Is the average IQ on Sup Forums even lower than other parts of the internet

I notice many users just post stupid Jew pictures to anyone that doesn't agree with them and say stupid stuff like "goy".

There is a lot of racial insecurity on here by virgins who clearly are insecure about their hopes of getting women.

Also there was a user on here claiming that there was a Finnish empire over 55,000 years ago in Europe.

It appears that many of the users on here don't even have the most basic scientific education to understand that homo sapiens wasn't even in Europe at all 55,000 years ago and that neanderthal still existed and no modern civilisation or even farming existed yet.

Their beliefs of users on here truly put them on the same retarded level as Afrocentrists.

Is this literally the most stupid area on the entire internet? I can't think of another place with more stupid people that this site.

IF Op would just stop posting, the average IQ here would be a lot better.

Typical response by the autistic base on here.

Do you want me to clap at you and give you a gold star for posting that image thinking you are funny?


The fuckers at shareblue are even dumber


>meme flag
>hur dur you guys are dumb for calling me a kike

Other users on here I saw were posting literal JAV idols and Kpop women and claiming they are their partners.

Like seriously how fucking stupid can the users on this place get? I honestly am trying to think of a part of the internet with more retarded people. But I can't think of it.

I mean the people on the flat earth forum are retarded, possibly equally to the people on here. Since the flat earthers believe that the earth is flat and Nasa and Jews are tricking everyone and that the sky is a roof etc.

This is retarded, but quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised if some users on here even believe this considering the other things that are believed on here as well.

>eu flag
>reddit spacing
>retarded tl;dr shit

why do jews like sucking bleeding baby dick so much?

I don't even know what shareblue is. From what I have read from those pictures it still doesn't meet the retardation that I have seen on here though.


See look how dumb these fuckers are

sluuuuuuurp sluuuuurp

I don't care about reddit spacing, get over it you moron.
Also why are you bringing up an entirely different subject about Jews?

Do you understand what relevancy means?

>thinking this board has intelligent people
You fell for the biggest meme on Sup Forums

>4 posts by this ID

Really oys my vey



>imagine taking trolls this seriously

You come on here yet you never heard of shareblue. Lol go eat a tide pod.

You're unironically right, I stopped browsing this board as my main board 2 years ago, now I just come here for happenings.

The "discussions" you find on this board are just two mongrelized low IQ factions flinging shit at each other for an entire thread and then, after the thread 404's taking NOTHING from it.
People aren't learning, they're not evolving, they're just shitposting and repeating their worthless opinions like "HURR GERMANY IN WW2 WANTED TO SAVE EUROPE!!! HITLER LOVED SLAVS!!!" and other crap.

I never thought this board had intelligent people. I even suspected that the average person on here is pretty retarded. But I didn't expect many users to be quite as retarded as they are on here.

I have been on many forums and places and this one just about takes the cake in the most retarded users of anywhere.

It's gotten more paranoid over time, but i'd rather a community of autistic retards then a censored community of wannabe intellectuals.

>guys I totally agree with the memeflagger saying people are stupid because they have kpop waifus

holy shit, g*rman posters are fucking awful.

Pretty much.

>le we're just trolling

Typical excuse from a retard who gets BTFO in an argument.

>w-well I wasn't actually serious!!!

Do you like to play sega?

No it’s mostly white and introverted and those are higher iq than avg


>guys kpop shitposting is real serious business, that is why I think everyone here is stupid

are you 50 years old or just a braindead kike?

>meme flag

Hi my IQ is 43 I have a sapecial needs monkey my husband's wife gave me for me it is helping me type right now

Lol cool lie. You come every day to escape the realities of 2018 Germany.

Then if you think people on here are retarded then go somewhere else.

The claim of trolling is an excuse sometimes by idiots to escape responsibility when they get embarrassed.

But also it's a reverse effect of the Dunning Kruger effect as well. where people with a certain level of intelligence cannot believe that a person could be that stupid and believe that it must be just trolling.

This is a logical cop out to make though, wanting to argue that every retard you come across is just trolling. The sad reality is that there really are a lot of retards out there for real. Many that live on the internet also can have minor forms of mental disabilities etc.

