Why do Christians murder more people than than Satanists?

Why do Christians murder more people than than Satanists?

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Because there are more Christians than Satanists.

>[Citation needed]

Satanists are larpers

Edgy nerds LARPing

The (((Bible))).

Christians murder more per capita

Satan created the material world, Satan created you and He deserves your worship. You unknowingly worship Him in the name of the Abrahamic God.


Because Satanism is a meme religion. It's like asking why Americans kill more people than Kekistanis.

>you shall not kill
You can't be christian if you kill
therefore no christian has ever killed anyone in history

How much of a cringefag does one need to be to unironically worship the Church of Satan ?

Because there's a network for Satanists to get away with Pizzagate style human sacrifices and sheet.

First, because Satanists are edgy LARPers and hence a tiny minority of the population. Secondly, Christians don't murder in the name of Christ (and factually can't) so saying "Christians murder" is nothing but a low-IQ atheist's way to try to lay blame on religion (or in other contexts mainstream media's or Muslim spokesmen's attempt to draw a false equivalence between Islamic fanaticism and Christians "doing it too").

I know you're trolling but "thou shall not murder" is a better translation.

>no true scotsman
Yes every Christian is Jesus himself and has never sinned

Yeah, the all of 100 global satanists sure will show up in statistics.

How much of a faggot do you have to be to blame Satan/Lucifer for people's own selfish arrogance?

Because the "satanist" population is so tiny it's near nonexistent.

That too

>haha look at these ess jay double yews saying its not real muslims doing terrorism so stupid
>I-it's not IN THE NAME of christianity so it doesnt count!

What is the source and context (date etc.) of your image? Even then, I'm willing to accept that black Christians commit more crime than the generally white or (((white))) Satanist community.

Because people calling themselves "Satanists" are 10.000 edgy larpers.

Don't know where you live but I haven't heard murder justified in the name of God in a long time

u wrong, muh daddy created me when he fukd muh mom

So does one stop being a Christian at the moment of the killing then resume being Christian right after?

Most muslim terrorists dont scream allahu ackbar either, they just explode
they're still muslims
christian killers are still christians

They don't. These people are not real satanists, they're fucking larpers.
Satanists are the rich kikes and bankers that murder and rape kids and sacrifice women to moloch

No, the man is to blame for his doing but what's important is the reason why he did it.

So do they worship Moloch or Satan, which is it?

Eternal mutt


Tell that the million of dead people in your country. Satanists are (((jews)))

The reasons are usually the same whether it's a Christian an atheist or a Neopagan larper- jealousy, anger, greed...

Found the derpy atheist who does not understand what a "no true Scotsman" fallacy is. The whole point of that fallacy is that there's no feasible definition for a true Scotsman behavior, that it's arbitrary. Christian beliefs and ethics are not undefinable. Hence it is possible to say what is and isn't in line with Christian teaching. Learn from this and never make the same idiotic mistake again.

is a pretty good adjective to describe your attempt at discussion, memeflagfag.

Islamic terrorism is based on Islamic teaching. The only debatable aspect about it hinges on subtle definitions, but the actions themselves are reasonably justified based on Islamic scripture and the example of Muhammad and his immediate followers.

Both. They don't worship shit they just use it to justify being disgusting cunts

>inmates don't lie

Here is the jew, everyone. Look at him and know he is weak.

Son unless you live a life free of sin like Jesus himself you're not a Christian? Are you trolling?

did jesus kill anyone? then how come someone say that some christians killed? they weren't christians if they killed

Satanists are just larping atheists.

If someone is killing christians then it is right to kill them

>be a christian
>bomb an abortion clinic
>murder an atheist
>because christian doctrine told you to
lmao ur delusional kid

Did Jesus ever steal or lie? If you've ever lied you're not a Christian.


