What is the best book for dealing with my depression and hopelessness?

What is the best book for dealing with my depression and hopelessness?

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A guide to suicide




the bible

he's right you know. Either you want to live or you want to die .pick one and your depression is over

go to a doc self help books are a scam not because it would not work but because it wont work simply for the reason that a depressed person wont do the shit in the book.. because they are depressed duh. They buy the book so they can pretend they tried. Go to a doc and do therapy along with some medication (don't even think about just taking medication this fucks you further).
Had sad for 13 years and it obviously had some harsh depression with it after a couple of years. Today I am better.. not perfect but much better.

Te Myth of Sisyphus by Camus

I was actually gonna take it out for really the first time.

I think I am definitely going to try therapy. Drugs I don't know yet but I will if I have to.

How to kill yourself, a guide to all the jobless losers who play video games and watch anime and have no friends:

>go to a doctor, don't sleep for two days
>tell them you have persistent insomnia
>get heavy dosage prescription
>buy/steal/find a bottle of heavy liquor with a high alcohol percentage
>take both sleeping pills and alcohol
>leave a/c on in your room, or sleep in a cold area
>you will die in your sleep; painless suicide - your organs will stop functioning but you won't feel anything

Goys gym

Depends on your ideological outlook on life.

Stoics, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, the Traditionalist school.

Philosophy that existed pre-1950s essentially.

I also liked reading Sean Goonan's 'The Foundation for Exploration' if you want a more contemporary suggestion.

>>go to a doctor, don't sleep for two days

And if it fails you'll be brain damaged, great suggestion.

Most of self help gurus are a scam I agree. But recently I found a Red pilled Pajeet with a channel called Mensutra. I liked it because he doesn't waste time on pats on shoulders or cheap philosophy. I think that his core concept is "you already know how to fix your shit, you are just too lazy to do stuff, lift that ass"


Ask and It Is Given

Suicide with prescription drugs most of the time fails. The quickest solution is either a blast to the head or blow up.

Either way you were worthless to society anyways, brainless or with a brain.

I mean it is the cheaper alternative, and most of these people are too big of a pussy to get a license or walk into a gun shop.


>Don't sleep for two days
>Get brain damaged
Please stop. You're embarrassing the country.


OP you should seriously see a psychiatrist and let them prescribe you medicine, it'll spare you a lot of pain in the long run. I've been hospitalized for a suicide attempt before because I suffered from psychotic depression and it showed me I'm very different from other people in a bad way. Normal individuals don't suffer delusions, anxiety, unwanted thoughts, a preoccupation with death, and avolition. I sheltered myself so much I become extremely disconnected from others. I unironically thought that was average and stepping into the real world after being a NEET for a long time blew my mind. The psych I talked to in there urged me to see more doctors but I didn't because I was extremely lazy at the time and basically had zero self-preservation.

I actually managed to fix myself by my own volition though. I started exercising and studying. I also got into fashion as well as drawing (hobbies are amazing for dysthymia by the way.) Nowadays I'm happy since I finally accomplished one of my life dreams - getting a girlfriend. Yes, finding a soulmate is honestly what got me to start living without a constant desire to kill myself. Unfortunately my psychosis and compulsiveness hasn't totally faded. Basically what I'm saying here is it's possible to help yourself up yet there's a significant chance you're going to fuck up and fail and the process of waking up from depression is excruciating. My self-esteem was so low I'd force myself out in public even though my face felt like it was literally on fire from embarrassment.

Save yourself the trouble and get outside help. Just don't tell the shrink you actively want to hurt yourself or others, that'd probably get you a free admission to the psych ward. You need to clarify you are aware of your own feelings and no matter how hard you try to think optimistically the emotions of sadness and sorrow don't go away. Self-acknowledgement is a sign of high sanity and they'll give you points for that.

