuz you benefit from it, but I would love to see a debate between experts on the accuracy of the 6million cold blood murder of the chosenites

What do I benefit from it? My family is Sefaradi, we did not lose relatives in WWII and has no effect whatsoever on me on a daily basis.

>Why did you start ww1 and dismantle the ottoman empire also why did you take the palestinians land? Were they related? Did you start both wars for zionism?

The way WWI started is actually fascinating and to remove from it and instead say 'Jews did it' removes one of the most interesting chapters of history of the last 2 or 3 hundred years

>I am a Jew. Ask me anything.

>nowhere does it say to disguise yourself in order to do a sin in private
Indeed. That's why I asked if it suggested to disguise yourself before sinning in public. Why do you add the word "private" out of nowhere? Why do you start arguing against the very word you added? You aren't trying to intentionally misread the question in order to avoid answering it, are you? Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate honest people.

>Founding myth of Israel
Are you kidding me? The holocaust gave you guys infinite social capital over whites and gave you the ability to put a Chasity belt over nationalism, it's the best political weapon you guys have ever had.

>So if for example, me as a goy wanna buy something from a jew and he sells it to me at a very high price does it mean that Jehovah or Yavveh approves of it? since he lied to me to sell it an inflated price

You are not allowed to sell things at inflated prices according to Torah, there are commandments related to having proper scales and not inflating prices above their values. This is definitely forbidden to do.

>>Implying that Israel wasn't a benefit of the holohoax.
>Nice try Shlomo.

Balfour Declaration already gave us the land 22 years before the Holocaust even began

Apart from the social immunity of criticism, the Jews are getting a fuck ton of money from the US Citizen. We saved your asses according to your mythology and our reward is higher taxes. Also I guarantee that the isreal lobby threatens politicians of ruining their career by calling them NAZIS if they don't comply.

have you ever met a nigger?

Why don't Jews just stop listening to the Rabbis and purely live by the Torah, would solve like 70% of your problems?

don't forget i am muslim