I guess you just don't have the brains to understand the difference between the sinful act of an individual and an act justified and even encouraged by religious teaching. The former is not an act in the name of the religion, the latter is. For example, a Muslim getting drunk and having sex with random chicks (or lads) is not acting in accordance with Islam. In other words, to imply that that act of getting drunk and having sex with random chicks (or lads) is Islamic would be dishonest.

yes Jesus lied when he said he was the son of God

exactly, christianity is a religion of peace, crusaders were not real christians

Doesn't matter if it's in the name of religion or personal motivations. God is usually a cover for personal motivations. Christians are not free of sin, and they don't stop being Christians when they sin just because it'd be convenient for you.

The funny thing is you believe you're making some kind of relevant point. You're just a moron making noise. Again, not a surprise considering you're a memeflagfag LARPer.

Have you heard of the satanic cults that murder people in Oklahoma?

not an argument

You’re a disappointment to your own people. If you’re not spanish go back to whatever hell hole you came from.

>God is usually a cover for personal motivation
>hurr derr my personal opinion based on guessing is factual derp

Talmudic kikes who are basically satanists are responsible for communism and both world wars. I doubt entire Christian population of the world will ever be able to trump that body count.

Doesn't undermine my argument either way, so whine about it all you want.

This. Satanism is literally the original meme religion. Started by a bunch of hippies who wanted to piss off Christian conservatives. Also have a lot of orgies.

Actually it matters a lot whether an act is in accordance with what the religion teaches or not. Because you're basically arguing for the legitimacy of defining religious teaching based on random acts of individuals, and that is intellectually dishonest and corrupt. I guess you justify your apparent lack of intellectual honesty by "personal motivations"...

Yours was not an argument, sweetie. You made claims throwing in words like doctrine without a shred of proof. But you're a troll so it goes with the territory.

> #
>This. Christianity is literally the original meme religion. Started by a bunch of hippies who wanted to piss off Jewish conservatives. Also eat a lot of bread and fish.


>gets btfo
>spergs instead of accepting defeat
gib more milkies lolcow

You've run out of juice, it's not fun to argue with a troll when you just run in circles. Get creative.

How many true Christians are there, people who have never sinned, always lived in accordance with each and every rule and regulation? Do you count yourself among them?

real satanists don't let you know

because it's easier to defend yourself from a middle schooler than from an adult


Apparently you cannot differentiate opinions from things that are supported by evidence. A person can be religious whilst committing a crime apart from religious influence. You are making a faulty generalization based on your personal opinions.

>A person can be religious whilst committing a crime apart from religious influence.
No shit

Satanism is a meme religion with what? A couple of thousand adherents? Christians are a bigger population, so naturally there will be more who have done bad things. That's simple logic and statistics.

Why are atheists and Satanists so retarded?

No one gives a shit what you accept, the number of atrocities committed by Christians in the name of god is far greater than any other religious group. The numbers bear it out - who gives a shit what the skin color of the "Christians" is. Only you ya racist dummy

Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

“The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

“‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

“‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

Most Christians aren't Christians but identify as such for political gain. Especially those in the upper echelons of society. A lot of them are dark occultists that believe in the exact opposite of what christianity is supposed to be about.

And Satanists are simply there to make Christians look like the bad guys. Because if you compare them to the Christians who profess christianity in the public eye, that aren't real christians, they look like the good guys, and as such people then make blanket judgements that ALL christians are hypocrites and murderers etc.

Real christians are people who don't push their religion in your face and profess publicly that they believe in Christ or God unless they really need to. They tend to keep to themselves.

I'm sure edgy satanist larpers wouldnt last long in a prison either.

This post is gay too so sage.


At its best, Christianity is an individualist religion of reason that adheres to NAP. Yeah, no way a collectivist commie scumbag or a naziboo would have a problem with that.

Secular atheist Communists and Islamists have actually killed the most and the statistics prove this, dumbass.

You're dull.

Can you at least try to pretend not to be underage.

So you have no rational argument against what I wrote. Got it.