Yes, we're stupid. And the longer you stay the dumber you get so you should leave immediately.

>meme flag - sage

hol up let me look on jewgle for data to counter your faggotry
ah, yes here you go

"OP is confirmed faggot"

I'm sure there are places with a lower average IQ, but probably few places with as much concentrated mental illness. Sup Forums is basically a massive psych ward unleashed on this already frail and neurotic ecosystem.
I recommend a culling.

dude... just stop, you're making an idiot of yourself

What fucking email client is this you sperg? Did some autistic fuck literally just write this in LibreOffice? Why?

You actually are trying to claim that users on Sup Forums are higher than average in IQ.................sorry but no. If you truly believe this then this judgement means that you must have a severely low IQ if you think internet losers on forums are geniuses.

have a sage you absolute shareblue faggot

It's an imageboard for sakes fuck, what do you really expect us to do?

We are serious when we have to, not our fault you are paranoid.

> Shut it down: the new paradigm in connecting with voters

Sup Forums is 95% above average IQ under achievier white men

I don't think I will become stupid just by coming on here sometimes. But I could be doing more productive things of course.

Oh silly OP, we are just trolling! In real life we are all really high intelligence, have chiseled bodies and bang hot wives. Right?

I have noticed that also, some users on this pol section appear to literally be mentally ill and incapable of understanding how to even converse. It's like they have social disorders as well.

Nice flag retard.

You sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded

While some are dumb autists and or young people here. There is more diversity here due to being user. The range of IQ varies as much as age. For every idiot you see, there is pretty damn smart lurkers that dont post much, but read. You have to just draw them out with relevent discussion. Saying hurr duur rchanners are idiots wont do you any luck, as smart people avoid bait threads.

There has never been a single thread on this site that was educated in any way. I am sorry, it's full of literally low IQ retarded people.

Yes I am making that claim.. most users here are INTP/J which are the top 6% personality types in iq

Your IQ is even lower than Sup Forums if you actually take trolling seriously

fuck off with the guilt by association as well you memeflaggot!



OP is a Jew
JIDF pls go

That is hilarious since that's what most users try to assert on here. It's sad.

Well it would've saved my country you fucking faggot,my country got raped,a third of it got colonized by russians and we had to endure communism for almost 50 years.
Eat shit if the nazis would've exterminated the jews and the russians it would've been the greates thing....

> if you think you're smart, when I say you're dumb, it proves you're dumb, because I'm smart.

I hope you are really angry right now. The thought of that makes me smile.

You sound like you're in denial because he said the truth

"Woman" detected.

The shills are especially butthurt today - what are they trying to deflect with their toddler methods?

Oh you are repeating that personality type stuff. I had an autistic friends who went off about that also..........I am sorry but you idiots on here don't have high IQ's. Believing you do and actually having one are two different things.

>educated posts
Cause I don’t understand ham culture then it must be stupid

You don’t understand how this works buddy.

Stalin was a Georgian priest.
Stop blaming others for being so fucking weak.

I can give you a gold star

is he making a Kevin Sorbo meme?

Yes because the entire forum any 100% of everything that anyone ever says is just an innocent troll.

All of the insecurity and virgin activity is all and act, totally nothing to do with losers that live on the internet................stop trying to talk your way out of your pathetic reality.

I have a degree in philosophy and am an INTP both of which have positive correlations to much higher than avg iq

oh god, no. that pic. ew, fuck, i can't even... no wonder they grow fucked up

You do realize this is a image board that used to be for the discussion of nip cartoons right!?I mean this board was always shit but after the election of Trump it got worse.Its now full of 16 year old single digit iq americans....kek.
Also you taking this place seriously and not understanding the hunour tells me you are sub 90iq at best....kek.

theres a mix, and the zesty spice of the medium-iq, high energy/creativity people with the educated and high-iq is the kind of diversity we like.

Probably nobody paying attention to their 7th increasingly nervous breaking news cycle about Russia hacking the election

Yes they are in denial, that's all they do. One user on here couldn't even correctly convert imperial to metric, oh but I guess that was just a troll also. Being retarded now gets off with just calling their whole life a troll. lol

Jej leafposting is better than this.

