All day yesterday and today I have been watching videos about this South African Nostradamus type guy Siener Von...

All day yesterday and today I have been watching videos about this South African Nostradamus type guy Siener Von Rosenburg. He made a prediction that one day, in a time of crisis for South Africans, a man from across the seas with hair like a puffy swirly wig would look upon them. This would be the sign that brings a wave of events that will destroy the western world. It says this leader will try to help South Africa but will be forced to leave in terror.

As soon as it came out that Lauren Southern was making a documentary on South African farm murders I though to myself this is something Trump could at some point make a thing of. He hasn't yet but obviously it's something he would do.

The prophecy basically says Europe will be flooded with Africans and Asians and will be conquered by Russia. Says the US will dissolve and become a far less relevant state. Eventually US and Russia destroy each other completely.

I know this is hardcore /x/ tier but "a man with hair like a puffy swirly wig" is just too uncanny and he's just the man and conditions are just right for this to happen.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry, got the guys bane wrong. It's Siener Van Rensburg.

Here's two South African guys talking about it.

I got sucked into the rabbit hole yesterday as well. I am going to try and find some of the links from yesterday that looked at but what did you find?

There's a shit ton of stuff about him and things he's predicted. Videos don't do justice how much he's worth reading about but here's a little taste.

A lot of material on him is in Afrikaans but I know there's a few good English translations that are a but obscure but interesting as fuck.

He predicted the rise in racial tensions as the West starts to be overrun by non whites (in the early 1900s when that would have been extremely unlikely to consider)


Yea it was these guys, a few more interviews are on that channel but most of its not in English and I don't speak Afrikaans.

He also said the race war in South Africa would start because of a drought, and that's currently happening in Cape Town as it's the first major metro on the planet that will officially run out of water.

dont give the perfectly respectful dutch mutt a jewish name

I don't want to go out like he says we do..

I'm sorry I already corrected it.

bump. we need more translations and discussion on this.

Many of these visions are also for the whites in Europe/America who are facing a mass wave of 3rd world immigration which threaten their customs, as well as our boere/afrikaaner white nation in South Africa. The current situation both literally and figuratively is now bleaker than ever for South Africans.

Siener van Rensburg was born on August 30, 1862 in Potchefstroom to a farming family. He was a deeply religious person who was taught by his mother to read the Bible. He couldn’t write, but his visions were recorded by others like the reverend Dr. Rossouw and van Rensburg’s own daughter Anna Badenhorst. His visions not only concerned the welfare of his people, the Boerevolk, during his time but he was also able to accurately predict several future world events with stunning accuracy.

One spine-chilling event that Siener van Rensburg is believed to have predicted is a deliberate future campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing in South Africa. The history of South Africa is an unpleasant one, and despite the democratic transition that the country went through in 1994, not everything seems to be fine in the Rainbow Nation.

“Operation Uhuru”, also known by names such as “Operation Vula”, “Night of the Long Knives”, “Operation White Clean-up,” “Operation Iron Eagle”, “Red October Campaign” and “Operation Our Rainy Day”, whether it is imaginary or for real, refers to a diabolical plan to completely exterminate the White citizens of South Africa by a systematic and planned campaign of ethnic cleansing upon the death of a Black leader.

Prophecies from 1899 until his death in 1926:

* The outcome of the Boer War.
* The Great ‘Flu epidemic of 1918.
* England’s loss of all her colonies.
* Independence for Ireland.
* The atomic disaster at Chernobyl on April 26 1986.
* Lady Di’s death The divorce and tragic death of “a beautiful English Lady in a car accident who would be mourned by the whole world.”
* Civil war in Bosnia.
* Dr HF Verwoerd, former Prime Minister, will die at the hand of a close friend.
* The release of Nelson Mandela by ex-President FW de Klerk.
* The Necklace Murders by blacks against blacks
* South Africa will be governed by a black government.

Not fulfilled yet (scan the topics and read what you wish)

* Japan will be destroyed by earthquakes.

* Ethnical violence in Russia and Europe

Actually, this does seem to be in formation. Muslims in Europe already are changing the population profile. They represent a different religion and a race (Arab) within Europe. Whatever they protest about, will affect the countries they are in. I expect them to turn Europe against Israel, which has been the object of their wrath for thousands of years.