Your second paragraph is a complete non-sequitur. That I commit acts that are against Christianity (and I have committed a long list of them) does not mean those acts define what Christianity teaches nor are those acts Christian in any meaningful sense. That's the whole point. They are essentially un-Christian acts by a sinner, a FAILURE by me. On the other hand, Muslim fanatics' killing of apostates is NOT essentially un-Islamic at all. It can even be mandatory for them to kill apostates according to Islamic teaching. The only debate there is about whether these fanatics have a legal authority (as defined under Islamic law) to carry out those acts and whether their definition of apostasy (and related issues) is acceptable. Similarly, there is nothing un-Islamic about oppressing non-Muslims and forcing them to pay a special tax, and if they refuse to pay the tax and do not give up all their property and flee with only their clothes on their back they are to be put to the sword (whether the Muslims enjoy doing it or not). These are inherently Islamic acts, and the only debate is about definitions and the legitimacy of wielding power, and those arguments are not one-sided by any means.


So are you an atheist while sinning or a Christian?

>But...but...but they're not REAL christians!
Why are Christians allowed to disown people that claim their faith, but not other groups?
Well then by that logic, secular humanists (aka atheists) can't be murders either. Humanists don't kill.

>Secular atheist communists
>Provides zero sources

>People lie
Well then i guess you can't trust any statistics then.

And if you are a Christian, might we say that Christians commit sins? Try to refrain from reframing the argument as "Christ murders" or "Christianity murders", we are only discussing the blatant fact that Christians sometimes murder.

What do you mean by satanism? Meme satanism? Gnostic luciferianism? Traditional luciferianism? Devil worship/adoration?

In my eyes all ceremonial magic is satanic. It is all wickedness.

There are many sects and schisms. Some are truly horrific and do practice human sacrifice. SRA is real. Read about the Dutroux affair and the franklin scandal

Christians sin too (and repent of it). We accepted Christ as our saviour and follow his word in order to build a relationship with him and bring more to his salvation. Murder is also deemed as hatred. Anyone that hates another person has commited murder. It doesnt have to be physical murder for it to count.

Wrong. Christianity's foundation isn't based on violence. It's directly opposed to violence.

Secularism however is fundamentally state control of its own legislation, state legislation only holding any weight in the real world because it attaches the threat of violence to it. If you don't adhere to your state's mandate, you go to prison, if you refuse to go to prison, you die.

So yeah, totally different. There is no such thing as a secularist or a statist that isn't an accessory to the violation of human rights at large.

More left wing shills that hate Christians yet are too pussy to hate Muslim's .the religion that will actually kill you for slandering their prophet.

Nah, both are retarded children. Better?

Everyone sins dumbass is that some kind of argument? Where in the Bible does it say murder the nonbelievers? You refuse to admit that Christians are the most peaceful and the ones that are actually forced to accept others unlike Muslim's. Try being Christian in the middle east dip shit .

>forgets to mention Muslims
I’m sure it was just a brain fart and not because he’s a fucking pussy

No. In fact I wish Christians were like Muslim's because then we would have an entire country of dumbed down morally bankrupt whores ruining the nuclear family. Muslim's see the feminist shit show for what it is.

Every major war was set up by satanic groups.

>Why are Christians allowed to disown people that claim their faith
They're not, only muslims are.

Son of Sam had his satan talking through his dog , this in the stats? Berkowitz btw

Satanists purge all their sadistic urges through bondage absinthe heavy metal drug orgies and they don't care about the future so they're not aggressive irl

That's never been my argument, just that Christians sometimes murder. Do you disagree?

Satanism isn't a real religion, and it isn't Satan worship.



>christian countries
fuck off

>no Baptists

There ya go.

Church of Satan officially sides with white genocide. Christians, can we finally have your support against this unwanted mass immigration??

Who cares if they are larping, only people that hate Christians would even larp about it since that's kind of the whole point. It might as well be called the "anti Christian movement." Odd to see Christians agreeing with them so much.

Most people convert to Christianity inside jail.
