Elon Musk

Okay, so recently everyones heard of the billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk, whether from his company that recently announced it would be selling flame throwers, to the recent spaceX launch where he shot a tesla car, another company he owns, with a rocket that had reusable fucking boosters that came back down and landed for further missions. Pretty impressive. But something that has deeply disturbed me about Musk are his plans to launch people into space and colonize other planets. A number was given of about 100 people and a definite time of 2024 on the moon. Now, this raises a number of ethical and legal questions. First being, who would be the authority in such a colony? Elon Musks private moon military? How about terms of low long a person would be required to stay? Obviously there'd be contracts, maybe 10 years with time to decide to stay later, but what if you had kids? Would spaceX own the newborn citizens of the moon? Of course it would be illegal, but wouldnt the moon be considered international waters? What would be the protocol if Musk committed horrible war crimes, started a nuclear war with earth, or more realistically, preformed experiments unknowingly on the participants? What if spaceX becomes bankrupt? If Elon Musk was the legal authority on the moon, does that make him the first interplanetary politician?

how should these things be handled Sup Forums? What are some other legal and ethical problems colonizing the moon would bring?

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>does that make him the first interplanetary politician?
nope. he would be a space pirate. didn't the usa claimed dibs on the moon?

they put a flag up there, but the gov said he could colonize so i guess they arent really worried about the moon king Napoleoning our single lunar body

This is literally just new world colonisation all over again.

deep state fraud born in langley boardroom

hhmm in that case. Vote Musk.
good thread btw OP wish i had more time to discuss this other than just silly quote-shit posting. hope it is still up when i get back

Everything will be fine until the Moonies jettison all their tea out the airlock and declare Independence.

thank you my guy nice flag

thread theme

Stop creating more space junk when you could be feeding the millions of hungry children in Africa.

Musk is a crank

according to wiki musk got bullied in hs a lot and moved to another country before he even turned 18, hes definitely trying to become king of the moon like a fucking supervillian

Im still trying to figure out why dis nigga send a car to space. Its literaly junk, polluting the solar system. Is this the human legacy? So much scrap metal and junk in our landfills and oceans, we throwing it into asteroid belts now? Fuck this snarky capitalist cunt. This car aint even collecting data or anything. Just shows me dudes pribably got a small dick or somethin



Musk doesn't really exist.

>private moon military

Where can I enlist?

It's got his murdered wife in the trunk. Nobody has seen her in two months.

I'm supprised china doesn't come up with a better rocket and goes first to mars.

> China
> Mars

It'll be in a fucking museum in like fifty years after he sends his first space mining ship out to collect it and bring it back. To mars. At the spacex colony.

Lemon party.org/?moonmilitary

shit now I want to be a Moon Pirate under the SpaceX flag

If he sent a satellite nobody but space nerds would give a shit. The same space nerds who have always given a shit and always will.
By sending a car he makes everyone else give a shit too. I'd explain why this is important but you're terminally autistic. Just stay out of Elon's way you stupid pleb. Go stare at the ground or something.

Law in space is simple, in space people are under their country of origins jurisdiction. If you commit a crime on the Moon, and you're Canadian it would be like you did the crime in Canada, if you're Japanese it would be like you did it Japan so on and so forth.

Also, the outer space treaty forbids countries from claiming celestial bodies let alone a private company. Considering a space colony would need earthly funds for centuries if not a millennium nobody would try to make the Moon their own state.

i mean theres tourist trap countries who import like 95% of everything they use, and they dont have billion dollar companies to send them anything and everything theyd need in any given situation, it definitely wouldnt be ideal for a long time but it would be interesting to follow