>I've been hospitalized for a suicide attempt
Wow, you even fail at death what a fucking loser

That was a past incarnation. Old me and new me are totally different people at this point.

unironically the bible

He meant by mixing pills with alc, you fucking idiot.

The Holy Bible KJV

hmm maybe. sometimes the genealogy shit can get tedious and reading the story of jesus through the books of the apostles is like groundhog day.

I'd recommend some gnarly ass war biographies where dudes are losing their friends and limbs and shit. Puts your own comfy life into perspective and makes it seem not so bad.

No book will help you with these things, only dealing with them will.

Meditation. Give your mind a rest. Its worth the effort.

DMT trip and then learn an instrument

Literally just your ego talking, in fact most people who are "depressed" are the most self-centered, narcisstic, egoists on the planet who hide behind their pseudo intellectual perceptions on life through meme nihilistic philosophies, and it all really stems down to whether or not as a kid you were given too much attention or too little.

Not really. The only methods of snuffing yourself that tend to fail when it comes to drugs are stimulants. Overdosing on uppers usually sends you into cardiac arrest or turns you into a vegetable through persistent tonic-clonic seizures. That guy is specifically talking about downers which are amazing for suicide. Lorazepam mixed with opiates and/or alcohol is an easy lights out from respiratory depression.

not always mate. take a dude whos wife fucks him over and uses the kids as pawns for example or some cunt who loses a parent/family member prematurely.
different situations where cunts get depressed


Enchiridion of Epictetus

You're referring to the whiny emos and other subhumans who pretend to have a life-ruining mental illness to feel special. Real people that have clinical/persistent depression don't blog or make memes out of it constantly. Fuck right off if you're going to disregard something so serious because of those aforementioned faggots.


That's you.
You self diagnosed yourself, went to a psychiatrist to get a certified signature of why you're such a downer, took medicine to worsen your own condition that didn't exist, all for attention.

It's the same reason why you made that lengthy post, you gave us an unnecessary life story because you're such a vain, self centered person.

Any functioning member of society who walks into a psychiatrist office aware of his own mental psychosis does not have any inate mental problem.

This. Real depression is as much of a debilitating condition as breaking both your legs. It needs professional treatment, not pep talks, self help books or orderin random medication from shady sites.

Also, depression is often compounded with personality disorders, bad habits and other mental baggage which will NOT go away in a moment of revelation like in movies. Unfucking your mind, your habits and your life takes months or years of work with no guarantee of success.

>It's the same reason why you made that lengthy post, you gave us an unnecessary life story because you're such a vain, self centered person.
Not at all, in fact you're so off the mark here you might as well be projecting something.
>Any functioning member of society who walks into a psychiatrist office aware of his own mental psychosis does not have any inate mental problem.
Pic related.

Anything by Dostoyevsky, play radiohead on your walkman while you read, if you don't have a walkman you can simulate the experience by sticking a pencil in a lifesavers candy & rotating it, if you don't have a pencil you may use a pen, the pencil (or pen) can also be used to cross out words in your book if you find them particularly disagreeable, perhaps they have too many syllables or are too onomatopoeic for your taste, or perhaps the author makes too frequent a use of them, 'a', 'the', 'and', are commonly guilty of this transgression & must be punished harshly as a consequence, as these are especially irksome you should make spiteful little jabbing motions in their direction with the tip of your pencil (or pen) prior to scoring them out, make sure you purchase the correct size of batteries for your walkman before proceeding with all of the above, if sans walkman make sure you purchase a packet of lifesavers hardy candy, flavor is largely unimportant but please avoid apple at all costs.

just listen to some Peterson man, or read his book I guess

He himself takes antidepressants.

The Bible.

What does that have to do with the fact that his speeches are inspirational and bring back meaning to many peoples lives?

The only thing I have on that list is no social interaction because of extreme paranoia when in a crowd larger than ten people. Even among friends.

I have had depression for decades, counselling did nothing because I had no real underlying cause for it and the paranoia was considered a normal side effect because of my job.