* Racial violence will explode worldwide at the turn of the century and start World War III, in which Germany and America will fight side by side.

The old prophet described the events on the battlefields of the world in such detail as though he himself had been an eye-witness.

In 1918 Rensburg prophesied:

“I see there will be a time when the whole world will be ploughed under. This will be the beginning of the Third – and last – World War and everything will be in confusion.

Then I saw a snake lying on the ploughed land. I could not see its head or tail.

Because of this decision his visions and prophecies have been preserved and have now become known throughout South Africa, and the following words are becoming part of the Afrikaner nation’s daily discussions

Do you know the video of the black guy in the government saying something needs to be done about the killings and got booed? I saw it posted here once but have no idea how to find it again.

I haven't gone this /x/ tier in like a decade. This guy has me curious.

If it wasn't already obvious to anons here Afrikaners are a deeply religious Calvanist people. In most schools up to High School we have Bible readings in the morning and pray in the morning and afternoon when school ends. This is a video from the awareness campaign in October we organised against farm murders.

>prophesizes Europe will be invaded by shitskins after it's already been invaded by shitskins
Bretty spoopy, eh lads?

that prophecy is over 100 years old, tell me how many shitskins there were in europe before 1900

Bump for interest.


While hunting for things I saw a story about the battle of bloodriver I think it was. God intervened with unseasonable and unusual weather (mist and shielding a laager from attack) just as he did in the american revolution.

Yes, the date of Bloedrivier used to be a national holiday called Day of the Vow since we made a promise to God exchange for His intervention.

I just stumbled on this what I'm assuming is some random South African rambling about God and the nature of destiny and he sounds like a crazy dude out of an RPG. Pretty entertaining listen.

People like this are able to "predict" the future because they have knowledge from the organizations that are actually working to bring about these particular futures. So it is not so much a prediction of the future but a disclosure of plants to come

I found that yesterday, maybe I will get more from it the second time around lol.

Yea, because a nearly illiterate farmer in the back end of Africa that only read the bible would be let in on the plans of world domination.

Lads, Britain is going to stab us in the back soon.

And they are going to be nuked by russia so yea.

So will we apparently.

Maybe its time to make plans to move to africa?

Fate has an ironic sense of humor I guess.


thanks for the bump

Bumping this, too bad OP doesn't have a title.


bump, wheres astra

Hier staan ons voor die Heilige God van Hemel en aarde om ʼn gelofte aan Hom te doen, dat, as Hy ons sal beskerm en ons vyand in ons hand sal gee, ons die dag en datum elke jaar as ʼn dankdag soos ʼn Sabbat sal deurbring; en dat ons ʼn huis tot Sy eer sal oprig waar dit Hom behaag, en dat ons ook aan ons kinders sal sê dat hulle met ons daarin moet deel tot nagedagtenis ook vir die opkomende geslagte. Want die eer van Sy naam sal verheerlik word deur die roem en die eer van oorwinning aan Hom te gee.

Literally who?

I like South Africans. I want them to genocide niggers and have their own home. If I had any control of Britain I'd give all whites there dual citizenship and a home here.

>tfw no qt3.14 racist white SA gf who hugs me late at night and tells me how many nigger communists she sniped on her 1000 acre farm

>Hier staan ons voor die Heilige God van Hemel en aarde om ʼn gelofte aan Hom te doen, dat, as Hy ons sal beskerm en ons vyand in ons hand sal gee, ons die dag en datum elke jaar as ʼn dankdag soos ʼn Sabbat sal deurbring; en dat ons ʼn huis tot Sy eer sal oprig waar dit Hom behaag, en dat ons ook aan ons kinders sal sê dat hulle met ons daarin moet deel tot nagedagtenis ook vir die opkomende geslagte. Want die eer van Sy naam sal verheerlik word deur die roem en die eer van oorwinning aan Hom te gee.

>Here we stand before the Holy God of Heaven and Earth to make a vow to Him, that if He will protect us and give us our enemy in our hand, we will spend the day and the date every year as a thanksgiving day like a Sabbath ; and that we will build a house to His honor, and that we will also tell our children that they should share with them in memory of the rising generations. For the glory of His name will be glorified by giving the glory and honor of victory to Him.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

some faggot who larps as a trap

There was an incident like this in the war of 1812. The British had taken the capital and burned the white house. Out of nowhere a fucking tornado decimated them.