Mate if you really think we're that stupid then why do u ignore the fact that every day there's a thread where a bunch of dick waving faggots post their Mensa IQ

Scores are traditionally very high

Also something to note, if you gauge stranger's intelligence, or repeat it in the way that you're repeating it, probably means you're the retarded one


I thought this was Sam "da man" Deathwalker at his multi box setup from the thumbnail and I got really nostalgic.


It's womanposting, my man. Easily identified angry women are the new paradigm it absolutely abhorrent posting.

This doesn't work anyway, it's just a bunch of losers on the internet on a forum posting their delusions on here and misunderstandings and ranting at each other with mentally ill garbage. Sorry

There is nothing mentally normal that many of you spend your life on here. You are not normal, some users on here are just as bad as stormfront people.

But let me guess.............stormfront is also just a huge troll also. Pathetic, you are mentally ill for trying to claim that anything you don't like and is incorrect has to be a troll. Must be nice living in your world, I guess if a person doesn't like the woman you like then they are just trolling also.

Claiming you have a degree on Sup Forums puts you on virtually the same level as the guys posting Kpop women and claiming they are their partners.

Or kids on internet forums claiming to have 10 inch penises.

All you are doing by claiming you have a degree while you live on Sup Forums is showing that you are a mentally weak internet fake loser. sorry

You're here forever, fellow loser. Embrace the hurtbox.

Sup Forums is low hanging fruit, you've got a bunch of low IQ subhumans here thinking their political opinion matters. But you can't claim that everyone on Sup Forums is stupid, go to /lit/ for example which is probably the smartest board. Of course it can't runaway from chan culture but that isn't negative per se. There are some fairly intelligent discussions I had on Sup Forums but I agree most of it is shit.

Most anons actually have lives, and some are very successful. Youd never know unless you went to a meetup.

>Not normal

Higher than avg iq people are not “normal”

You don’t understand pol, go away


it's an anonymous image board you dumb cunt

you get people here from all walks of life

if you're so above Sup Forums then why are you posting here you pathetic little whiny faggot?

Let me show you how to shitpost.
*Inhales deeply*
Matherfucker i fuck your
family,your BITCH mather
suckdick in petrolium,your
father suck and lick dick again
for your grow up bestard.Say
hello to your BITCH mather
because i'm with blacks fuck her
too and she almost died like a
Street dog.
I want fuck your grandmather
and grandfather too(of course
with blacks) but they are already
dead but i can fuck their tombs
Be assure this time we will fuck
again your mather but this time
she will die like a BITCH in the
After all your homo fag father will
suck many dicks to bury
your BITCH mother.

>CRT screens
>ergonomic keyboard
>white hardware
Late 90s / early 00s right here. Notice how far we have moved on since then (not much).

.5/10 b8

Yes, because losers that live on the internet that have the grammar of a 9 year old are totally high IQ people with degrees............because they said so on the internet......derp. You are a retard, sorry.


>There is a lot of racial insecurity on here by virgins who clearly are insecure about their hopes of getting women.
So you're too dumb to understand your emotional attachment to racial rhetoric.

This user is right

You clearly haven't been here long enough, ever been to /lit/ or /sci/?

>tfw you just realized computer hardware got BLACKED

I'd just like to start this by saying you're a shill faggot and also... WE KNOW.

Having said that, I'd estimate the average IQ of your typical /pol user to be somewhere between 115 - 120. I base this on the fact that an overwhelming majority of people use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Actual arguments tend be cogent and users are quick to point out logical fallacies. Also, when Anons aren't calling each other soybois, race traitors, or Jews, they tend to use an above average amount of larger multi-syllable "GRE" words. The concepts described can be very abstract. Also, you have to factor in the high number of bi-lingual anons from non English speaking countries.

/Pol is not full of retards. Most niggers couldn't even follow along with most of what we discuss. We are very intelligent collective discussing a suppressed and divergent view of the world peddled by the mainstream media mind controllers. That's why we scare (((you))).

>tfw too smart to join society: the post

Truly we are just unenlightened "normies" who don't understand the deep, complex characteristics of this board.