"Hating women is irration-"

"Hating women is irration-"


You don't have to hate the weaker sex, just don't give it any power
And any man that pretends to be a woman also is considered the weaker sex


How does it feel to be THIS homosexual?

Women are whore. Don't lose your time with them and focus on your job.

>Literally 2 whites girls asked
>Girls wearing Israeli Defense force t-shirt
>Asian and Black couple

I hope Kim Jung Un can solve your problem America.

"Women like nice gu-"

Hating women is like hating nature, get real faggot, they are no saints

True. Expose them for the creatures they are and just use them to your benefit. Never put too much effort

men are supposed to be bad though. nobody likes a soyboy not even other men. a man is supposed to give off that aura by his very nature, dont blame women because you arent a real man

"Nature means it's okay for women to be dumbsluts"

Okay cuck

Lmao man up and lick that womans yeasty vagina with HPV that will give you mouth cancer goy! It's natural for society to let women run rampant and not in control! Your instinct to slut shame hoes is wrong!

Our forefathers had it figured out.
They say it themselves, these women, women need to be kept in check.
Taking rights away from women hasn't been done out of spite but because this is the only way for civilization to remain stable.

I honestly believe artificial wombs would be the best way to move forward at this point.

all of those things you mentioned are a direct result of men being too nice though...

if men acted like men this wouldnt be a problem. you should nut up and face reality soy boy

What your describing is essentially a nigger, thats exactly the appeal of black men to these types of women.

Yes, pre-christian norse people knew that women are untrustworthy irrational beings
They were used as good sex slaves and walking wombs, no woman could be trusted, yet they were loved

It’s fine for me because I can get women. If you aren’t the center of a group I imagine it can suck.

Women like guys who don't give a fuck and still have some testosterone over a beta soy boy lemming. What a fucking shocker. Better make masculinity illegal so the soy jews can get laid.

Less than 100 years ago the majority of women married as virgins and stood with the same partner their whole life.

You want to say feminism and media aren't to blame for modern day slut. Delusional. Also modern women will not stand for slut shaming even if you are Chad.

>Girls wearing Israeli Defense force t-shirt
Well spotted, even with that nose I figured she was hispanic

Women deserved to be chained to their husbands kitchen and raped/beaten every single day for being unloving petty cunts.

I'll show them what a "bad boy" really is.

women are attracted to people who push the boundaries, period. go look at every significant figure throughout history, they all did precisely that from ceaser to mussolini. women love that. niggers play on women natural inate desire but only because they are protected by society. they arent dominant figures, under any other settings a nigger would be conquered completely and this wouldnt be a problem and that is precisely the problem with modern society. white men had to have been conquered by decadance for this to even be possible

feminism its self only exists because of weak men though. the social order of the world we live in is completely out of line because of the men before us who failed themselves

Women have equal rights for literally one generation and everything turns to shit.
Odd coincidence.

If you disapprove of this then it is fairly obvious you are a beta male.

The reality of women is alpha/sigmas fuck and betas bring the bucks.

When women are looking for a fast lay or adventuresex they will look for the dark triad bad boy sigma or the high status alpha.

When she is 27+ her biological clock will start running out and she will look for the kind of man that provides good parenting qualities, ala dadbod betas with a good income.

Instead of whining about this i suggest you guys learn to accept this red pill, or become a sigma/alpha to fuck bitches.

I don't think this is purely sexual reason, I think in a way males too like "bad guys" in a way, why is Darth Vader so popular for example? why is Hitler so popular?

no one likes a beta male, its un natural

You and they themselves are misunderstanding bad boys. All they want is an assertive male, you don't have to be a drug dealer or something, its just that many women are attracted to them because "normal" males have become weak willed pussies. The ideal you need to aim for is a responsible man who completely dominates his women. This is what women really want but they often confuse criminals or lowlifes as the dominate masculine male and the responsible male as weak and effeminate. It's not hard to do in this day and age though



Do we need endless threads on this?
Are you under any delusions they won't end up fat, bitter, and alone?
Is this politics?

Women lie to you. If you are a sensitive caring man who always listens to what they have to say and are there to offer your support, THEY WILL NEVER GIVE YOU THEIR PUSSY AND NEVER MARRY YOU, FAGGOT. Feminism is a weeding-out process to filter undesirables. Who is "undesirable"? Men who act like WOMEN. And how does a man act like a woman? He's a feminist.

>bad guy

Exactly OP's point. Hitler is a bad guy.
One of my female classmates in HS wanted to do a final project in the last grade called: "Hitler the romantic hero".
I laughed for at least two days.

Bruhs you don't need to hate women you just need to b urself and you'll get tons of pussy just like me lmao it's super easy quit being virgin neckbeards

There is plenty of litterature on this that actually have great points.

I recommend reading stuff by nick krauser.