Yeah like said here

what is this shit doing here, while the margin call thread is archived
mods, ffs, show some restraint


astra is not trap

Finally, the new CBTS

LOL I had not heard of that one.

how is this not Sup Forums?

>kekistani flag
> being a faggot
checks out

I feel like helping boers but how here in the US? You cant just sail boats up and say lets go! Also alot of them want to stay,

We need to get a reporter to bring this up to Elon Musk during a live interview asking him how he feels about about the violence in his former home country, toward his cousins, and what he plans to do about it. If that doesnt spark anything then the best bet is to appeal to pro white groups to stir and send support. Itd be a positive act for a groups who focus too much on getting other races out, why not just help other whites.

>southafrica flag
like clockwork

Where are the Australians and New Zealanders in all of this?

because it's fucking retarded

show me your real flag you mutt faggot

how is this not Sup Forums?

> hurr durr Sup Forums retards and autists
you know what to do

>Germany and America will fight side by side

Written before the cuckening.

start a business, or start hiring exclusively S.A whites on US visas, or apply for their green cards. Most Americans can actually help extremely simply, but the problem is they prefer to import cheap immigrant mutts from Mexico than help their fellow whites. This is true for most states except in the Midwest, where plenty of SA farmers have settled either through marriage or amazing visa sponsors.

you will forever be a mutt yourself

>Europe will be conquered by Russia
>US will dissolve and become a far less relevant state
>US and Russia destroy each other completely.
Where's anything of value being lost?

If I correctly guess your real flag, will you die?

no, but you can try once

It depends on what happens inside the US. US might be trying to resist the cuckold advances but it's a losing battle. Could be after Trump the fanatical anti Russian cucks take over and western Euro powers take on Russia and lose.

Most Americans don't even realize South African whites exist, honestly.

I'm tempted to say burger because of how angry you are at the world, but you are more likely a leaf because you are an absolute faggot

I just don't see how liberal cucked Satanic countries can fight against evil.

Sure, average whites might eventually want to. But politicians are (((owned))) and won't allow uprising.

Thanks for advice, I try to study up more about getting into my own country, what about you guys? Are there many Germans seeking refuge from the refugees?

Guys this thread has been posted for months and months with the same old photos of the same girl from about ages 18-29. Never a timestamp. It's pretty obvious it's just a larper using his sister or exs images

that larper isnt in this thread

Oh sorry i meant to post in the tranny Kruger thread. I'll be moseying along.

>Germany and America will fight side by side.

>I know this is hardcore /x/ tier but

You got that right. Into the trash it goes.

What would happen if we convinced blacks that the water crisis is white peoples fault via magic and hording. Literallu convince niggers that if they kill all the whites the water will come back.

Imagine Hillary and Merkel together. Or any two leftist globalist leaders.

Germany under Merkel wont join any war. Not under any circustances.Attack us and there will be no defens.

The links, Ahnon!

that's what 90% of them think already, so, nothing different?

Against Russia advancing in Europe? Probably would.


>listening to drug addicts who believe they hear ghosts telling them the future

Fuck off, not politics.

Sorry this theory is stupid, since Trump got annointed by god and will make America the greatest its ever been

This is scary. Is it preordained or can we change the outcome?

the outcome is good, die Siener says we finally get a volkstaat

Will you be accepting Europeans?

Does Pence know?
Hidden message in Presidential request:

He says that we become a safe haven volkstaat up to the equator for Europeans aswell after WW3

>unga bunga bix nood prophet
I don't care

His timelines are a bit screwy, but supposedly we will become a refuge for Europeans fleeing whatever disaster awaits Europe.

friends welcome

SA anons, where did you learn all this? Adrian Snyman's book?

Mostly through YouTube videos and crackpot blogs. I should probably read a book or two on the subject.

Buy Adrian Snyman book (go to "Vaandel uitgewers"). He spent his life reading Siener's diary (or letters) and spoke to Boy Mussman (Siener's best friend).

I’ve read the blog on Vaandel a few times. Adriaan’s writings are generally good. The comment section is full of nut jobs.

Lauren is a kike mud shark whore
And she went to Africa for BBC

Lauren has that tight white ppussy

God Damn! Just shave that shit off!

He went all in with a terrible hand.

Repudiate the treaty of Vereeniging as a start. It's not like what's left of the British Empire can resume the war.