Got put on some pretty high strength zoloft. It helped, but my insurance stopped covering it so I stopped taking it for a few years and went back into depression even harder.

Lived with it a few years, then I tried to blow my brains out. The only reason I failed was because I loaded the wrong cylinder by mistake (forgot the gun rotated counter clockwise) and it fell on an empty chamber.

I went back on medication the next day. Not saying life is great, it still blows in a lot of ways, but the thought of killing myself is a non issue now.

Believe it or not my father till his 40's used to be the perfect Alpha male. Fit, charismatic and successful then suddenly he got diagnosed out of nowhere and suddenly everything around him crushed. He filled for divorce, dropped from his job and left us to spend years bouncing between shrinks. He is in his 50's now and he only partially recovered, he managed to open a succesfull business but he is a total sociopath. I want my dad back.

Is his book available in digital format?

An hero.

when I checked amazon I remember seeing it in digital, so yeah

If OP suffers from serotonin deficiency alongside numerous other problems exacerbated and associated with depression some speeches aren't going to magically pick him up. I don't know why you people seem to think a gaudy lecture which can be summed up as "be happy :)" fixes everything. I bet you it wouldn't even set him on the road to start changing. He needs to see a fucking doctor before this shit ruins his existence, then he can go watch that stuff. There's a tinge of hypocrisy if you support Peterson but discredit psychiatric medicine.

I get what you're saying and I agree that if he is clinically diagnosed he should take medicine, however in case OP is just an angsty teen there is no reason to choke on drugs, but yes, having a specialist check you out, OP, would be the wised decision
Also a better summary of Peterson point would be "doing things gives you purpose, thus making you happy, because that's how humans work"


Real depression is a huge problem. It eats up your life. All aspects. Food tastes terrible, music sounds bad, old hobbies are just a chore, moving is an effort, even thinking is a drain.

Nothing is worth the effort. You can't see the positive in anything. Not won't, but literally can not do it. It eats at you constantly until death seems like the only answer. Not because you want to die, but because life is misery and you just want the misery to end.

If you go long enough without treating it, you become so numb to everything it is common for others to consider you to be a sociopath.

That numbness is still there for me, unfortunately. I spent so long in that state of mind it is hard to break it and it takes people pointing it out when it is happening to me. It's bizzare how I don't notice it.


>What is the best book for dealing with my depression and hopelessness?

dont know about any books,
but what you need is Purpose

You need meaning, function. We need to oppose globalization and left wing politics, because we need our jobs back!!

Physical exercise and accepting that while you cannot change your past, you can change you future. Just saved you $8.

Diseases of the Heart and their Cure by Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah).

> read some memoirs of soldiers who served in real wars
> realize you have nothing to fucking complain about let alone be depressed about
> get started in life

Bit of a Catch-22 there as most people who suffer from depression tend to have above average intellects. And, with that, they usually end up ruminating on and picking apart themselves and the world around them ... which is circular as it usually creates more depression than it solves. Also, without someome to really talk to, more insightful people (right or wrong) tend to have no sounding board to hear their own ideas amd thoughts echoed back or confronted.

The truth of the matter is that sometimes people have to hit rock bottom before they are able to recognise their own worth and the fallacies of their beliefs. Some make it, some don't.

Arthur C. Clarke´s Expedition to Earth will put a smile on your face.

if ur not already exercising then that's a big mistake on ur part bro.

if ur eating like shit then ur doing it wrong. Go partake in nature. wish you all the best bro

The Anarchist Cook Book and/or
"Don't Get Mad, Get Even "
Scientific Fact, Low self-esteem is root of most psych issues.
The ONLY way to get more Self esteem is
To TAKE it from somebody else.
Ie.. exactly why Shit Posting on pol/ is good for you.
It's makes you feel much healthier after a good shit post .
There's only so much self-esteem to go around, so go get some starting now.